

Adrian finds himself unexpectedly catapulted into the world of "One Piece," waking up on Dawn Island with no memory of how he got there. Believing it to be a prank, he soon discovers the reality is far more complex. As he encounters figures like Makino, Dadan, and the formidable Garp, he realizes he's not just in any world, but inside his favorite anime. Under Garp's mentorship, Adrian navigates the dangerous seas as a Marine, equipped with a mysterious power called the Shadow Monarch System that allows him to summon and command shadows of the deceased. As he subtly influences events and raises powerful allies from the shadows, Adrian must balance his knowledge of the series' future with the unpredictable twists his presence introduces. Caught between the worlds of Marines and pirates, and wielding powers that could alter the course of the story, Adrian must decide where his loyalties lie and how to use his unique abilities without disrupting the foundational elements of the world he loves. ------ 3 chapters every week. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the One Piece characters, only the one's that I have made up or the main character. I apologize if the it doesn't match the One Piece lore as it was based on my knowledge.

Drewy2cold · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

The Grandson He Always Wanted

Subtly, Adrian tapped into his Shadow Monarch System, sending a silent command.

[Summon Arlong, Bear King, and Blade Specter. Search and subdue.]

The shadows, invisible to Koby and Helmeppo, swiftly dispersed through the jungle, efficiently rounding up any additional bandits hidden nearby.

With his shadows at work, Adrian focused on the immediate threat. The first bandit lunged at him with a crude knife, but Adrian sidestepped, grabbing the bandit's arm and twisting it behind his back, forcing him to the ground.

Another tried to tackle him from the side, but Adrian anticipated the move, pivoting and delivering a sharp elbow to the attacker's ribs, sending him sprawling.

As the fight escalated, Koby and Helmeppo huddled together, watching in awe. "He's incredible," Koby murmured, his earlier fears momentarily forgotten in light of Adrian's skill.

"Yeah, and he makes it look so easy," Helmeppo added, his voice tinged with a mix of admiration and a newfound determination to improve.

Meanwhile, Adrian continued to handle the bandits, though not without some difficulty. A particularly large opponent managed to land a solid punch to Adrian's shoulder, making him wince. Still, Adrian used the momentum to spin around, delivering a knockout blow to the bandit's jaw.

With the area secured and the remaining bandits subdued by his shadow commanders, Adrian wiped the sweat from his brow and turned back to Koby and Helmeppo. "That's how it's done. Not perfect, but effective. Always use your surroundings and never underestimate your opponent."

Koby nodded, deeply impressed. "I can't believe you managed all that. It's like you have eyes in the back of your head!"

Adrian laughed, deciding not to reveal his shadow abilities just yet. "Let's just say, experience teaches you a few tricks. Now, let's tie these guys up and check on those ruins again. There might be more to find."

As they regrouped and prepared to move out, Koby and Helmeppo felt a renewed sense of purpose, inspired by Adrian's leadership and resilience. They were beginning to understand the true depth of what it meant to be a Marine under Garp's command, and more specifically, under the tutelage of Lieutenant Adrian.

With the bandits neutralized and secured, Adrian took out the den den mushi—a snail-like communication device—recently given to him by Garp. He dialed back to their ship, ensuring that his report was both succinct and clear.

"This is Lieutenant Adrian reporting from Mystoria Island. We've subdued a group of bandits who were lurking in the area. Requesting additional forces to secure and transport them back to the base," Adrian spoke into the den den mushi, watching as its face mimicked his expressions, a feature of the peculiar device that never failed to amuse him.

"Roger that, Lieutenant. Reinforcements will be there shortly," came the reply from the other end, the voice crackly but firm through the device.

Adrian turned to Koby and Helmeppo, who had been watching him handle the communications with keen interest. "Alright, reinforcements are on their way. Let's continue exploring. There might be more to this island than just bandits and ruins."

Garp, who was listening in from the ship, couldn't help but smile broadly at Adrian's handling of the situation. Watching Adrian's growth and decisiveness, Garp felt a surge of pride, akin to what he felt for his grandsons, though he mused, "This one actually listens and wears the Marine coat."

As the trio ventured deeper into Mystoria Island, the dense jungle seemed to close in around them. The air was thick with the scent of moist earth and the sounds of distant wildlife. Mystoria, known among the few who dared speak of it, held legends of ancient civilizations and untold treasures, often guarded by intricate traps and hidden dangers.

