

YEAR 3127

My name is Hiro Nethan

I am the descendant of the founder of the

country 'NEORA' ,Hiro Nethan. I was named after him because my parents said that I looked almost exactly like him.

Black hairs with a white skin tone. My physics is also almost like him.

In Neora every newborn child have to get tested by a System. It is said that ancestor founder first built a

prototype of it when he was alive. Then 700 years ago it was built by the latter generation of geniuses.

The purpose of the given system was to find the potential of the child and then give appropriate training and education to fully develop it. People were skeptical at first about it but when the results it brought were more then satisfactory, no one raised any objections about it after that.

When I was tested, it was said that I had the highest potential ever since the founding of Nation,

obviously everyone was delighted to have such a Prodigy born. It is also rumoured that I will be the next President of our country.

Because our country's Ruler is selected based on one's potential and social merits, it was pretty much decided that I was going to be the next President unless another Prodigy arrives which is very unlikely.

The current ruler is my Grandmother.

All the previous rulers were also decided by the same customs. This custom was also implemented by the ancestor founder, to ensure that the power is not given to someone who will abuse it's power and bring the fall of the country, another reason was so that there can be no room for any politics which may sow the seeds of discords where we may end up like in 2127 where the world was destroyed because of it.

And to make sure there there won't be any crimes or any abuse of power the whole country is under surveillance which was build my family ancestors

300 years after the founding of the country.

It was also one of the projects build by the founder ancestor and his friend Mason Roy who at that era was one of the most important figure.

After the nuclear war in 2127 the people back then who had taken refuge in the bunker were only able to left the bunker after 200 years because of how deadly the radiation was in the outside world.

And in that small amount of time the founder ancestor and his other colleagues made earth shattering improvement in all of daily used technologies to the technologies used in industries and medications.

That was truly the era of 'Evolution' for humanity.

They are idol of many youngsters in our country and hero for many children. Even the elderly people can't help but wonder how much burden they had to take on themselves to have

the current 'NEORA'. One could say that to achieve the peace of today's, the biggest role was played by the the founders of 'NEORA' and it's geniuses.





Today I turned 18. That's why there is going to be a celebration where my maternal grandmother and paternal grandfather is going to be present. My grandfather is the minister of national defence.

So it is a great deal to have the two most busy person to have come to a celebration.

"Congratulations on finally becoming an adult my dear boy!!"

Grandmother Ellie exclaimed while she was kissing Hiro on the cheeks.

"Grandma, I am not a child anymore!!"

Hiro sulked while he was wiping his cheeks.

"That's right elder sister. You can't just do something so embarrassing!! His girlfriend would be jealous of you!!"

"Grandfather you are embarrassing me too!!"

"Hahaha it's okay. If we don't tease you this much then who will. After all we have to use all our remaining time. Hahahaha!!"

Ellie immediately glared at her brother Lloyd after hearing it.

Hiro was startled to hear his grandfather talk about something like this!

"What do you mean remaining time??"

As if to come to his senses Lloyd tried to change the subject.

"Oh it's nothing. Anyway your grandmother and I have something to show you after your party.

We will pick you up after the party ends. Make sure to enjoy!!"

After Saying their goodbyes they left. Hiro also didn't try to think much of it and he entered the hall again.





After the party Lloyd came to pick up Hiro up in his car which was modelled after an Old Rolls Royce.

But the features of it were nothing like it as it was in the past. It could jump from zero to 250 miles in 6 seconds. It could also fly so it can't be compared to the past at all.

After Hiro sat on the passenger seat Lloyd started the car.

"Grandfather where are we going?"

"We are going to a secret place where we can meet the ancestor founder."

Hiro was astounded to hear that and asked Lloyd for more but he just said to wait untill they reached their destination.

It took about half an hour which compared to the car's speed was a lot of distance.

When they stopped the car, Hiro could see his grandmother waiting there.

"Grandma what is going on and what is this place?"

"Don't ask too much but remember that grandmother always loves you so nothing bad will happen to you!"

Although surprised by her words Hiro didn't ask anything more as he understood that there is something major going to happen.

After going underground with a elevator for several minutes, the elevator finally stopped.

After that they wore the Hazmat suit which was

a lot more thicker than the normal ones.

Hiro also knew about all these as he studied multiple subjects and have more knowledge than his age!

After going through several securities they finally arrived at a chamber where there was nothing but a table and a chair which was equipped with many

apparatus of several kinds which Hiro didn't knew about.

"Grandma, grandfather, you've kept me in the dark for a while now. Will you like to explain to me what is going to happen?? or why I am brought here??!!"

""Looks like you are still in the dark!""

Just then a voice came which with the weight as if it knew everything.

Hiro was startled to hear this voice and at that moment the door of the chamber was closed.

Hiro was getting anxious as every moment passed.

"Don't be so anxious now. I am your ancestor!

You were named after me so,

You should show me some respect at least."

Hiro was frighten right now. Right at that moment Lloyd pushed Hiro forward.

"Don't be so impudent now. Just bow to him!!"

"Bow to whom????"

Hiro was flabbergasted by how how nervous his grandfather seemed right now.

"This whole nation is our ancestor!! He is integrated to everything!! So, just how to anything!!"

