
I Met My Hollywood Celebrity Crush!

Jade is a runway model. One night she gets drunk and ends up having a night stand with Dylan a Hollywood actor/celebrity. The next morning Jade realizes she had slept with her celebrity crush, she instantly believes that Dylan took advantage of her because she was drunk. She gets angry at him and refuses to forgive him. A few weeks later she bumps into Joe (another Hollywood actor/celebrity) in an elevator on their way to an award ceremony. She speaks rudely to Joe thinking that he’s pompous, rude and full of pride because he’s a celebrity. She never dreamed that when she gets to meet her celebrity crush she’d turn out to hate them. The two guys eventually form a liking for her and tries to win her heart and Jade falls in love with both of them. Who of them will she end up with? Or will she end up not dating anyone of them?

EstherImosemeAruna · Urban
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Dora’s Collection

The New York fashion week for March was coming to an end and just like the past days, the stage was set, lights were shining brightly and twinkling like stars only on the runway, the well arranged seats were all filled with lots and lots of guests; the guests were made up of the judges, the press, celebrities, fashion editors, investors, influencers and photographers. Each had come here today with different agendas, opinions, choices, thoughts and reason.

Some, were here to admire the clothes and cheer on, some were here to look at the girls, and some were here to make sure they'd be the first to buy the new clothes before others did. Others were just here for entertainment and there are some that came to criticize each clothing and model as well, while there are some who were there strictly for business. But one thing was sure— the designers of tonight's event paid celebrities to come for the fashion week.

The runway sparkled with glitter, a spotlight was pointed at the entrance of the runway and it shone brightly but not too bright. The light above the audience were dimmed to allow a better view of the clothing that would be presented.

Cocktails had been served on every table for every guest. Exquisite cocktail, high class drink— strong but delightful to the tongue. The guests carefully sipped from their wine glasses with every etiquette and manner they pretended to have.

The show was set and ready to begin, the MC came up on stage to welcome the guests with a lot of nice words and a smile. He was a tall white man standing in a black suit with the microphone held firmly in his hand. He introduced Dj Wild who was standing with his equipment on the third floor of the storey building, the spotlight was moved to his corner to advertise him to the guests and everyone in the hall clapped and cheered. But they couldn't care so much about the Dj, after all they were here to see the models and the clothes.

Dj wild played some pop music tracks with loud bass— the music was a great fit for the show and it made the scene come alive!

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Starry Nights!" The MC announced. "Please welcome our first line tonight from...." he hesitated.

"Dora's collection!"

Pretty girls with bikini sets rushed out on the runway, they began to cat walk stylishly with so much confidence in every step.

The models walking briskly and firm knowing that they only have ten minutes per line. Each wore nice but loud make up on their faces, the girls were thin but beautifully carved, the only thing that set them apart from each other were their skin colours and their faces, they all had the same heights.

Each model came out with a different colours of sexy designed bra and panties, some wore the set plainly while others had huge fluffy feathers added to the set. They marched along the runway one after the other in really high heels. They had lustrous, shiny hair and brilliant skin shades. They were presented as ladies who had gone through so much beauty sessions. Every model had a subtle grin on their cheeks and the looked directly into the crowd with high chins, high shoulders, steady legs and well flipped waists. The guests continued to clap and cheer on. Some nodded their head, some smiled, others shook their heads with distaste in what they saw.

Dora's collection was made up of sexy bras and panties and for women, it was an interesting collection and the models added more beauty to it— they looked hot in them. The music played on and more girls poured out.