

*Saturday Morning*

"Which café do we walk into?" Lo asked.

As we walked down the sidewalk I said "Just pick any I don't really care."

Lo said "This one!"

I looked at the outside of it and it was unicorn theme. I sighed as I said "Oh my..."

Lo grabbed my hand and pulled me in.

"What do we order?" She asked with a big smile.

I looked at the cashier and said "I'll have a dozen of kolaches and a donut. Oh and two waters, please."

Lo said "Wow so many? This is great!"

I paid and she went to go play. I sat by the window with my water. I looked around and the leaves were falling off the trees. I smiled as I could feel the coldness come from the window.

"Lo come here and eat." I said.

Lo came to eat and wiggled her feet.

I said "Remember if anything happens you need to inform your bodyguard."

Lo said "I know don't worry."

I said "I don't want to be murdered by our parents later today."

Lo said "I'm only going to be with my friends for a little while."

I squinted my eyes and I said "That's enough time to die."

Lo chuckled and said "You worry to much."

I said "I don't know why I have a meeting on a Saturday."

Lo said "Because I was sick and didn't go to school on Monday."

I pouted and said "Atleast, it's for three hours and then I can join the party."

Lo said "My bodyguard will be there. Why don't you go shopping?"

I chuckled and said "Are you saying my outfits are ugly?"

Lo squeezed her lips together and let out a sigh. "Oh I see you want me to go with you." She said.

I said "Your confusing me and I don't like that. Eat your donut and kolache so you can leave."

Lo smiled and said "Ok."

We were done and Lo's bodyguard came.

"If anything happens call the police then me." I said with a serious tone.

They both nodded and left.

I sighed nervously and took the kolaches that were left over, for my coworkers. I went to the school and started to work.

*3 hours later*

I rushed to my car so I could meet up with Lo and her little friends from school. Snow started to fall down on the road and I said "No no no."

I looked up at the light and it quickly turned yellow. I hit the brakes but the car started to ski towards the front intersection. I got frighten as the car coming from the left was impacted by my car.

The impact wasn't to hard as I wasn't to injured but I didn't know if the other person was ok. I didn't even want to get off the car because I was embarrassed. I had to get off anyways and went to the other car.

A girl got out and said "What is your problem?!"

I widen my eyes and said "I'm sorry! I hit the brakes but the car didn't stop."

The girl said "Incredible now I won't make it!"

I said "I'll call the police to get a report."

She said "No!"

I said "What? I have to. My car's bumper looks like mashed potatoes."

She said "This car isn't mine it's my boyfriends. I'll get introuble for even grabbing it."

I said "I'm sorry but this needs to be fixed."

She said "How much do you want so you won't involve the police?"

I said "Nothing at all. I just need a report."

She said "Come on! You obviously need the money."

I called the police and surprisingly they were there in minutes. I guess they were near or because it was snowing.

"You'll have to go to the police station and write your report over there." The police officer said as they took our cars away.

She said "Great! No car thanks to you."

I looked at her confused as we were taken to the police station.

We sat down and wrote down what happened. I called my insurance and let them know what happened.

A police officer said to the people that were ahead of us "We don't have anymore rental cars because of the snow. The car crashes just increases alot within this hour.

The girl said "See now you don't have a car."

I looked at her confused and called my bodyguard to pick me up.

The girl said "Now you have to bother someone else to come pick you up."

I said "What is your problem? Don't worry about me worry about your boyfriend."


I rolled my eyes and called Lo bodyguard. "I got involved in an accident but I'm ok. Just meet me at the house with her when the party is over." I said in the phone and hanged up.

"Jackie! What the?! Why did you grab my car without my permission? Who did you hit?" The male voice shouted kind of annoyed.

"I would be annoyed of her too. I don't know why he's dating her." I said as I turned around to see who the guy was.

Our eyes widen as we saw eachother.

"Moni?" He said.

I gasped and said "What are you doing here?"

The police officer said "Jackie you were driving Suga's car with no insurance."

Suga sighed and said "I'll pay for everything. I'm sorry she took my car and it won't happen again."

The police officer said "Suga you know that's illegal?"

Suga said "I know and I'll pay for the damages. Please, forgive her?"

The police officer said "As long as Moni's vehicle is fixed and you get insurance on your car, you should be fine."

