
I have a talent of all-rounder (N0W)


Novel0Reader_N0W · Action
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23 Chs

The Unveiling of a Villainous Prodigy

In the land of Elidora, a realm where magic and destiny intertwined among the towering spires of the city of Astrolis, a sudden ripple in the fabric of reality heralded the arrival of a new life, one that was far from ordinary.

Vortian Darkmore awoke with a jolt, his senses tingling as he found himself suspended in an ethereal void. Confusion clouded his thoughts, but a voice, distant yet resonant, cut through the haze.

"Welcome, Vortian, to the System of Convergence," the voice intoned, each word echoing in his mind like a melody played on an otherworldly instrument.

As his vision cleared, Vortian found himself standing on an obsidian platform, surrounded by swirling mists of light. Before him hovered a translucent interface, displaying attributes, skills, and a series of missions that blinked in and out of existence.

Vortian's brows furrowed, and he stepped closer to the interface, trying to make sense of the situation. He remembered his life as a college student on Earth, his interests and passions, but the memories felt distant, like fading dreams.

"You are the chosen transmigrant," the voice continued, its tone enigmatic. "You possess a unique role in this world, one that will leave an indelible mark on Elidora."

Vortian's reflection in the interface showed a young man with jet-black hair and piercing violet eyes. His lean physique exuded a quiet strength, and a trace of smirking confidence played at the corner of his lips.

"What do you mean, 'transmigrant'?" Vortian questioned, his voice steady despite his internal turmoil.

"You have transcended the boundaries of your world and entered Elidora," the voice replied. "You carry with you the essence of the all-rounder, a being with unparalleled potential in various fields: combat, magic, intellect, charisma."

Vortian's heart raced as understanding slowly dawned upon him. He was not merely a college student anymore; he was something more, something that could shape the destiny of this realm.

"But why am I a villain?" he inquired, his curiosity masking a hint of excitement. The thought of embracing a darker path intrigued him in a way he couldn't quite explain.

"Elidora is in need of balance," the voice explained. "The forces of good and evil must harmonize to ensure the realm's survival. You are destined to be the antagonist, the catalyst that drives the growth of the heroes who will rise against you."

As the voice spoke, Vortian's eyes sparkled with an unsettling resolve. He realized that he wasn't just a passive participant in this story; he was the embodiment of challenge and conflict, an embodiment that would drive the heroes to greatness.

"I understand," Vortian said, his voice tinged with an eerie calmness. "If this is my role, then I'll play it to perfection."

With those words, Vortian's interface displayed a series of missions, each one contributing to his transformation into the ultimate villain. He accepted them without hesitation, his destiny intertwined with the threads of fate that were being woven.

And so, in the city of Astrolis, a new figure emerged from the shadows. Vortian Darkmore, the transmigrant with the potential to excel in all endeavors, embraced his role as the catalyst of chaos. With every step he took, he left an indelible mark on Elidora, shaping its future in ways that none could predict.

Little did the heroes know that their greatest challenges would arise not from external threats, but from the enigmatic villain who reveled in the art of manipulation and conflict. Vortian's journey had begun, and the realm of Elidora would never be the same again.