Hearing that Hiro was more frightened!

He didn't think there to be such a think! Now he was getting so nervous he bowed ninety degree,

he tried to bow so quickly that his back almost broke!

"It's okay. You don't have to bow anymore.

I know everything about you. I also know about everyone in this world. Do you want to know how I can do that?"

Nethan instinctively nodded his head.

"Good good. It's good to be curious.

Before I died I had invented one last thing. That was to make one immortal. Well not physically but mentally. You could say that I could save ones conscience. so in order to prove it, I experimented on myself and I became successful in the experiment but I couldn't use my physical body anymore. So when you learned about all the inventions of 700 years ago, that was actually all mine. My mind is literally like the most advanced computer that can't even be created in the future. So I could easily rum equations which would take your present day super computers several months in minutes.

Do you have any questions now regarding me?"

Hiro was completely dumbfounded right now. He didn't think that the ancestor founder would invent something like this even in a thousand years.

He also obviously had thousands of questions but what was the most important question was the first question when he came here.

"Why are you telling me all this and why am I here?"

"A sensible question indeed.

The reason for me telling you all this and why are you here is the same. I need a favour!"

Hiro was startled to find the cause of him being here.

'Why would a being who could literally have access to anything he wants, needs a favour from me?'

"I don't think I have anything that can be given to you as a favour!"

"You have. But it will need you to be in a coma for several years and the destiny of humanity relies upon your choice."

Now Hiro was completely speechless. Who would think that there will come a day when someone would ask him of something like this. And that person would also be the most revered Ancestor founder.

"Can I know the reason behind it? I would at least like to know the reason behind me being in coma for several years."

"A very feasible request. You can seat on that chair and I will input the information in you mind.

Don't worry it won't hurt!"


Although a bit surprised how easy it could be done he still complied.

After Hiro sat on the chair, Lloyd brought a helmet and put it on Hiro's head and Ellie put on a wristband on Hiro.

After some moment the Helmet started making sound.

Hiro started shaking for a moment but after few seconds he calmed down.

As Hiro was receiving the informations, Ellie and Lloyd was so nervous that they were visibly shaking.

"Don't worry you two. After my work is done, I will make sure to take good care of him. He is also my descendant. Don't forget that."

As if taken out of their stupor both of them kneeled.

"We dare not ancestor. We know you will never harm the humankind, let alone your own family.

Please forgive us for showing you such unsightly behaviour!"

"It's okay. Don't take it to heart. But remember I may as well kill the entire universe but I would never harm my family. Never forget that!"

Hearing Nethan's reassuring words, both of them heaved a sigh of relief.

As their conversation ended, the helmet was taken off by itself and one could see Hiro crying.

Ellie and Lloyd was about to ask what happened when Hiro kneeled down and started crying more hoarsely.

"Please save us Ancestor. I don't have the ability to save them but you must have! Please save us!!!"

Ellie and Lloyd were frozen in their spots.

They did not expect there to be such a reaction right after he came out!

"Do you know what favour I need right now?"

Nethan asked with a calm voice.

Hiro was still sobbing continuously but he still nodded and again sat on the chair and put the helmet on his head.

"Don't you want to say something to Ellie and Lloyd?"

Hiro finally came back to his senses and looked at Ellie and Lloyd.

"Grandma, grandfather please take care of my parents and please take good care of my little sister! Grandfather I was always angry with you for making me train so hard to master so many weapons but now that I think about it those were the happiest moments of life with you. And grandma please take care of your health. Don't work too hard and don't be so strict about studies with my sister like you were with me Hahahaha.

I will miss all of you but I won't be gone for long.

I will be back in a few years just like ancestor said.

Untill then please take care of everyone."

Ellie and Lloyd were dumbstruck to what they had just heard. They wanted to ask about what happened to him but before that could happen they were separated from him by a force field.

"He is going to let me take over his body for a few years. After I am done with the task I will return the body to him. Don't worry he will not be harmed."

"Ancestor what do you mean take over his body?!"

"It means what I said. I am going to remove his conscience and implant my conscience in his body. And don't ask me about it anymore. I am not going to hurt him. His conscience will be with me. So after my task is done, it will all go back to normal.

So for the time being make some excuses for Hiro's disappearance."

Ellie and Lloyd were speechless right now but before they could say anything Nethan spoke again.

"Also the current system which is used around the nation will be down for one month, so take necessary steps to defend against anything if something arises. Also I don't have much time so I will say one last thing.

Don't ever dare to do anything insensible or else when I come back I will kill them first.

Do you understand?!"

Ellie and Lloyd were frightened by Nethan's voice so they only nodded meekly.

"Okay I will be gone for now. But I will see you in the future and take care of family. Don't let anything happen to our family.

Farewell take care of yourselves."

Saying that Nethan transferred them outside the chamber.

Ellie and Lloyd didn't speak anything they just stood there. After some moment had passed,

they left while crying, consoling themselves that nothing will happen to Hiro.





Back in the chamber the transfer process was done after 2 days. At that moment everything had almost returned to normal outside.

Nethan slowly opened his eyes. When he could sense his touch and see the neon lights in the room he laughed out loud.

"Finally, the plan's first step is done.

Now to the second stage."

"""""" Calibrate EPIOS """"""