Suga said "I don't use it and won't get insurance on it. I drive a sports car or my bodyguard drives me around."

The police officer said "Just pay for the damages and the fine."

Suga nodded and looked at me.

My bodyguard came and said "Moni?! Are you ok?"

I looked at my bodyguard and smiled. I said "Yes, I'm fine let's go."

Jackie said "Wait your not poor?"

Suga said "Moni! Wait!"

I said "Quickly let's go!"

I ran to the car and hoped on.

Suga shouted behind the car "Moni! I just want to talk!"

Jackie said "Who's this rich girl? I don't know her."

Suga looked at her mad and said "Thanks to you I'm introuble with the law."

Jackie said "Just pay and problem solved."

Suga said "Money doesn't solve everything what if you killed her! You would end up in jail and probably me too."

Jackie pouted and said "Why are you so mad?"

Suga said "I told you not to grab that car and you grabbed it!"

Jackie hugged Suga and said "Calm down I'm sorry ok. I won't do it again."

Suga said "No you always do things your not supposed to do. You never listen to me."

Suga went inside and said "Where do I pay?"

Jackie said "Aren't you going to tell me how you know her? Seemed like she didn't like you."

Suga turned around and said "How about you leave? Your not paying after all."

Jackie gasped and said "You can't treat me like that!"

Suga said "Your right I'm sorry."

Jackie said "Apology accep-"

Suga interrupted her and said "It's over Jackie."

The lady in the office said "Come inside, please."

Jackie said "What? No! You can't leave me!"

Suga left with the lady into her office.

The lady said "You will have to go to Moni's car insurance to pay for her damages and the car. Your insurance fine is here, though."

Suga said "She got hurt?"

The lady said "I don't know but if she is you have to go to the car insurance company."

Suga said "Do you have her address or work address?"

The lady said "I can't give out that information."

Suga said "Right, sorry."

The lady said "I'll be right back with your receipt."

She left and Suga quickly went to the paperwork of the car. Suga took a picture of the VIN number and sat back down. He got his receipt and left the office.

"Suga! Look I'm sorry but don't leave me!" Jackie said.

Suga said "Stop! Just go with another guy. Your a model and I'm a rapper. I don't have time for this relationship."

Jackie said "I don't care! We're still a thing."

Suga said "No we're not."

Jackie said "Yes we are."

Suga said "I have things to do. Have a good life Jackie."

Suga left and Jackie stood there mad.

Suga got in his sports car and drove away.

"I can't believe I saw him." I said in my head with a smile but I remembered Jackie.

I got a call and it was my insurance.

"Hello?" I said.

The female voice said "This is the car insurance company calling to inform you that your car will be in the shop. We'll need some signatures from you and the other person."

I said "Why?"

She said "To agree on the amount that will be given to you to fix the car."

I said "When do I go?"

She said "We really need those signatures as soon as possible to fix your car. It would be great if you could come right now."

I said "Ok then I'll go right now. Thank you so much."

My bodyguard said "You want to stop for food first?"

I looked at the time and said "Afterwards."

I walked in and didn't look around.

"Hello? Your Moni, right?" The guy said.

"Yes." I said with a smile.

"Come over here and take a seat." He said.

I took a seat and got a call. It was Lo's bodyguard. "Hello is everything ok?" I said on the phone.

"Moni? It's me, Lo. Are you ok?!" Lo said in a panic tone.

I said "Yes I'm fine. I'm fixing some things in the insurance and I'll be home. Are you hungry?"

Lo said "I'm stuffed."

I laughed and said "I'll be home later, bye."

"Lo is still very funny." Suga said from behind.

I didn't look back and said "Sir? Where do I sign? I have things to do."

The guy said "Oh yes! Here are the papers."

Suga sat next to me and said "Your going to sign without reading?"

I said "I don't care about the car. I just want to sign and leave."

Suga said "What if I just offered to pay like a dollar?"

I said "I'm getting a new car anyways. I'm going to donate that car."

I quickly signed all the papers that were given to me and Suga did as well.

I stood up and said "Thank you." I turned around and left.

Suga came after me.

"Hey!" Jackie said from behind us.

I looked at her and Suga said "Are you following me?!"

I got in the back of the car and my bodyguard drove away.

Suga hissed in frustration and said "Stop following me, Jackie!"

Suga walked to his car and drove away fastly.