
I Became The Strongest Support Character

Have you ever come across a tale where a character's immense strength disrupts the storyline's equilibrium? Readers ponder over how this formidable character could meet defeat, prompting the Author to carefully consider a logical resolution. This predicament often befalls non-protagonist characters—be they villains or supporting figures—ultimately leading to a tragic demise that shapes the main character's development. As I awoke in an unfamiliar bed, gazing at the ceiling of an unknown room, the realization dawned on me. Was I experiencing the clichéd phenomenon of transmigrating into the story I had just completed? Given my current state, the answer seemed affirmative. However, to my surprise, I found myself inhabiting the role of Fawwaz Nor Everglen—the strongest supporting character in the narrative, neither the reformed villain nor the cautious mob character entwined with the protagonist. While not as dire as previous cases, unsettling facts fueled my anxiety. I now embodied Fawwaz, a character with a myriad of scripted deaths designed to propel the protagonist's growth. His unbridled strength led to varied demises, from authoritative to ludicrous, profoundly influencing the story's trajectory through his pivotal connection with the protagonist. Fawwaz's predictable demise stemmed from the disruption he caused to the balance of power between good and evil. Moreover, every narrative path devised by the author seemed to culminate in two possibilities: my demise or the demise of all characters except the protagonist. It appeared the author had a penchant for tragic endings. Undeterred, I resolved to alter this fate. My goal was to ensure not only my own survival but also that of everyone else, fostering a happy conclusion. Armed with determination, I embarked on a journey to defy any potential future deaths.

farsy_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs

A Town Named Serenia (Re-make)

A/N: Recently I decided to remake the story from the first chapter, so for those of you who have just read this chapter, please refrain from reading the next chapter, because the storyline will be diverted. (Please read chapters that have additions (Re-make) in the title)

(I will add the word (Re-make) to the chapters that I have finished)


In the early morning, Fawwaz found himself in the mansion's library, immersed in his usual routine.

"Let's see..."

He settled at one of the library's tables, arranging several books filled with diverse information.

"Hmm... I think I'll read this one."

After some deliberation, a thick book titled 'The Nebula and the Gar Continent' captured his interest.

"The Gar continent is where I am currently, right?"

As he delved into the contents of the book, Fawwaz became engrossed, his mind absorbed by every passage, leaving no letter unexplored.

Time passed, and the sky, once shrouded in gray from the morning dew, now gleamed with a radiant blue hue, basking the surroundings in warm light.

"It is said that long ago before anything existed, the continent of Gar lay desolate and barren until a mysterious entity brought forth creation from nothingness."

"By its divine will, the barren land blossomed into lush grasslands, the arid deserts transformed into verdant forests, and rivers flowed freely into the vast ocean, all crafted by its omnipotent hand."

"Whether this lore holds truth or not, it provides a captivating backdrop for the tale of Dawnfall."

Continuing his reading, Fawwaz found himself once more engrossed in the text, absorbing as much information as possible from the book.

"Hmm, so it seems Nebula is depicted as a deity-like figure here. I wonder if the author of Dawnfall paid attention to such details."

Once again, Fawwaz was a reincarnator thrust into the world of the Dawnfall anime.

"It's also mentioned that Nebula had loyal servants known as The Four Angels, who stood by Nebula during the early days of creation."

"Following a tragic event, these angels were compelled to reincarnate. Throughout the ages, certain individuals were chosen as vessels for their souls, and their descendants came to be known as cardinals."

The book detailed Nebula as the god of Garland, the very setting of the Dawnfall story. During the creation phase, Nebula crafted his loyal servants, referred to as the first works of Nebula—The Four Angels.

Furthermore, the text described an incident in which The Four Angels perished while defending Nebula. In response, Nebula bestowed his divine will upon them, allowing their reincarnation. Over centuries, these reincarnated angels coalesced into a group known as "The Church of Truth."

"If I recall correctly, the Church of Truth plays a significant role in aiding Avan in the future."

In the original storyline, Avan first distinguishes himself by rescuing a member of the Church of Truth, earning their admiration. This initial encounter cements the bond between Avan and the Church, leading to their continued support, ranging from material resources to diplomatic backing.

"They're not malevolent individuals."

With any notion of the Church as a threat dispelled from his mind, Fawwaz shifted his focus to a different book.

Opening a tome titled "50 Dungeons and Their Strategies," Fawwaz delved into its contents with earnest intent, absorbing each page meticulously.

Garland, a sprawling continent, encompasses multiple climates within its borders. The primary setting of the story lies within the Althoria Academy, nestled at the heart of the Aetherion Empire.

Fawwaz currently finds himself in the Everglen region, situated to the north of the empire's center, characterized by its frigid climate and abundant monster population.

Methodically, Fawwaz perused the dungeon information, scrutinizing the unique traits of each one.

"Despite my diligent study, it appears others have already claimed all the coveted prizes within these dungeons."

Disheartened by this realization, Fawwaz continued flipping through the book until he stumbled upon a promising entry.

"Ah, this is the one!"



Days passed, and the sun faithfully completed its journey across the sky, ushering in countless cycles of day and night.

Fawwaz, deviating from his usual training regimen, found himself in the tranquil town of Serenia.

Nestled amidst the towering peaks of majestic mountains, Serenia exuded an unmatched charm, its seclusion enhancing the natural beauty that enveloped the area.

