Our ship took off towards the Sacred Realm and I sat in the back and looked at the Aquarius Symbol. I could still feel her pain. Yui looked at me worried then held my hand. I looked at Yui then she smiled gently at me. I smiled back a bit.
"It's gonna be okay. We will avenge them." Yui nodded. She sat beside me and wrapped her arms around me. "They won't get away with that."
"How much longer till we reach the Sacred Realm?" Sephora asked.
"About a couple more hours." Darkness said. "We might run into some angels along the way."
"The light..." Himiya held her arms. "We can't speak to the Heavens...how will we survive such a place?"
"We can't." Katsuguchi said.
"Negative, I can quickly create a ring that allows even a demon to survive in such holy light of the Sacred Realm." Amatae said and her orb began shining and she created an Umbra Ring. "The Umbra Ring. A ring made to cloak you in a dark aura that can not be pierced by light."
Amatae gave a ring to Himiya, Murano, and Katsuguchi. They took the ring and slipped it onto their finger.
"You're not taking one Miyachi?" Himiya asked.
"I don't need one. My father is part angel. He was actually banished from the Sacred Realm. So naturally I am part Angel. I don't need an Umbra Ring to survive in the Sacred Realm." She explained.
"Where's Hinari?" I asked.
"Hinari..? Hm...I didn't see her in the Abyss..." Murano said.
"She's in the Sacred Realm hunting for the Zodiacs also...keeping the Church away. She's gotten more powerful to the point her physical body and spirit no longer have to be one to fight. So she's in two places at once." Katsuguchi looked at me. "We shall be seeing her soon. Now that Kyria is temporarily out the picture, we should have an easi-"
Something hit the ship and caused it to crash downwards. Everyone yelled and held onto something.
"Brace for a hard landing everyone!" Darkness yelled.
The ship crashed down in an open field and the engine turned off. A woman landed beside the ship and looked at it.
"Fuck.." Katsuguchi groaned and sat up. "What the hell was that..?"
"Seems like we..." Darkness coughed. "Someone purposely hit us down. We are way off target. We are in between the Spirit Realm and Sacred Realm. I don't know what world we have landed on but all I know is our ship is done for."
My eye sparked and I pulled Yui out the way and avoided an arrow of light. I looked at Yui and noticed she was knocked out cold. I held Yui's body in my arms and looked out the window and saw the woman charging up another arrow with her bow and her eyes glowed.
"I know how much you hate my demon Yui. Believe me...I hate it too...but I can't keep holding this back...she hurt you. Now I must...hurt her." I said and dark aura surged from my left eye.
I laid Yui down and took off my cloak and placed it around Yui then walked towards the door. Sephora looked at me and saw me open the door.
"You finally show yourself, Yufumi...Hurting Kyria was the worst mistake you've ever made." The woman said.
"You've hurt many people I cared about. Especially Yui...You hurt her badly. You've hurt my friends...my mother...even the Ancient Hero. So why am I the one in the wrong for getting revenge.." I said and jumped off the ship and looked at the woman.
"You are all the same...You don't understand you demons hurt our home first. Because of the Zodiacs and the demons Nymphira has to get rid of them all! To create peace once more!" The woman said and her bow vanished then she summoned her sword, The Sword of Arvia and her shield, The Shield of Arvia.
"Nah fuck that! You angels are no better than we are!" I yelled. "You must've forgotten that you also fought to gain a Zodiac's Power. Now you hide your tail inside of your asses to avoid being smited by Nymphira. I will kill Nymphira and destroy the Realm that began all this pain.."
"Yufumi...That's...the Archbishop of the Church...the daughter of Arvia." Emilia coughed. "She's the daughter of the Emperor of Arcania as well...You can't beat her. That's Hikari...The Greatest Demon Hunter to ever live."
"I don't care. She hurt Yui....and everyone else on that ship! Now she's gonna pay!" I bellowed and my dark aura surged wildly.
"What the- The intensity of this darkness...what is this..?" Hikari guarded her face from the debris.
Yui winced and scrunched her eyes. Cosima appeared and looked at Yui. She looked at me and felt my dark aura.
"I know how much you hate it when she's like this...but this one time should be acceptable..." Cosima said and placed her hand on Yui's head.
"It's...not fair..." Yui turned her head and slightly opened her eyes. "Why must she suffer..? Why can't I take her place..?"
"Yui..." Cosima rubbed her forehead with her thumb. "I don't know..."
"Why can't she just be happy..? Why can't we just go to the fair or the beach like we used to..? I just want us to be happy..." Yui said and her eyes began watering.
