



"Honey, get up, come on!."

"hmm... " I groaned as mom kept on nagging me, I mean it's still so early and it's a Sunday morning, i didn't have anything planned for today and I even checked with hora yesterday to make sure I had enough time to sleep today.... and then mummy had to come along and ruin everything.

"Come on darling, mummy will be angry with you if don't get dressed now." The lady said this time looking more serious.

The child then looked out from the blanket he had wrapped himself in, his eyes then moved to the lady that appeared to be his mother, she was looking at him expectantly as she pouted.

"But mom... hora tell her, I have nothing planned for today. "

"young master, am sure madam knows that, and so if she said you should get dressed then she must have her reason.

" A young man in a formal buttlers outfit replied.

"Not you too, hora you are supposed to have my back here. " The young master really felt like he was about to cry.

"It's not about taking sides now young master, do you really choose to make madam angry this morning? " At that question both young master and buttler cringed as if the madam was capable of turning to a vicious beast when angered.

"Ren-ren Kiryku Nayani." The lady called looking more irritated as she saw the child was still on the bed.

At the sound of this, the child jumped from the bed, still with sleepy eyes almost falling but still managed to make it to bathroom almost crawling in fear, as he knew too well that calling of his full name by his mother only meant trouble as she called him other things like 'darling' or 'honey' and rarely 'Ren-ren' when she was not angry.

It was as if the signal to the madam's anger also disoriented the buttler, as he too started rushing to arrange his young masters things he would need to get ready as if there was a time limit.

30mins later Ren-ren was ready and his butter had prepared his other miscellaneous items.

"come on darling." His mother called looking very excited for finally having Ren-ren ready to go.

"coming mother." Ren-ren answered but was later curious as to why his mother suddenly seemed so interested in going out, as his mother never really bothered herself with the outside world since she became pregnant, and so decided to ask.

"Mother, where are we going? "

"Huh....oh why do you ask? " His mother asked with a grin.

"Nothing really... you just seemed so excited. " Ren-ren replied tilting his head a bit waiting for a satisfying answer.

"Really, I do?.... well we are going to your godmother's place as I am also about to become a godmother ." She said as she widened her grin even more.

/she looks too excited. /

"wait...huh!!!..... we are just going to godmother's place and you made me wake up so early?" Ren-ren asked pouting.

"Of course, if we don't go early we won't have any time with her to ourselves. " she replied nodding to herself in confirmation.

"why is that mother? "

"Now stop complaining and fix your shirt..." she said tucking in his shirt because he had successfully pulled it out of his shorts.

"She has delivered the prince."

"How is that my fault." he retorted as he took his mother's hand off him pouting.

Ren-ren who was just like his father never liked to tuck in their shirts, as they said it makes them look more of a gentleman than they really are and makes others expect too much from them, even though he was only three.

And you may wonder why a three year old child already thought like this, well it was because of 'Lily' and her sisters; they were the daughters of the second most prominent noble in Aurala, they were three girls or as Ren-ren liked to call them; 'A pain in the butt trio.

They always expected him to do everything thing for them especially 'Lily' and not that he could say he wouldn't, as they always came with their mother and so he wouldn't disgrace his family name by acting otherwise, he'd just have to go with it.

He had secretly wished his godmother would deliver a girl since he once overheard his mother's discussion with Lily's mother; she said that her girls had gotten so fond of him and she wouldn't be surprised if he chose one of them to get married to in the future (like that would ever happen... pfft.)

And then the two women started giggling at the thought, then continued on to say that they could even plan an arranged marriage for them.

At that moment, Ren-ren could feel that the whole world had turned against him as he heard their plan, and his thoughts at that moment were;

/If I have to marry Lily or any of her sisters, I would rather die./

You would probably think it was absurd that a three year old child thought that but he was sure that if anyone else was in his shoes they would probably say same if not worse.

But he was a bit consoled when he heard his mother say that if his godmother was to have a girl that they would probably be the ones to get married.

At that moment he felt that little of the weight that was about to suffocate him was lifted, as he knew his godmother well, although her husband was the perfect gentleman she didn't really need him to be, she was strong, beautiful, intelligent and most of all independent.

She never needed her husband to walk to and fro round a huge table just to pull a chair out for her to sit before she sits, (talking about himself and his troubles with the sisters right now.....hmph!. )

She doesn't need anyone to carry all her things to the extent that there was no hand space left and still expects that person to open the door for her before she enters, I mean seriously was he supposed to use his legs.

And just as they say 'The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. '....Right? so on hearing that his godmother delivered a boy his heart dropped only to jump back up to his mouth when he thought of how he then had to marry one of the 'pain in the butt trio.'

" Oh should I tell her that?"

"hmm?... "

His mother's question snapped him back to reality.

"should I tell her that you didn't want to go and kept on complaining."

knowing that his godmother had always scolded him for 'not visiting enough.'....can you imagine.

"No..no..no mother please don't tell her. " Ren-ren begged his mother as he put on the cutest puppy dog eyes face he could to cover the terror that was building up inside him.

At first his godmother may sound like an sweet woman in fact too sweet, but what he had learnt from women like his mother and her best friend was the realisation of the saying;

'personality is I am is but attitude is who you are '

Just like you would see his mom and godmother Kneel down to rub a random pufpum, they could also make a hell hound kneel and beg for mercy.

A pufpum was equivalent to a puppy with a level of 0.5 and a hell hound was of level 7.

His mother seeing his expression in other to please her could not hold in her laugh, she laughed so hard she started to hold her tummy.

His mother's reaction left him feeling so embarrassed that his the colour of his face could compete with an apple, in an attempt to get a come back he said something he regretted ever saying.

"Laughing so hard is hard for the baby." He said pouting, but his come back only made his mother to laugh even harder.

Ren-ren then started to pull on his mother hand in attempt to make her stop laughing, when his mother looked down to her son, she could only see a fresh tomato with teary eyes, she could not get over how cute he looked but also felt pity for him.

"Mummy is sorry she made her honey cry." she said as she picked Ren-ren from the floor of the carriage and put him on her lap.

some minutes later they finally arrived.

"Honey, honey wake up we've arrived." The lady tapped on her son's face slightly, as he had already fallen asleep on her legs.