
I have a talent of all-rounder (N0W)


Novel0Reader_N0W · Ação
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23 Chs

The Shadows of Ambition

The city of Astrolis bustled with life as merchants peddled their wares and enchanters displayed their magical creations. Amidst the vibrant tapestry of the city, Vortian Darkmore moved with purpose, his steps guided by a newfound determination.

With each mission he completed, Vortian's abilities grew more potent. His mastery of combat allowed him to outmaneuver opponents, and his innate aptitude for magic made him a formidable spellcaster. But it was his charisma and intellect that truly set him apart, enabling him to manipulate situations and people to his advantage.

As days turned into weeks, rumors began to circulate about a rising villain, a malevolent force that seemed to anticipate the actions of heroes. Tales spread of Vortian's cunning and his ability to orchestrate chaos with a mere flick of his wrist. The heroes of Elidora, driven by their sense of duty, began to converge on the city to confront this enigmatic adversary.

Vortian stood on a balcony, gazing out at the cityscape below. He had become a master of disguise, adopting various personas to maintain his cover while executing his nefarious plans. His thoughts turned to his latest mission, one that involved sowing discord among the council of mages, a group that held considerable influence over the city's affairs.

The System of Convergence had provided him with the means to achieve his objectives, but Vortian's true power lay in his ability to read people, to understand their motivations and weaknesses. He knew that manipulating the council's internal conflicts would weaken their ability to counteract his actions.

As he delved deeper into his scheme, Vortian encountered Lady Seraphina, a council member known for her wisdom and integrity. Her emerald eyes held a sense of purpose that intrigued him, and he couldn't help but wonder how she would react to the turmoil he was about to unleash.

Vortian's opportunity came during a council meeting, where tensions were already running high. He discreetly whispered rumors into the ears of different council members, planting seeds of doubt and suspicion. He watched with a mixture of anticipation and satisfaction as the once-unified group began to fracture.

Lady Seraphina, however, remained composed, her gaze unwavering as she listened to the accusations being hurled across the room. Vortian's interest was piqued; he had expected her to succumb to the chaos like the rest. With a subtle gesture, he amplified the discord, forcing even more pointed accusations.

But to his surprise, Lady Seraphina rose from her seat, her voice steady and her words cutting through the cacophony. "This bickering serves no purpose," she declared, her tone commanding. "We must remember our duty to the city and its people. Our unity is our strength."

Vortian's eyes narrowed, a mixture of frustration and intrigue swirling within him. Despite his efforts, Lady Seraphina's integrity and leadership had quelled the growing turmoil. It was a testament to her strength of character, and it made her an even more intriguing opponent.

As the council meeting concluded, Vortian retreated to the shadows, his mind racing with newfound determination. Lady Seraphina had shown a resilience that he hadn't anticipated, and he was determined to explore this unforeseen challenge. The clash of wills had only just begun, and Vortian Darkmore, the transmigrant villain, was ready to play his next move in this intricate game of manipulation and ambition.