"Keep your eyes open, and remember, no touching anything that looks older than you without checking with me first," Adrian instructed, half-jokingly, as they maneuvered through overgrown pathways.

Koby, ever the eager student, nodded vigorously. "Got it, Lieutenant! What exactly are we looking for here?"

"Any artifacts or inscriptions that could shed light on the Void Century or any other significant historical events. Mystoria is rumored to have been a waypoint for ancient peoples," Adrian explained, scanning the area with a practiced eye.

Helmeppo, though less enthusiastic about the historical aspect, was determined not to be outdone by Koby's zeal. "If there are treasures here, do you think they're cursed? I've heard stories about cursed treasures," he said, a slight quiver in his voice betraying his nervousness.

Adrian chuckled, "Most 'curses' can be attributed to clever ancient security systems. But still, caution is necessary. We're not here for treasure hunting; we're here to gather information."

As they continued, they came upon a clearing where the ruins of what appeared to be a stone temple stood. It was covered in vines and moss, but the structure was unmistakably man-made, its walls etched with worn-out glyphs that hinted at a lost language.

"This could be it," Adrian said, stepping closer to examine the carvings. "These symbols might have connections to other historical sites in the Grand Line."

Koby and Helmeppo joined him, peering curiously at the glyphs. "It looks like nothing I've ever seen," Koby commented, his voice filled with wonder.

"Let's document everything. Take pictures, make sketches, and don't disturb the site more than necessary. We'll need experts to decipher all of this back at the base," Adrian instructed, pulling out a camera from his pack.

As they busied themselves with documenting the site, Adrian felt a profound sense of being part of something greater than themselves—a narrative that spanned centuries.

As Adrian, Koby, and Helmeppo prepared to leave the ruins of Mystoria Island, something unusual caught Adrian's attention. His Shadow Monarch System interface flickered unexpectedly, displaying success rates for potential shadow resurrection—surprisingly, all were alarmingly low, around 2%. This anomaly occurred as they passed a small, overgrown graveyard nestled away from the main path, a place that seemed untouched by time and concealed by the island's dense foliage.

Pausing, Adrian scanned the area, his eyes narrowing as he processed the data appearing on his interface.

[Displaying resurrection success rates: multiple entities at 2%.]

The low percentage indicated a high risk with minimal chances of successful control, a gamble Adrian wasn't willing to take lightly, especially with his current limited resources.

Turning to Koby and Helmeppo, who noticed his sudden distraction and stopped to look back at him, Adrian quickly masked his concern with a composed smile. "Boys, why don't you head back with the reinforcements first? I just remembered something I need to check. I'll catch up soon," he said, his tone casual but firm.

Koby nodded, though his expression showed a mix of curiosity and worry. "Are you sure, Lieutenant? We can wait—"

"No need, I'll be right behind you. Just a quick check," Adrian reassured them, gently pushing them towards the direction of the beach where the reinforcements were waiting. As the two reluctantly headed off, Adrian turned back to the graveyard.

Left alone, Adrian approached the graves. Each tombstone was eroded, the names barely legible, whispering tales of lives long past. He contemplated the risk of using his Shadow Monarch System here. With no minor shadows left to sacrifice and only his three commanders remaining—Arlong, Bear King, and Blade Specter—he faced a dilemma. Sacrificing any of his commanders would potentially strengthen the link with the newly raised shadows, but it was a heavy price, one that might not even guarantee success given the dismal rates.

"Should I risk it?" Adrian murmured to himself, weighing his options.

[Advisory: High risk of uncontrollable resurrection due to low success rates. Commanders' strength might not compensate adequately.]

The system's warning was clear, adding to his hesitation.

Running his hand through his hair, Adrian felt the weight of decision upon him. These shadows could hold keys to Mystoria's mysteries or be remnants of its dark past, but the uncertainty of control made the decision perilous. He glanced back towards the direction Koby and Helmeppo had gone, their figures now mere specks in the distance.

"Too risky without knowing what I might unleash," Adrian concluded, his voice barely above a whisper. The responsibility of his power weighed heavily on him, reminding him that every action had its consequences, especially here, on the cusp of the known and the unknown.