
I Don't Want To Be A Hero [OPM]

What happens when a lazy person with no desire of being a hero gets reborn into the One Punch Man world as Tatsumaki and Fubuki's brother? But for the sake of surviving he had to get strong. Join Arata in his journey through the animeverse. __________________________ First of all, I'm not the original author of this fanfiction, I'm just a translator. This fanfiction has 900+ chapters so this is going to be a long ride. Original Author- Salted Fish With Rice Link To Raws- https://sj.uukanshu.com/book.aspx?id=137375 He would be having multiple women from various anime worlds but he doesn't accept them at first due to him thinking that he wouldn't be able to return to said anime world but that gets solved later on so don't worry. Also, this is a weak-to-strong novel so don't expect him to instantly defeat Saitama or something. He would eventually reach that level but not in the start. Also mostly the rewards from the system are unsatisfactory but it doesn't stop him from getting strong so don't worry. I hope you enjoy~ Also, you can consider the anime worlds AU since there are some minor changes here and there. Release Rate- 1 Chapter Per Day. For Extra Chapters Vote With Power Stones :) Like My Translations? Consider Donating me here- https://ko-fi.com/exreality Thanks.

ExReality · Anime e quadrinhos
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20 Chs

Chapter 11

After everything calmed down, The people who had taken refuge a while ago came back.

The manager of the supermarket discovered that the supermarket was messed up by people who fled in a hurry.

But the supermarket as a whole had not been damaged by the customers.

After the supermarket staff sorted everything out, The staff discovered a rather strange thing.

"Manager, come and take a look, All of our high-end meat shelves have been completely emptied!"

The manager of the supermarket was also stunned when he heard the employee's words. Since when did Monsters nowadays not only sabotage cities but also start robbing things?

With a puzzled look on his face, he turned on the video surveillance of the supermarket, and Saitama's shiny bald head instantly occupied the entire screen of his computer.

Saitama who was on the screen was facing the meat shelf, which held the high-end quality beef and meat, clearly appeared in the footage.

But because the camera from a different angle had been broken some time ago, the manager of the supermarket could not see the front view of Saitama, Only his bald head stood out in the footage.

"All kinds of crazy people are popping up out of nowhere nowadays. How shameless does one have to be to steal from the store while the monster was wreaking havoc in the city"

The manager looked at the bald head on the screen angrily. He could tolerate it to some extent if it was an ordinary product but this nasty bald man's vision was quite poisonous, all he aimed for was the 5A-grade beef. The loss alone was equivalent to their one-week turnover.

"Print out this bald head for me and stick it at the door. Later, when I see a similar bald man entering the store, I will compare him to the image."

The manager pointed to the various reflective bald heads on the screen, even if he couldn't see his face, he believed that the culprit would be caught sooner or later. After all, there weren't many people who were bald at such a young age...

At the moment, Saitama, who didn't know that he was wanted, was sitting around the small round table with Arata, eating a luxurious beef hot pot that he hadn't eaten in half a year.

The bald head was extremely two-faced. There was no guilt he was talking about in the supermarket before, and there was no "eating less" as he said he would.

"Arata, you just ate the beef I saved for later! That was the most delicious part that I saved till the end."

Saitama looked at the beef that Arata had picked up and planned to grab it back.

"Shut up you pig. Didn't you say you were feeling guilty before? Yet, here you are eating even more than me."

Arata had already mastered the way of dealing with Saitama, You could consider his words but never take his words seriously.

"You were the one who came up with the idea anyway, and you ordered me to take the meat. How am I at fault for this?"

After eating and wiping his greasy mouth, he planned to avoid admitting his fault. Arata didn't want to bicker with him. After all, Arata knew fully well how shameless Saitama could be.

Actually, in Arata's opinion, the guilt that Saitama was talking about was unnecessary. They also helped the people in that city by occasionally killing Monsters. How was there a problem if they sometimes took compensation for their hard work?

They were not members of the [Heroes Association], So they weren't paid at all. It was purely voluntary labor to kill the monsters. It wasn't much to ask for some free food or something.

The main problem was that the bald head was too greedy. He said no, but the things he took were the most expensive out of all the products.

In fact, they could also participate in the [Heroes Association] Test. If they register as "heroes" With their performance they wouldn't have a problem leading a luxurious life.

But Saitama was someone who didn't even know how to properly use a computer as such he didn't even know the existence of the [Heroes Association] till now. Arata too never told him about it. The reason was very simple,

Once he told Saitama about this he would definitely get him to sign up as well. Once he and Saitama enter the [Heroes Association], their identity and information will be stored on their computer.

With the status of his two sisters in the [Heroes Association], he could easily be found out, While Fubuki's words weren't much of importance as she was just B-rank. But Tatsumaki was a real "S-rank Hero", and also the second-ranked one.

If Arata signed up for the [Heroes Association's] hero assessment, he would be ultimately found and taken back home forcefully.

Instead of letting that happen, Arata might as well live a hard life with Saitama, At least his security was better guaranteed here.

After eating and drinking, Arata and Saitama picked up the game console and started killed each other, and later went to sleep...

"Saitama, did you turn the air conditioner too low?"

Arata was sleeping, But why did he feel like he was sleeping outdoors? He could feel the cold wind blowing against his body.

He subconsciously kicked Saitama who was supposed to be sleeping next to him and wanted him to turn off the air conditioner, but all he kicked was empty air

When Arata opened his eyes in a daze, he suddenly realized something...

He didn't just 'seem' to be sleeping outdoors, he was basically outside.

The house was gone, the bed was gone, and even Saitama was nowhere to be seen. Except for a much larger pajamas.

"Is this what the system meant by random crossing over? But why weren't there any signs or prompts for me to prepare early on?

"And why do I feel smaller?" Arata took a look at his appearance, and he only seemed to be ten years old.

A gust of cold wind blew, and Arata shuddered from the cold, He finally understood what was going on now.

He could to some extent tolerate getting crossed over randomly but what's with the situation he was in? Why was he locked in an iron cage?

What kind of start was this? This system was not only shitty but it was also faulty?

"What are you making noise for? I will sell you to the slave market tomorrow. When we get the money, it will not be too late for you to seek death."

A bare-chested man, who looked a little bit stubborn, saw Arata yelling and threw the bottle in his hand towards the cage, signaling him to be quiet.

"Be careful, this little white-faced skinny kid could be sold for a good price, but too bad we fed him too many drugs."

Another man with the same stubborn look and scars reprimanded his companion.

Hearing the conversation between the two bandit like men, Arata figured out his situation. He was about to be sold and become a slave. No wonder he was unable to exert any kind of strength till now.

'This is too bad!' Now that he didn't even know what world he was in, He was being sold as a slave.

Forget about saving the world, It was hard to say whether he could protect himself or not

"Uhm, Misters, Can you tell me where do you plan to sell me?"

Arata tried to get some information from the two slave traders, so even if he was tied up he still looked like he was flattering them.

"It seems fine to tell you, We plan to sell you to the black market in the Chambord Islands. As for who you will eventually buy you, it all depends on your own luck."

The man with the scars looked at Arata, Since he would let them earn a fortune, He very generously told Arata of their destination. It wouldn't matter if he knew

Chambord Islands? Was this the One Piece World? Was there a world crisis here?

Well, the World Government and the One behind it were indeed threatening the existence of the world, So was his goal to overthrow the World Government?

Wasn't this too difficult? Moreover, The One Piece's world was so big, how long would he have to stay in this world all by himself if he had to complete such a mission?



[T/N~ The World Change Has Appeared~~]

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