"I know she feels the same. She loves you, Yui...That's why she's going to such lengths for you. She wants to experience happiness with you.." Cosima said. "When this is all over, I know you two will be together for eternity.."
Yui closed her eyes and Aria stood up slowly and held her head. Ginchiyo coughed and looked outside and saw me battling Hikari.
"I'll destroy you!" I bellowed and dodged her attack then jumped spinning in the air and slashed down with my sword.
'This power...Where is it coming from..?' Hikari thought to herself as she blocked my attack. 'No matter I'll destroy her for her sins against the Church!'
Hikari's aura pushed me back and I landed on my feet and looked at her. She summoned angels to fight with her. She pointed her sword at me and glared.
"Kill her." Hikari said.
The angels let out a battle cry and charged at me. I looked at them and my Yaoke shined brightly.
"I have to help her.." Yui said and grunted as she struggled to stand.
"No you are in no condition to fight Yui..!" Cosima said.
"I will kill you all. I will kill all who stand in my way!" I bellowed and ripped off my eyepatch and tossed it aside and both my eyes emitted dark aura. I charged towards the angels.
"She's gonna awaken that cursed Demon Code again..." Yui sat up slowly.
"Yui's right...killing Angels is the fastest way to awaken a Demon Code." Katsuguchi said. "But can I blame her..? I'd be the same way if someone hurt Miyachi.."
"Eh?" Miyachi blushed and looked at Katsuguchi.
"Well not to this extent...this love is a different type of love. She's practically throwing away her life for Yui." Katsuguchi said. "The same thing Steven did. History always repeats itself.."
I took down the angels one by one and Hikari got in a stance then light aura surged from her sword. I bellowed and a faint glow of my Demon Code appeared on my chest. Hikari dashed towards me and bellowed.
'We can't escape fate huh..?' I thought. 'I am fated to walk down this path. What if Chaos was trying to save me? Save me from this path...Save everyone from having to go down this road? It doesn't matter now because it too late to turn back now.'
"Heavens Gates: Final Light!" Hikari yelled and slashed.
I heard the sound of a clash and noticed Yui blocking the attack with her cane. She looked at Hikari then grit her teeth.
"I will not let you throw you life away! I will not let you follow Steven's Path! I will help you cut your own path even if your final goal is to still destory the Realm of Origin, you will do it YOUR way! Wake up Yu-chan! I know the real you is still in there! This demon isn't you!" Yui yelled. "I won't let you die...I love you Yu-chan...I can't let you leave me. You're the only person I wish to live the rest of my life with, I can't do that if you die! So please let your demon go! There are other ways to fight...your demon will get you killed! Please.."
I looked at Yui and Hikari kicked Yui away then I caught her.
"Those who stand against Nymphira and the Church shall die!" Hikari bellowed and dashed towards us and went for a stab at Yui's heart then she was blocked by a barrier. She looked shocked. My aura grabbed her sword and I looked at Yui as she looked at me.
"Yui...I love you too.." I brushed her hair from her face. My aura turned back to normal then my hair turned into deep crimson flames and my aura sparkled. "I just want to protect you..."
"You can do it without your demon." Yui smiled. "You've done it before...now do it again...for me."
Yui fell weak and grunted. She used the energy she had to block that attack. Cosima took her from my arms and I touched the middle of my chest.
"Can you hear me Leona?" I asked.
"It takes Yui to awaken the true you. Interesting. She knows how to put a leash on you. Maybe I should do the same." Leona yawned and appeared next to me.
"No need. I only need one leash around my neck." I said and smirked.
"It was worth a try." Leona smiled.
"Are you ready partner?" I asked.
"Always." Leona said and entered my body.
"Now her power has completed changed...What is this..?" Hikari asked then noticed I was gone and got punched in her stomach and groaned. I appeared and my eyes were lion like then she was blown away.
"She changed into her Anima Zodiac Mode just like that." Sephora said.
I roared and dashed towards Hikari and she slid on one knee and looked up at me. I slashed with my claws from the gauntlets and she blocked it with her sword. We clashed then she slashed horizontally and I dodged then kicked the sword out her her hand. An angel came behind me and I bellowed then my aura surged powerfully and pushed the angel back. Hikari warped to her sword and raised her sword in the sky then I saw white circles on the ground.
"I am the Archbishop of the Church of Weshina! I am Hikari! Daughter of the Emperor of Arcania and the Legendary Warrior Arvia! I shall not be defeated by the likes of you!" Hikari yelled. "Final Arts: Hallow Purification!"