With the break of dawn, sunlight cascaded upon the town, casting a warm glow upon the pristine white stone edifices that lined the riverbanks.

Graceful bridges, adorned in light hues, spanned the gentle flow of the river, seamlessly connecting different quarters of the town.

'Wow, the city is stunning, far surpassing what I saw in the anime.'

Passing through the gates of Serenia after undergoing various checks by the vigilant gatekeepers, Fawwaz found himself enchanted by the city's allure.

Shaded by verdant trees and adorned with meticulously tended gardens, the streets beckoned visitors to meander at a leisurely pace.

Along the pathways, vibrant flowers burst into bloom, their fragrant aroma enticing passersby to pause and indulge in the sensory delights of the surroundings.

The classical architecture, characterized by sturdy stone walls and glistening tiled roofs, exuded an aura of strength and elegance in equal measure.

"Young master, perhaps we should locate an inn first. You must be tired from three days of travel," suggested Selena, a maid with lustrous emerald hair and eyes mirroring the same hue, accompanying Fawwaz on their journey to the city of Serenia.

Snap out of his reverie induced by the city's splendor, Fawwaz became aware of Selena's voice.

"Ah, yes, of course. Let's find an inn."

Together, they ventured deeper into the city, Fawwaz marveling at the picturesque cityscape of Serenia along the way.

After a brief stroll, they stood before an inviting inn building.

Emblazoned with the name "River Tree Inn," the establishment exuded a charm befitting its location in Serenia. Its architecture, a testament to the town's traditional style, boasted a seamless fusion of aesthetics.

Crafted from carefully chosen natural stone and wood, the inn emanated a cozy ambiance, warmly welcoming weary travelers.

Upon entering, Selena and Fawwaz were greeted by an elegantly appointed lobby, its decor exuding a sense of refinement and hospitality.

Nestled in one corner of the lobby was a quaint library, furnished with plush chairs and adorned with bookshelves stocked with a variety of reading materials for guests to enjoy.

'It seems this inn adopts a blend of modern architectural styles... well, the author certainly did a commendable job regardless,' thought Fawwaz as he and Selena approached the receptionist, a woman in her twenties adorned in a sleek black uniform, her long black hair framing her face, complemented by captivating purple eyes.

"Welcome to the River Tree Inn. Would you like to reserve a room or order food?" inquired the receptionist with a welcoming smile.

Contemplating ordering food, Fawwaz observed Selena's weary demeanor and decided to postpone their meal.

"We'll reserve two exclusive rooms for seven days," Fawwaz stated, prompting a nod from the receptionist as she handed him the room keys.

"The total cost is one gold coin, inclusive of breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the duration of your stay."


Retrieving a cloth pouch containing his currency from his pocket, Fawwaz retrieved a gold coin and handed it to the receptionist.

"Thank you. Please enjoy your stay," she said with a polite bow.

With a nod of acknowledgment, Fawwaz and Selena made their way toward their rooms. The inn boasted three floors, with the first floor serving as a lobby, library, bar, and restaurant—a common setup in fantasy settings.

Meanwhile, the guest rooms occupied the second and third floors. Fortunately, Selena and Fawwaz's rooms were adjacent, facilitating ease of access should they require anything.

"Rest well, Selena. I'll do the same," Fawwaz said.

"Thank you, young master. Enjoy your rest," Selena replied before heading to her room, while Fawwaz entered his own.

As he stepped inside, Fawwaz couldn't help but marvel at the sight before him, a faithful recreation of the room from the anime he had watched.

"This is truly remarkable," he thought to himself.

In Fawwaz's accommodation, akin to a 5-star hotel in the modern world, the rooms were decorated with lavish furnishings, and his single occupancy room was remarkably spacious.

His gaze was fixed on the king-size mattress, exuding an air of opulence with its plush softness and intricate gold embellishments.

Entering the bathroom, Fawwaz beheld a generously sized bathtub coated in shimmering silver—a stark departure from the electrical energy sources of the modern world, as in the Dawnfall's world, where stones serve as the primary energy source.

Sinking onto the sumptuous mattress, Fawwaz sighed deeply. "Ah, I'm completely exhausted."

Three days on the train had taken its toll on Fawwaz. Despite his decision to journey to Serenia, he couldn't leave without obtaining permission from the head of the family, a process facilitated through an official letter. Although seemingly cumbersome, Mary, the head maid of the mansion, assured Fawwaz it was for his good.

Complying with the protocol, Fawwaz patiently awaited a response. After two days, a reply letter arrived, accompanied by the allocation of funds—a gesture that prompted Fawwaz to ponder, "Perhaps my parents don't truly hate me?"

Receiving a bag brimming with gold instilled a sense of familial concern within Fawwaz.

"But receiving such a hefty sum of gold seems excessive, doesn't it?"

In Garland's currency system, silver, bronze, and gold coins held varying values. For example, two bronze coins could purchase a loaf of bread, while 100 bronze coins equated to one silver.

With one silver coin, one could procure a modest meal and accommodations in a small hotel for three days. Furthermore, 50 silver coins amounted to one gold, highlighting the esteemed value of gold in this world.

To put it into perspective, if two bronze coins equated to $1, then one silver coin would be valued at $50, making one gold coin equivalent to $2500.

As an additional tidbit, Fawwaz's money pouch still contains 39 gold coins.

"So, this is the lifestyle of a crazy rich family," Fawwaz mused, contemplating the wealth at his disposal.