
I Devour All Things

With a smile on his face and genuine content, Tion gladly accepted that he would be nothing more than a humble farmer in this life, but then the Empress came and said, "I am your mother." Now the prince of an empire, Tion decided to become an at least notable and useful member of the Royal family, but then the black gourd showed up. "I am hungry" With hope now ignited and a new path opened to him, Tion decided that he wanted to become the most powerful being in the world, but then she came along "I'm the vampire princess, and I am also your betrothed follow me." Everyone had what they wanted Tion to be, but what about what he wanted to be, did they think him a powerless boy forever.

Bad_Bishop · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs


Under the raining rays of the sun in an area thickly filled with trees four people were walking under the shade of the trees.

At the front of the group were two girls who looked like they were yet to see their sweet sixteens and behind them was a boy who looked close to his twenties who had a big sword strapped to his back and beside him a mature woman who seemed to be just about to hit her thirties.

Long smooth black hair that reached all the way to her butt, a near-round face complimented by beautiful black eyes and red lips, a body clad in thick white Jacket, black combat trousers and black boots.

This mature woman was Mitra Leah and though her clothes did good work in covering her body, they couldn't hide her massive bust which pushed against her jacket and her heart-shaped ass that jiggled behind her, its full glory unfortunately hidden by her hair.

Putting her hand in the pocket of her pants while closing her eyes, Leah basked in the cool wind that blew through the forest and hit her face.

Leah seemed to be in a trance, but then she heard the flip of a paper and she couldn't help but open her eyes and look at the boy beside her.

"Denise and her like for love for long hair" Leah muttered as she unhappily pushed several strands of her which had covered the left side of her face behind her ear.

Leah world have liked to cut off her hair and keep a bowl cut, a shave not even being out of the picture but unfortunately, she wasn't in control of every aspect of her life.

"Haven't you already read this book before?" Leah asked looking down at the open book in Tion's hand.

"Yeah I have, but with my earlier success with the lightning bow, I want to go over some specifics and make sure today's display won't be a fluke.

Imagine me being able to silently create several lightning bows without alerting the enemy in any way, I might just have a career in assassination" Tion said as he flipped another page.

looking down at the boy, Leah wanted to say a few more words to him but then she shook her head as she remembered that throughout their conversation he hadn't even looked up at her.

Leah planned to leave the boy to his learning, especially seeing as it was giving results but then she remembered something.

"Say Tion, how did u know who Konrad was going to attack after unleashing his fire attack." Leah suddenly asked making sure the two girls ahead heard her.

"Yeah, Tion, how did you know," Maria who was in front also asked, her and Maria turning to face Tion.

"Your placement was superb it was like you could see the future.

You just silently moved there and then waited for Konrad confident that he would show up, and when he did, you ended him with absolute confidence" Emily said her gaze focused on Tion dreamily.

"What if he had gone after me Tion, does that mean that I would have actually died" Maria asked her face a bit pitiful.

With so much attention on him, Tion looked up from his book and then smiled at the girls in front of him.

With his bright blue eyes, Tion's smile had a charming effect but the boy paid no attention to the effects of his looks as he instead focused on the question he had been asked.

"It wasn't hard really, all I did was notice where he planted his sword when he moved to summon his avatar spirit and then with that I went for whichever of you was closest to the weapon, after all it only makes sense for him to want to finish you guys off as fast as possible and in that light also go for the girl whom his weapon is closest to"

"Oh," both girls muttered, realisation dawning on them while Leah who was behind nodded her head approvingly.

"That was good observation Tion, but I believe there is also another reason why Konrad came after you Emily," Leah said grabbing everyone's attention once more, Tion's very curious gaze making Leah quite content with his passion for learning.

"Emily, unlike Maria you lost control of your mana flow and this signalled to him that you had truly been affected by his attack and thus the most vulnerable, it is fortunate that Konrad had forgotten about Tion since he got exhausted earlier."

"I see" Emily muttered her expression going downcast.

"I understand that the blast from the attack truly got to you Emily, but you should have held onto your control for a bit more longer, at least until you were back on your feet."

As Leah advised Emily, she stretched out her hand to the girl, smiling as she quickly moved close to her and let her rub her head gently.

"I'll remember that sensei" Emily nodded with a smile on her face.

"Sensei we are already close to the capital, can we release our spirits now," Maria asked with hands clasped and eyes widened.

"Yes" Leah said with a sigh, her defeated look indicating that this wasn't the first time she had been asked this question.

"Yes" the two girls rejoiced as they moved a bit ahead and without any fanfare, soon had two small white ethereal creatures popping out of their bodies and resting on their shoulders.

For Maria, she had a black cat while for Emily she had a black cat with white stripes.

Soon several sounds began ringing out and the girls began poking and talking to the creatures, receiving cute replies from them.

"How about you Tion, I haven't seen your avatar spirit for some time now. I know your spirit can't talk back to you, but that still doesn't mean you can't bond with it."

After listening to Leah, Tion had gone back to focusing on his book and he was glad he had done so as he had been totally unprepared for the woman's question.

Tion eyes widened and his throat dried up without him even knowing when his heartbeat quickened.

Fighting through all these abnormal symptoms, Tion hurriedly let out an answer.

"I'll do as you said sensei but just not know, pushing myself to create the lightning bow twice has exhausted my spirit, it's resting."

Though Tion thought he had hidden his panicked reaction and delivered a smooth lie, Leah who had gone back to staring at the sky and knew every reaction that Tion had just exhibited merely gave an amused smile at his actions.

Were it any of the girls, Leah would have made plans to call them out on their behaviour but for Tion who was just starting to accept the fact that despite his lustrous pedigree all he had was a level 1 avatar spirit, she decided to cut him some slack figuring out he was still a bit sensitive.

"Alright, be sure to do that, and if you feel your spirit has a problem be sure to ask for help, it's very essential to your growth"

"Of course, I will keep vigilant," Tion said relief flooding him while he expressionlessly suppressed the pain that came from deep within him, one that came from his Avatar spirit.