"Yufumi!" Murano yelled.
Rays of light crashed to the ground and I dodged then. I dashed towards her and dodged the rays of light. I opened my hand and roared loudly until it echoed. A white ball of flames appeared in my hand.
"Ultra..." I started and dodged the pillars of light.
Sephora was surprised and has a flashback when the Ancient Hero did the same thing in a battle against Chaos.
"I shall not lose to you ever, demon!" Hikari bellowed and the rays of light crashed down faster.
"Leo..!" I yelled and dodged the rays of light more and slid under a ray of light then rolled forward.
"Ultimate Arts: Final Heavenly Gates!" Hikari yelled and the white circles became bigger and crashed down quickly.
"Flame!" I yelled and my hair began shining multiple colors as I dodged the rays of light more.
"The Omni Flames..." Yui smiled weakly.
"Burst!" I yelled and grabbed Hikari's neck and threw her into the air. "FRENZY!"
I roared loudly and blasted her with a larger multicolored fireball. Her eyes widened and she was hit with the fireball and a blinding light shined as an explosion happened. Everyone covered their eyes. The explosion ended and her sword and shield crashed to the ground then she crashed to the ground. I picked up her sword and raised it into the air.
"I shall cut a new path with this blade!" I yelled and pointed it at the Angels. "Your leader has now fallen! You have two options, follow me to your freedom and lead us straight to the Sacred Realm or perish like your fallen leader and burn eternally in the Crimson Flames!"
The angels looked at me and I recognized one of them, but it wasn't my memory. It was Steven's memory that caused me to recognize her.
"Kokoe?" I looked at one of the angels.
"I don't know how you got the Zodiac's power...but I shall never bow down to you devil!" Kokoe said and stood up slowly.
"Spare me the sacrifice." Leona appeared. "Kokoe, you of all people should be smarter than this."
"Leona.." Kokoe looked at her.
"There's a reason why we must do this. Why Yufumi must do this. We must cut the chains of this infinite loop! End this story once and for all! This was Steven's wish after all. If you recall...he told you this wish." Leona said.
"He said...He wants to build a world of peace. A world without...Nymphira." Kokoe said. "That's what got him killed."
"I will cut us all a new path. Like I said, stand with me or fall. The choice is yours." I said and looked at Kokoe.
Kokoe took a step forward then a hand grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back. Another angel looked at me and frowned.
"Those who turn their backs against the Goddess can not be our allies, but we can not refuse peace. If you truly believe Nymphira is the root of all evil in our Realms...then you will prove it to me. In a one on one fight to the death." The man said.
"Brother.." Kokoe looked at him.
"We shall fight on the roof of the Temple of Light. I will transport all of us to the Sacred Realm. I know you have other tasks to complete there. The Zodiacs...I don't condone the destruction of them, but I can't have some ignorant fool becoming our new Goddess." He said.
"I'm not becoming your Goddess. I am destroying the Realm of Origin. There will be no more pain. The Realms will govern themselves without restraint! The Realms will decide how they will live their lives! A multiverse without restraint! The Zodiacs will finally be able to live freely without hiding. I will fix all this damage Nymphira has caused. Whether you walk with me or stand against me. It is your choice. I am giving you one chance to reconsider your proposal. I wish to gain the help from all the Realms to create eternal peace within the Four Realms...Unite us all." I held my hand out.
"The Church of Weshina and the Realm of Origin are our enemies...not us. The Abyss was never your enemy. These wars...they were all started by a third party." Yui said. "Please...work with us not against us.."
"Brother please...this is what Steven would have wanted." Kokoe said.
"It got him killed! Who's to say it won't happen to them either..? If they go down this path, they will die!" Kokoe's brother said.
"I control my own road. I will lead us all into a path with no regret! I give you my word." I said.
"Mmm..." He looked at me and closed his eyes. "Fine...I will lend you my strength."
"You will not regret it." I smiled.
"I better not.." He said.
Meanwhile in the Human Realm in Weshina. Kyria laid in a pool of water and Mildred looked at her and frowned. He looked at the Statue of Nymphira.
"My Goddess, I am sorry for all these sinners have done. We must simply not allow them to complete their plan. Please lend me your strength. Kyria is our one hope in stopping them. Please make her unstoppable.." Mildred said.
The water began to shine and Kyria's body began shining. His prayer was answered by Nymphira herself and Kyria opened her eyes slowly. Her Yaoke began changing forms. She smirked and her father looked at her and smiled with glee as well.