
I have a multiverse chat group that makes me famous in my world!

Zane transmigrated to a completely alternative version of Earth. After some years living in that Earth he obtained a chat group system that connects him and multiple people from his world to other worlds. With the chat group system and the power of the Spiral Force inside his body he obtained through the transmigration, he will become famous in his world and across the multiverse. A/N: The first three chapters will be 2,000 - 5,000 words long. After that they will be 1,000-3,000 words long. Also their is no set schedule for each chapter release date.

KaiserZero13 · Anime e quadrinhos
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

A/n: This story takes place in a completely Alternate Earth that is in the year 2037, their might be some parodies to certain things in later chapters, but it is all part of the story, and I don't mind the criticism since this is my first time doing a multiversal chat group, as I got inspired by others chat group fanfics, also I have another account on Wattpad, under the same name as this one.


Year 2037, Esperanza City, Texas

In a small house that looks shabby a young man sigh from his mundane life. "It's been over 17 years already since I transmigrated to this alternate Earth, and no system appeared like that voice said back then."

This boy with black and white hair is called Zane Cross a person that transmigrated from another Earth. He graduated from High School two years ago and has been living in this small house for the past two years living a leisure life, while waiting for a system to appear.

"The voice said it'll appear once I'm 17, and it's been a month since I turned 17 back in August. Should I go with plan B and study the Spiral Force inside me to use as an alternative use of energy for the world. No let's wait till next year, I-"

Before he could say anything else a screen appeared in front of him

[Hello host, I am the Dimensional World Chat Group]

Zane fell off his couch after the sudden appearance of the system.

"Ow, so it finally came, um system what are you exactly you say you are a chat group system correct and what are your functions?"

[Yes host, I am a type of chat group system given to you from my creator, as I have the highest compatibility with you. My functions for now are a chat room, you are allowed to invite random people from other worlds, and people of your choice from this world, you have a store, and there is a mission function, you are also allowed to kick someone out of the chat group and can make rules that the group members must follow.]

"Before the chat group is opened up let me make the rules first."


"Rule 1: Otherworldly members are not allowed to harm or kill each other.

Rule 2: Members are allowed to vote on kicking someone out if they are disrupting the entire group chat, but the final decision rests on the Admin.

Rule 3: All members must earn 100 WP (World Points) every month, if not they will be banned from the group chat for 1 week and aren't allowed to take part in missions for 2 weeks.

Well, I'll keep them at three for now since it still in the early phase. OK, before we begin let me start choosing people from my world and how many people can I invite system."

[You are allowed 14 invites at the moment, 7 of them will be sent randomly to others in the multiverse, and the other 7 invites will be of your choice in your world]

"I see. System, initiate the invites tomorrow afternoon, by than I will already have chosen 7 people from my world already.

[Sure, thing host]

After his conversation with the system, he headed to his laptop and started doing research on who to invite. After a couple hours on who to invite to the group chat, a knocked was heard at his door. He looked at the time. "It's 8 o'clock who could be at the door at this hour?"

A voice was heard at the door that is all too familiar with him. "Zane open up, it's me Amelia I brought take out for us to eat from Big House Burger."

"Coming" Zane said with a sigh.

The moment Zane opened the door a beautiful blonde girl who appears to be in her early twenties appeared with a takeout bag. "Hey Zane, it's been a few months since we last saw each other. Been busy with paperwork."

This woman is Amelia Smith a very righteous person who is a Police Officer who joined the Esperanza City Police Department two years ago, her first case was a serious incident that involved Zane in his last year of high school who was being bullied by a group of teens whose parents had dealings with the cartel.

In this alternate Earth, Esperanza City is a major city in Texas that is 30 miles away from the U.S.- Mexico Border. Esperanza City was in the past called the City of Hope, where immigrants that crossed the border could have a fresh start here, but not until the 1950's did they start calling it the City of Despair, due to an enormous increase in all kinds of criminal activities. To the point that these dark roots have even taken place in many important places in the city.

