
I Met My Hollywood Celebrity Crush!

Jade is a runway model. One night she gets drunk and ends up having a night stand with Dylan a Hollywood actor/celebrity. The next morning Jade realizes she had slept with her celebrity crush, she instantly believes that Dylan took advantage of her because she was drunk. She gets angry at him and refuses to forgive him. A few weeks later she bumps into Joe (another Hollywood actor/celebrity) in an elevator on their way to an award ceremony. She speaks rudely to Joe thinking that he’s pompous, rude and full of pride because he’s a celebrity. She never dreamed that when she gets to meet her celebrity crush she’d turn out to hate them. The two guys eventually form a liking for her and tries to win her heart and Jade falls in love with both of them. Who of them will she end up with? Or will she end up not dating anyone of them?

EstherImosemeAruna · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Let’s Go Get ‘em

Jade and her personal make up artist were in the final stage of their make up, Farouk had done a great job on Jade's pretty face, she was looking like goddess. Her long brown hair was all curled up and it was full and thick, it fell down on Jade's shoulders like rich drapes. Her face was evenly covered with a very suitable make up, the pink blushes sat shyly on her light brown cheeks. The contours made her jaws, her forehead and nose stand out.

She had been sitting in a robe all these while to protect the chic dress underneath the robe from stain and to avoid rumple.

"Come on ladies, we're up next, go out there and make me proud!" The manager Denzil came into the dressing room to announce.

"Don't worry Denzil, we're all set! Aren't we ladies?!" Jade's mild voice sounded across the room.

"Yeah!" "Yeah!" The other models chorused excitedly.

"Let's go get 'em right?!" She spoke up again; still in her robe.

"Let's go get 'em!" Francine exclaimed with enthusiasm. She was Jade's best friend for over five years now.

They became inseparable from the first day they met at the modeling agency, they had been so nervous on the day of the fashion interview— not nervously scared rather terrified that they would not be picked amongst the top five, to their surprise and utmost pleasure, they made it into the agency. And after all these years they were living their dreams.

"Let's go make some money!" Another model added.

"Whooo!" Others hooted.

Finally they began taking off their robes, each girl stood in a particular gown— each with its own design and colour, each model had elegant sparkly high heels on their feet. It gave them a taller look and it gave them stamina, they had all been trained over the years to be one with the heels— they saw the heels as a source of confidence. When they walk in it, they can do anything and they can face any crowd, they were never scared of tripping over; although those were their thoughts during the first few weeks of training.

They soon discovered that the modeling world was a whole different place. It was a place that gave them a medal for beauty, a place that taught them to be a confident lady, a place to meet different kinds of people— it was an exposure, a world of flashing lights, cameras and the paparazzi.

It was a tiring place to work as well cause it always kept them busy, but Jade and Francine would never mind that, they actually loved their job. Every night on the runway during fashion weeks was a whole new experience. Their confidence, beauty, joy and love for the job always made them stand out amongst others. They were the agency's best so far.

The girls hurriedly lined up back stage, they queued up in two lines— fifteen girls on one side behind the stage and another fifteen girls lined up behind the other side of the stage. They followed the instructions that had been laid down by the Director of the show. He was a chubby white man; almost looked like a lady, he had a friendly personality. He was the director for every show. He practiced with the models every other day— showing them the different steps for every show, each dress had a style of walk and each type of heel also had a way to walk in it.

Dora's Collection was coming to an end and it was time for the next line to showcase.