
I Can Rewind Ten Seconds At A Time

Time waits for no one. This a phrase that most of us have been hearing since our childhood but who would have guessed that an exception to this rule would also exist? In a world, where humans are fighting a battle of attrition against extraterrestrials, Andrey, a 17-year-old boy with not much to show for himself except his above-average grades gains a supernatural ability related to time. How would he use it? What will he encounter in his long and arduous journey? Stay tuned for the answers.

John_Titor234432 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Healing Touch


Lisa was too overwhelmed with her emotions and didn't pay Andrey's words any heed as she started struggling over his grip on her as if she was adamant about ending her life.

Seeing her state Andrey's grip over her became even more firm as he shook her whole body with his two hands.



After a couple of shouts and shakes by Andrey, she was finally able to get back a bit of her sanity as she looked up towards the face of the person who had been calling her name for so long.

"A-andrey?" Her tear-stained face showed a hint of surprise. 

"What the hell were you trying to do even?! Do you know that you almost died just now?!" Andrey roared out once he noticed Lisa had become receptible. 

He didn't know why but he was extremely furious at Lisa because of her attempt just now to end her own life. Maybe it was because he had already saved her two times from unforeseen accidents previously which caused him to become so furious when he saw her trying to end her own life.

Lisa's heart shook as she heard Andrey's anger-filled roar towards her. She had never thought that the amiable-looking guy from yesterday was capable of making such a furious expression.

Her main focus though was not on his face but on his words which felt as if they were stabbing her already wounded heart.

"Why do you even care? It's my life and it's up to me if I want to end it or not! You've got no reason to stop me from doing it so move away!" She used the last bit of her inner strength to voice out her anger-filled words towards Andrey as she once again tried to remove his hands that were firmly placed on her shoulders.

Despite her best efforts, Andrey's hands seemed to have been stuck on her shoulders and showed no sign of loosening despite all her efforts.

"Let go of me!" Andrey by now had calmed down and had finally noticed the tear stains that were on Lisa's face. He knew that she was not in a stable mental state at the moment so he definitely could not leave her alone by succumbing to her words.

"No, I won't," Andrey firmly replied.

"I said LET GO OF MEEE!" Lisa shouted trying to intimidate Andrey but it clearly didn't have any effect on Andrey as he once again replied with the same tone.

"I said I won't,"

Lisa was clearly frustrated after hearing it and as a show of defiance, she bit onto Andrey's hand without a second thought.

"Argh.." Andrey let out a suppressed groan as he tried his best to keep his hands firmly placed on Lisa's shoulders to keep her from escaping.

Seeing this, Lisa increased the strength with which she was biting onto Andrey's hand, thereby making Andrey grit his teeth as his facial expression started twisting because of the severe pain he was currently experiencing.

Feeling the hand that had been holding onto her weakening a hint of delight formed in Lisa's mind but her actions suddenly paused as a metallic taste entered her mouth.

She moved her tongue a bit to find the source of it and a much more intense taste of blood entered her mouth. She immediately let go of Andrey's hand as she looked at the grievous wound she had made on his hand with horror which was slowly turning into guilt.

"You've cooled down yet?" Andrey asked as he tried his best to control the grimacing of his face due to the intense pain but despite his efforts to hide the pain, it was clearly seen by Lisa.

"I-I'm sorry...I didn't mean to," Lisa said guiltily as she looked at the trail of red blood that slowly seeped out of deep bite marks on Andrey's left hand.

"It's alright, now that you've calmed down should we go somewhere else and talk things out," Andrey said as he gestured towards his surroundings.

This quickly made Lisa aware of the crowd of people that had gathered around them who were gossiping among each other while staring right at the two of them.

"Let's go," Andrey held her hand and the two of them were soon out from the encirclement of the crowd. Lisa had a lot of things going on in her mind and Andrey was easily able to see that from how pensive her expression was. In order to ease her a bit Andrey said in a doubtful manner as his index finger scratched the surface of his face.

"So, where are we going Lisa?"

Lisa who had been lost in her thoughts until now was brought back to the present by Andrey's words and gave him an incredulous look.

'Seriously?' Though no words were spoken her expression was enough to covey to Andrey what her gaze meant.

"What? Do you want me to take you to my house?" Andrey remarked.

While Andrey was saying that Lisa's gaze focused towards the hand with which he was scratching his face. It was the same hand on which she had bitten previously and the blood was still seeping out of that wound.

"Let's go to my house," Lisa said with a guilty conscience as she started walking towards the direction of her house. Andrey was taken in by surprise because of her sudden change in behaviour but he followed her without much questioning.

Her house wasn't very far as after walking for five more minutes they soon reached their destination. After the door lock finished scanning Lisa's palm the door soon opened with a beep sound.

Lisa gestured for Andrey to wait for her in the living room as she went inside to look for the first aid box.

Looking around the room, he found several photos of Lisa and a middle-aged man with a well-built body and a face that slightly resembled that of Lisa. Needless to say, it was her father.

The two of them shared quite a lot of happy and memorable moments as there were quite a lot of these photos in different frames both big and small.

Lisa soon arrived back with the first aid box in her hand and started treating Andrey's wound. 

"Eeeeeeek" Andrey grimaced in pain as Lisa applied disinfectant over his wound. Despite his effort to cover up the pain he still ended up grimacing.

"I'm sorry, I was not in my right mind at that moment..." Lisa said guiltily when she saw Andrey's grimacing appearance.

"Hey, I said it's alright and regarding that, after you're done treating me let's have a proper chat with each other," Andrey said to Lisa who nodded to him and went back to treating him.

After the wound was properly disinfected she applied an ointment over it. The wound was left open and not bandaged in order to promote faster healing.

A few minutes later Lisa arrived at the living room while holding two cups of coffee. She passed one to Andrey and holding her cup with both her hands she slowly sat down next to him.

Silence ensued between the two of them for a while as they sipped the coffee from time to time to stall the conversation from happening and this continued till the coffee was finished. Finally, Andrey asked her, "Why did you try to kill yourself?"

Hearing his question Lisa looked down at the ground for a few seconds before responding, "You remember the reason why the Warrior Academy is not conducting the written exams this year?"

Andrey couldn't quite understand the reasoning behind her asking him such a question but he still responded, " Yes, Principal Krieg said that it was because of the heavy casualties of warriors...." The moment he finished saying he felt a sense of foreboding.

"M-My father...he was also among those who lost their lives," Lisa said as tears slid down her eyes and seeped into the jeans she was wearing.

She had been trying hard to not think about her father until now to suppress her tears but now that she told Andrey about it all her suppressed emotions became evident once again.

Her silent tears soon turned into painful wails that would make anyone hearing them resonate with the deep-seated agony that was being let out by those wails.

At first, Andrey was really lost as to what he should be doing in such a situation but hearing Lisa's grief-laden cries of pain his masculine instincts to protect took control of him as his hand wrapped itself around Lisa's neck and pulled her in his embrace.

"I'm sorry..." Andrey muttered as he felt that he could say nothing more useful in the given situation.

After being pulled by Andrey into his warm embrace and hearing his words Lisa let go of all her remaining restraints and cried her lungs out.

Her pain-filled wails echoed in all corners of the room and were affecting Andrey too as his eyes seemed to be getting moistened because of it. 

He could only rub his hand on Lisa's back from time to time to convey his sympathy towards her while also providing a sense of comfort to her.