When Zane looked at her, he had found his 14th member.

"Hey Zane, are you going to let me in or keep staring." Amelia with a slight blush.

"Sorry Sorry, just been a bit busy doing some research." Zane said, as he led her towards the dining room. Which piqued Amelia interests.

"Oh, what kind of research?"

Zane had a smirk on his face. "Just been looking up some porn to watch, nothing big."

Amelia face became red from Zane words. "WHAT! Why are you doing that type of research!? And why are you telling me this!?"

"You asked"

"W-W-Well yeah I did...anyway ignoring your perverted research, I came by to check up on you and brought dinner."

'This woman.' Zane knows that this woman came to check on him after all the incident that involved those guys back in high school isn't over, they swore to get their revenge on him some day. The only reason they haven't come to him yet is because of Amelia family background.

She comes from a long line of war heroes and people who took up high official offices in the past to now, especially her grandfather, who when he was in his twenties single handily stopped a catastrophe that could have led to WWIII. Truly what a terrifying family background she has.

"Hey Zane, aren't you going to eat, you been staring into space for a few minutes."

"Sorry, just thinking about what I should do."

When Zane looked at Amelia face, she had a shocked looked to the point she dropped her burger.

"What!! Are you for real thinking about what to do now. Are you really Zane or some body double?" Amelia said with a questionable look.

"Yes, it's me Amelia, I am not someone else. I'm already seventeen and will be eighteen next year, so I been thinking of what to do with my life once I become an adult. 'Even though I died at the age of 28 in my previous still a virgin, but who cares.'" Zane starts to reminisce a bit about his old life, until a phone was ringing.

"Sorry got a text message from the Chief, he needs me to go through some files on a case. Well, I better get back to work, see you later Zane."

Before Amelia stepped out the door Zane asked her a question.

"Amelia wait."

Amelia stops and turns her head towards Zane. "Yes, what is it."

Zane stared directly into her eyes for a few seconds that caused Amelia to be a bit nervous on what he will say to her, as she started to fidget her hands a bit.

"Why to do you stay in this city and work for this Police Department. You know the rumors are true about this city, you know what other people in the U.S. and across the globe call this city right. With your family background you could work anywhere, so why here, Amelia."

Zane said with a serious look, as they both stared into each eye for a couple of seconds before Amelia broke the silence.

"You know the story of this city founder correct."

"Yes, this city was named after Esperanza, a woman who immigrated here from the Tierra del Fuego Archipelago in South America. If I'm not mistaken this city was founded the last day of December after Texas was annexed into the U.S."

"Yes, that is true, but let me give you a refresher on her story. When she was five years old her and her family of over 100 people filled with men, woman, children and the elderly decided to move to the land of freedom that they heard about from passing sailors, the reason is still unknown to historians to this day, but during the journey many of her family members died due to various reasons and got stalled multiple times on their journey, but that didn't stop them.

The thing is only two people made it to Texas, Esperanza and her newborn son, it took 15 years for her to make it here and she settled on a plot of land 30 miles from the border, overtime many immigrants came through their some kept going others decided to stay and settle down it was a small town until it became a major trade center from between Mexico and the U.S. and still is. That is the short version of her story."

Zane started thinking about why she was telling him this until Amelia spoke once more before she quickly left. "My late mother is her descendant, and I am Esperanza last sole descendant, my dream is to make this city filled with hope again like it was before during Esperanza time. Sorry but I gotta go. We'll talk later, bye."

'So that is her reason for staying in this city.' At this moment Zane was even more resolute in his decision.


The next day arrived as it was 10 in the morning, we see Zane sitting on his couch with a smile. "System send the invites to the Otherworldly members first, and send the one's here in the afternoon, and make a private chat room for me and the Otherworldly members to talk about certain things only."

[Affirmative, initiating now.... sent]

Zane looked at his screen as the public chat room was open.

