
A new problem?

""Calibration Successful""

""Integrating system in the host""

""Integration successful""

""Spatial Space unlocked""

""Calculating Soul Power""

""Soul Power Remaining : 70%""

""Basic Functions Unlocked""

""System Initiation Completed""

'The calibration took longer than I expected.

2 days have already passed since I took over Hiro's body. His parent's seemed to have calmed down as well. Ellie made a good excuse saying that Hiro was interested in his ancestor's works so he might not return for a few years. Although some may find that excuse bogus and Hiro's parents had the same thought. So seeing that it was not convincing enough I called them in person. After which they calmed down and started asking me questions but i just said that I would call them latter and cut the call.'

Looks like I have to build an artificial intelligence to call them regularly to keep their anxiety at bay.

So I started working and didn't took me more than a minute to build it with my current ability!

'Now that I have finished my responsibilities here,

I should get to work.'

""Initiate multiversal Travel""

'Ding... Please select the kind of multiverse you want to travel to!'

'One with spiritual energy'

'ding... What kind of powerful being should it have?'

'No one above the power of a Galactic Overlord.'

'Ding... How many should there be?'


'Ding... what kind of planet do you want to go to?'

'One with the dark aura.'

Nethan said after thinking for a while.

'Ding... Information taken.

It will take 5% of soul power to continue the search.'

Nethan was astounded to see how much soul power it needed but he thought it was about right because it was a search at the magnitude of multiverse.

'Comfirm search.'

'Ding...it will take One week to complete the search.'


After finishing this Nethan got out of this room and went into the kitchen.

Because this was the bunker previously built, there was tons of facilities here.

Nethan went to the kitchen after walking for a while.

'It had been around 900 years since I had some food or tasted anything. Seems like my first food after centuries will be Potato chips.' Nethan thought as he took out some of the preserved packets of chips from the shelves.

After eating some other foods he took a shower and exercised for a bit. After that he took some moment to go through what he needed to do in the future and proceeded to rest after that.

Just like that one week had passed.

'Ding... Desired multiverse found.

Will be needing 30% of soul Power to travel.'

Nethan was sleeping when he suddenly woke up after hearing the notification of the system.

'Why is the Soul Power consumption so much?'

'Ding... The multiverses around the host's multiverse has been previously destroyed by

The battle between Empress of Light and The

Dominator of Darkness. Which is why the host can't travel to nearby multiverses, thus the host will be needing to expand more soul power.'

Nethan understood after listening to the explanation of the system.

' Initiate the process and use 30% of the soul power.'

'Ding... initiating process. Please be prepared to have slight nausea upon multiversal travel.'

Nethan stood up and thought up all the possible situations he could face in the multiverse he was travelling to.

Soon his surroundings became dark and after an unknown amount of time later he finally saw the darkness beginning to fade.

When Nethan could properly see his surroundings,

he saw that he was in the middle of a jungle and

the trees and plants were abnormally big.

'Seems like the plants and trees have mutated because of spiritual energy.'

Just as Nethan was thinking the system rang out.

'Ding... spiritual energy detected.

Spiritual energy quality middle-lower level.'

'Ding...Using spiritual energy to recover soul power.'

'Ding...Host can take in spiritual energy to strengthen his body.'

After the notifications ended Nethan could feel that

he was taking in something other else except air with his every breath and it was actually making his body full of energy. Also the pores on his body seemed to have taking in the spiritual energies as well which is allowing more spiritual energies to enter his body.

Just as he was observing the changes in his body he heard some noise of rustling leaves in the distance of about 30 meters. He was amazed to see his hearing improved as well but he didn't think more of it.

As the noise was coming closer to him he took action to defend himself.

""Initiate TALOS""

Right after that a blue metallic armour could be seen starting to cover his body.

The armour was blue and quite thin if compared to the medieval armours.

Yes, you haven't guessed wrong.

This suit of armour was inspired by none other than Iron Man.


'I had this idea after watching the old movies when I was bored after finishing my research. In the beginning I wasn't much interested but when this suit made this appearance, I was intrigued because this idea was revolutionary. To have a battalion of suits like this would have many win the battle. After that I took the effort to research it and found out that many had tried to build one before me but couldn't because of the enormous amount of power it would take to operate one.

So I decided to try to create one.

The prototype I created was quite good but not as good as in the sequels of the said movie so I tried to improve it more also with the idea of where I would be going in the future.

So after 20 years of continuous experiments and research and creating completely two new elements I had finally succeeded.

Taking Chromium as the primary element and trying to fuse steel and tungsten with it, Nethan had created a metal harder than tungsten.

He named it 'SKLOROS'.

SKLOROS was used for the making of the armour and as for power source he had to create something which could rival 10 nuclear power plant.

Because of how much energy it would consume to use the armour with all of it's abilities, if he didn't think of something sustainable and easy to recreate all his previous efforts would be for nothing.

The first thing came to his mind was obviously Nuclear power. But as it may be efficient to use nuclear power, the nuclear power source such as Uranium and Plutonium were finite in quantity.

So the second option was obviously Solar power.

Although it was sustainable it was not efficient. Because the power it created was lower in quantity.

So after many arguments with himself regarding which one to use, he concluded to have both.

He would try to create a battery.

It would have a new and better nuclear source than uranium and plutonium and it would be rechargeable with solar power.

And this was the most arduous time of his life as a conscience.

It was about 600 years after Nethan's death that he finished creating it.

At that moment of time he could read

ten thousand lines of code in a second.

To say that he hadn't crossed the human limit was not an exaggeration.

After creating this new source which was 3000 times more powerful than uranium and plutonium combined he finally could start the manufacture of the greatest armour of Earth.


After donning this armour he was vulnerable to nothing on Earth but here in this unknown world he was not so sure!

As the rustling began to increase he could finally see 5 young man around the age of 17.

As Nethan was staring at him the 5 boys were also watching him and sizing him up. After some seconds the boy in the middle who seemed to be the leader of the group spoke up.


To which Nethan understood nothing.

How could he?! He was obviously a being not only not from this world but not from this multiverse at all.

Nethan had thought of this situation beforehand so he was about to say something in sign language or at least try to make them something, he felt a stinging pain in his head.

Before he could understand what happened the system voice rang out.

"This universe is rejecting you and the galactic overlord is looking at this world."

Nethan was almost fainting because of the pain right now as the pain was also reaching his whole body now.

"Find a solution and implement it ASAP!"

After 10 seconds the system rang out again.

"A solution has been found. Will you use 10% of the soul power to implement it?*

But before Nethan could confirm it he fainted.

And the 5 boys who saw the sudden change on his facial expression and the fainting of this handsome fellow who seems to be of their age, was dumbfounded.

But because Nethan was not conscious at the moment the system took the action at her hand.

"Following the Emergency Protocol and choosing the best route for the current situation."

As system finished saying that she used up the soul power to create a invisible veil which hid Nethan from the universe and the multiverse's prying eyes including the galactic overlord.

Please forgive me for the huge delay.

I was going through a family crisis.

I would try to publish regularly from now on and if you have any thoughts on the writing please don't forget to say it.

I am open to any criticism as it would help me better my novel!

Not_a_mangocreators' thoughts