
I pleaded, I begged, but never again

"Letting me live, was your greatest mistake Uncle. I'm going to enjoy torturing you slowly and watching you suffer. Maybe, then you'll feel 10 times the pain they felt maybe 100 who knows" I whispered in his ear with a sweet smile.

Rainbow_Artist · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

They were pawns

Hazel, Hazel, Hazel. " Huh, who's there ?" Hazel please help me " Amber? where are you ." Hazel please help me, " Amber please tell me where you are and I'll help you. " Hazel it's so dark here, my body hurts. " Amber where are you I can't see you." " HAZEL, PLEASE HELP ME THEY ARE TAKING ME . HAZEL PLEASE . . . Ahhh leave me, let me go . . . HAZEL

"Amber!!! huh it was a dream . but why did it feel so real." I wipe the sweat of my face still breathing heavily from the dream no nightmare.

Looking around I remembered I was still in the shabby looking cabin I stood up, dusting the dirt off my dress, a piece off paper fell from my gown " What is this.'' I say picking up the paper. part off the paper was torn but what was written on the paper shocked me to my bones so it was him, Lord Leighton and the other Lords that betrayed father were pawns, just pawn I was broken at the realization " He will pay. " I say with venom laced with every word I felt so much anger bit by bit purple mists filled the cabin and all I could think about was blood, anger, revenge, torture and death. " Sweet satisfying death." I say chuckling loudly already blinded by purple mist " Oh lord, call the Seniors she's going to destroy this entire land." "Right on it."

"Miss please calm down." I looked up to see a man who was covered in blood, his face twisted in agony and he coughed blood as he talked. I enjoyed every second of his suffering, every drop of blood " Nick get out of there the seniors are here." an unknown voice said as the man in front of me sprinted away. I saw white light almost diffusing the purple mist but the purple mist only got thicker until I saw black and felt each and every part of my body being pierced

" Ahhh ." I screamed feeling ice water being poured on my body I blinked my eyes rapidly until I was able to see properly but, I was in an unknown room with huge men who looked like they had just seen the devil himself " Leave seniors." a gorgeous boy with hazel hair who didn't look far from 17 said looking at me like he was studying me but still giving a warm smile " Hey little girl you tell me about yourself." " Oh I don't know, I was a girl who was on her own when those gauche, I suppose are your men kidnapped me." "Haha, where are my manners I am Amon Liam." "You hold no status?. " I ask suspicious " You'll know soon enough." " so now that I've introduced myself if I may who are you?. " " I am Heather." "You hold no status?. " I stayed quite unsure of what to say "Okay... well why where you in that cabin?" I froze at his question but got over it before he could notice " I . . . I don't know I don't remember. " I say trying to fake confusion hoping he buys it " Okay so what do you remember?. " he says coming closer almost closing the space between us "Uhmm I only remember sleeping in the cabin." "WHAT!!! you slept in the cabin?." he asked clearly shocked " Yes." " Like in the night?. " " Yes." I answered again wondering why he was shocked