Sorcerer: Hey, hey you got to be kidding me, first the Humanity Petrification, then this!?

Crazy Explosion Girl: Wahahahah! I am Megumin! The number one Arch Wizard and the one who uses the strongest spell. EXPLOSION☆!!!

Odd-Jobs: Oi Oi, I don't know what is going on, but this girl might have a screw loose.

Tornado of Terror: What is going? Is this some esper ability? Whoever is in charge better tell me!

Dark King: I never thought I'll experience something this strange again, Roger would be excited at a new adventure.

The Legendary Sucker: Am I still drunk or is this real?

The Weakest Hunter of Humankind: Is this part of the system too?

Just by looking at their comments and name tags, Zane more or less knew who they are.

Admin Z: Hello everyone, I am Admin Z or Z, please click this link that will take you all to a private chat for us talk about certain things. Link (------------)

The Otherworldly members clicked the linked that took them to a private chat room run by Zane.

Admin Z: Now since everyone is here before I start dropping some major info to everyone. This is a chat group that expands across different worlds for starters. Now let's all introduce each other; I'll go first but don't reveal my name to the other members who will be joining in a couple of hours from now Ok. My name is Zane Cross, I'm a transmigrator who died in my previous Earth and came to another Alternate Earth and I'm 17, also a minor pervert, just bringing it out into the open so everyone here knows a bit about me.

The chat room was silent for a minute until messages started to pop up.

Odd-Jobs: Great so we got another delusional person in this group.

Sorcerer: Since this screen appeared in front of me there is a slim chance, he is saying the truth.

Tornado of Terror: So, you're a pervert disgusting!

Crazy Explosion Girl: I'll use EXPLOSION on you, if you try anything funny with me!

The Legendary Sucker: Hahahaha! That is a funny way to introduce yourself boy! Calling yourself a pervert. Hilarious!

Dark King: I have to agree with The Legendary Sucker on this Cross, that is a very unique way of introducing yourself to total strangers.

The Weakest Hunter of Humankind: Excuse me, Zane are you really a transmigrator?

Admin Z: Yes, I am. We can talk about me being a transmigrator and pervert later, if you desire to change your name there is an icon near your name tag that allows you to change it and let's get on with our introductions.

After two minutes of changing their names to their own they began introducing each other.

Senku: My name is Ishigami Senku, well if this chat group does expand to different worlds, it's starting to make a bit of sense now.

Megumin: Ho-ho-ho!! Then I'll reintroduce myself! It was decided by fate that we would all meet, for I too have awaited everyone's arrival. I am the Arch Wizard, Megumin, user of the finest magic crimson demons possess. And that is EXPLOSION!!!

Everyone in the chat room was silent for a bit.

Gin: Kid you must be a serious chuunibyou, but it's fine I once used to be like you, chasing after my fantasies, but I got over it, now I'm broke every month due to a gluttonous alien girl that always eats and a pair of glasses that always asks for a paycheck when he doesn't do anything, sigh my poor life. Well anyway my name is Sakata Gintoki.

Zane couldn't help, but laugh at Gin text, knowing that it is partially true in the second half, but not sure about the first part. While the others were confused at Gin statement, a gluttonous alien girl and a pair of talking glasses, to them that is just strange.

Tatsumaki: Is everyone in this group chat going to have a weird introduction now, sigh might as well get it over with quickly. My name is Tatsumaki, an S-Class: Rank 2 hero of the Hero Association.

Rayleigh: HaHaHa! This might be fun during my retirement, well my name is Silvers Rayleigh, or you guys can call me old man if you all want.

Tsunade: Wow! Can't believe you want people to call you old man, Rayleigh. Well, my name is Tsunade, I'm traveling with my apprentice at the moment.

Jinwoo: My name is Sung Jinwoo, I'm in a hospital at the moment, after surviving a Double Dungeon.

