
I pleaded, I begged, but never again

"Letting me live, was your greatest mistake Uncle. I'm going to enjoy torturing you slowly and watching you suffer. Maybe, then you'll feel 10 times the pain they felt maybe 100 who knows" I whispered in his ear with a sweet smile.

Rainbow_Artist · Fantasy
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4 Chs

My New Goal

I woke up to the noises of galloping horses and men shouting "Yah faster." I was in a carriage, not dead and the carriage was moving, but to where?. Mother, Father they were really killed and Amber my little baby sister I couldn't protect her, why? she was so young I sobbed silently then it turned into anger "Lord Leighton, you'll suffer for what you have done , I'll be the creator of your despair and misery." I made it my silent mantra. I spotted a ray of light and went towards it, it was the way out. So, I pushed with all my might thankfully it opened, but, because of the speed the carriage was at I fell out and kept on stumbling until I hit my head on a tree "Ouch that's so painful." I cried in pain with my eyes closed. Opening my eyes I realized I was in a forest "How in the the gods did I get here." frustrated I kicked a rock and instantly regretted it "Aaaah."

I went West, following the setting sun hoping to find people to help me or to find shelter to stay for the night. With bruises all over my body especially my thighs, I walked and walked but there was no hope. The forest now pitch black and the moon being the only source of light "I'm not giving up." I say as the cold wind pierced through skin making me shiver, with determination in my eyes I ran not sure where I was going but just kept running. As the death of my family flashed my mind "Amber, Mother, Father I will avenge you" I wipe the angry tears of my face with force and kept on running, it seemed as if the forest was moving and changing directions but I didn't care and kept on running. I came to a halt when I saw people, lots of people, commoners possibly. About to ask some one for help, I thought "What if lord Leighton has put a bounty on my head ?, what if when I ask someone for help they take to him? no I definitely can't let that happen."

I turned to the forest and walked back in letting the darkness swallow me. After looking for shelter for some time, I found an abandon cabin. It looked old, worn out and like it was about to fall apart but, in my state it's good enough shelter for now. I walked in not being able to see anything I curled my self to sleep on the floor not sure how tomorrow will be but certain of my new goal. To avenge my family's death.