



The weather was nice that day, inviting and calm.

"Hey Reni!!" A voice called from behind, it was the new queen of Aurala, my best friend.

she was really beautiful, that must have been one of the things that caught the king's eye, or it could also be her outstanding intelligence.

She had long strawberry blonde hair and beautiful pink eyes, really long eyelashes, her little pink lips shaped into a small heart, she had a light tan skin that showed off beautiful freckles on her nose and cheeks .

"Coming Miuki."

I had really long red hair that was just above my knee as I take great pride in caring for it, really big bright red eyes, light skin with beautiful dimples on my cheeks.

we both came from the village to the capital in search of jobs but ended up getting married; Miuki married the new king of Aurala and I his best friend, one of the youngest and highest noble in the south.

The king; Riku Hinaru had ebony hair with a rather light skin, he had beautiful sapphire eyes, he was truly handsome, while the noble; Leni Nayani had gorgeous blonde hair, a bit tan with beautiful golden eyes.

It wasn't too long since when we found out we were both pregnant and we decided that if we had opposite sex, they will both get married although the fathers never agreed as they said "Let them choose for themselves"

I went to visit Miuki in the castle that day as my husband had already gone there to tend to business matters with the king.

Myself and miuki decided to go to the garden to have tea so as to breath in the sweet flowers all around but mostly because of the trees there, as the air would be cleaner and good for our health which in turn was good for the baby, as we were both really excited about it. Although I already had a set of twins a year before but twining with my bestie really made me excited.

Not so long that we got to the garden, we had started playing, As I had to tease Miuki to make her play other wise she would have been uptight till the very end.

A maid came to inform her of something.

"what was that about. "

"Nothing really, just some important people

that came to 'pay their respect to the prince'. " she replied as she made hand quotations in the air causing me to stiffen a laugh.

"As if they know it's a boy. "

we both laughed and decided to cut our ' 'tea in the garden' short.

On getting to the throne room, miuki went to sit beside the king while I stood by my husband.

Nothing we could have done would have prepared us for what we were about to witness.

"My sincere greetings your Excellency."

Two very old people said in unison and


"please raise your heads 'legendary wise ones'."

That was when I realized who I was looking at , I couldn't believe my eyes at first, but....it really was them 'the great legendary twins'.

They were said to have been born blind but saw things that the naked eye couldn't and even helped the greatest king of all Aurala;

"king Hinaru Asura", he was the king that delivered all of Aurala from the bondage of Igloem, A kingdom of canninbals, but they were two times the size of a normal man.

People had lived their whole generation without seeing even their cloak yet they came themselves to pay respect to an unborn child, at this moment I felt a bit jealous of miuki but happy that I was around to witness it, unaware of what was about to hit us.

"Thank you your Excellency." They replied and then continued in unison.

"we came here to deliver a message from the heavens."

/message? weren't they just going to pay their respect? what's going on?/

"we have been shown the child u carry magic avatar's form."

"magic avatar?" Miuki asked as held her hand over her now protruding tummy as we had both just entered into the forth month. "Yes and it is the reborn of 'The Menaga the first'.

/wait....the 'The Menaga the First? '/

"what are you implying?" The king asked clenching his fists.

"we do not imply anything, we just came to relay a message."

At this moment Miuki had held unto the King's right hand and her other hand was on her protruding tummy with a face of dismay.

"This child is my heir and until I say otherwise that remains." The king replied slightly touching Miuki's tummy.

I swear I could have seen the old pair put on a smirk on their old faces at the King's last sentence .

/Did they know of the outcome before now?..... I mean they are the 'legendary wise twins' who were said to be capable of seeing things that normal people couldn't..... Then why did they bother coming?/

The two very old people said something in unison again and then held their hands and soon after they disappeared.

And since after that day I saw my friend's spirit break. And soon after it became worse when people around her started dying but even then she still clung to hope, with the kings words of encouragement;

"what does an unborn child have to do with the world, it is not your fault if they neglected

their health. "

Until the day when news got to her that during the King's expedition he fell of the mountain he was climbing with his soldiers and that was the day I saw my friend grow hatred towards her own child.

I and Miuki had been best friends since we were five but compared to her love for the king who she had known barely four years, her love for me was a 'puppy's love'.

At that moment Miuki was set on killing the child if news that the king had been found alive came any later the child would have been gone, although she still didn't want the child she reduced her attempt to kill it, or at least that's what we thought.

'The Menaga the first' was the most vicious lord in all of history and no matter where his name was mentioned in the world, it was still feared, he was said to have been born with the rarest kind of magic, before his birth and even after his death to hundred years that kind of magic has never been born well until now that is.

In Aurala people are born with affinities to a certain kind of magic, and depending on the persons talent to grow, two people of the same type of magic may not be in the same league: the first four elemental which are fire, water, earth and wind, these were the most common.

Although the first four had evolutions which were ice, lava, lightening, wood, iron and others which were moderately common and then to the ones that were less common: light and dark.

To the ones that were on the rare side which are the none elemental type which include space, time, abnormal strength, teleknesis and some really rare ones were the summon, command, which the current king has.

Others that were 'once in a blue moon' : copy cat, (which could copy the opponents fighting style and depending on the person talent could also copy the magic) and atom which has only been seen in this world once but never forgotten as it was said to be death itself.