Admin Z: Well since everyone introduced themselves, I'll start explaining everything now.

After that Zane started talking about the functions of the system, the rules, and told them all that they were all fictional characters from his previous world, as manga's and such aren't well known in his current world, such a nightmare.

Senku: It's still hard to believe what you said, Admin Z.

Rayleigh: Agreed.

Tsunade: It's hard to swallow, knowing that my whole life was just a story for others.

Tsunade clenched her fist knowing that her life and the suffering she went through was a form of entertainment for others.

Tatsumaki: Hey Z, if we see each other in person I'm going to throw you into space!

Jinwoo: It really is hard to believe it.

Megumin: HaHaHa! So, it seems my story of all my great success is told to others.

Gin: Well, Rayleigh and Tsunade your stories also exist in my world too.

Senku: Same, perhaps in some worlds our stories are told their while in others they aren't.

Admin Z: That is the case, since coming to my new world, not once did I find any one's story made at all. Also, if you guys want to beat me up when we somehow meet, go ahead. I spilled everything out into the open because I trust you guys, you all may have been fictional characters in my previous world, but you all are real and that's what matters. Now before talking about my plan how about, you tell us the real reason behind this, system.

Everyone in the chat was confused by Zane last words until the system spoke.

System: I will explain my purpose, Zane.

Admin Z: Go ahead.

For the next hour the system explained that 10,000 years ago a multiversal war between the Azure Emperor and the Void King was fought and that after the war where the Void King lost and died, his creatures that he created from his power of the void known as Void Beasts were lose, and went on a rampage across the multiverse through Void Breaches, until they were all stopped by the Azure Emperor and his family and friends.

Tatsumaki: So, what does that have to do with us. Their all dead so what's the point in this group chat.

System: The Azure Emperor and his group may have stopped them from causing chaos, but they are continuously spawning through the void, and hide within the cracks of the void itself, the good news is that you don't have to worry that much since the one's that can be a danger to the multiverse as a whole are normally dealt with by the Azure Emperor army.

Gin: Wait! Wait! Wait! They can respawn are we all in danger of one of those things appearing in our world!

Senku: Good question, are we also in danger, system and just how strong are they really.

System: Yes, you all are, but don't worry the Void Beasts are categorized in levels from 1-5, where Level 1 Void Beasts have the strength to destroy cities, while Level 5 Void Beasts can destroy an entire universe with just their roar, but don't worry at best only Level 1-3 will most likely appear. The only one who has to worry is Zane, as in two-year time, multiple cracks will be appearing in his world.

Jinwoo: This feels like how the dungeons appear here in my world, could they be related, system.

System: No they aren't, that is something completely different.

Tatsumaki: You got to be kidding me! How can such creatures exist!

Tsunade: Is their a way to protect our worlds from these creatures?

Mugumin: No need to fear, for I Megumin shall vanquish these dark creatures if they ever appear in my world.

Megumin legs were shaking at the thought of one of those creatures appearing here in her world. But at the same time a bit thrilled at the sight of one of them creatures getting destroyed by her Explosion magic.

Rayleigh: Their is a way is their system.

System: Yes their is. I was one of many systems created by the Duke of Casualty that are meant to help guide and make our hosts grow, once the rest of the members appear I will give out a mission that will start in one week and will take place in one of your world's. This is will be the last time I will speak to you all for now, goodbye and please be careful of Zane he is a pervert, but very kind and trustworthy.

Admin Z: Since I already explained my plans, you all must keep this private chat a secret from the people in my world for now, I'll reveal myself once I get strong enough to take care of myself in my world. Now there is a manual with an open page icon that tells all the functions on the system so far, this private chat will close, so you all can return to the public chat room now, as the rest of the members will appear in another hour.

After that the private chat room closed, as everyone returned to the public one, Zane, Senku and Jinwoo got off the chat group for now as they were busy with their own things at the moment, while the other's were chatting about thier lives and other things.

And so an hour past by.