
I Became The Strongest Support Character

Have you ever come across a tale where a character's immense strength disrupts the storyline's equilibrium? Readers ponder over how this formidable character could meet defeat, prompting the Author to carefully consider a logical resolution. This predicament often befalls non-protagonist characters—be they villains or supporting figures—ultimately leading to a tragic demise that shapes the main character's development. As I awoke in an unfamiliar bed, gazing at the ceiling of an unknown room, the realization dawned on me. Was I experiencing the clichéd phenomenon of transmigrating into the story I had just completed? Given my current state, the answer seemed affirmative. However, to my surprise, I found myself inhabiting the role of Fawwaz Nor Everglen—the strongest supporting character in the narrative, neither the reformed villain nor the cautious mob character entwined with the protagonist. While not as dire as previous cases, unsettling facts fueled my anxiety. I now embodied Fawwaz, a character with a myriad of scripted deaths designed to propel the protagonist's growth. His unbridled strength led to varied demises, from authoritative to ludicrous, profoundly influencing the story's trajectory through his pivotal connection with the protagonist. Fawwaz's predictable demise stemmed from the disruption he caused to the balance of power between good and evil. Moreover, every narrative path devised by the author seemed to culminate in two possibilities: my demise or the demise of all characters except the protagonist. It appeared the author had a penchant for tragic endings. Undeterred, I resolved to alter this fate. My goal was to ensure not only my own survival but also that of everyone else, fostering a happy conclusion. Armed with determination, I embarked on a journey to defy any potential future deaths.

farsy_ · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The First Deviation. (Re-make)

A/N: Recently I decided to remake the story from the first chapter, so for those of you who have just read this chapter, please refrain from reading the next chapter, because the storyline will be diverted. Please be patient until I update the second chapter. :)

(I will add the word (Re-make) to the chapters that I have finished)


Reincarnation is the instance of a soul moving from its old body to a new one. This transfer is not limited to a human body; it can involve becoming a plant, animal, or insect.

How an individual reincarnates is affected by their deeds in the life they lived before incarnating.

The more noble one's behavior, the happier they will be when reincarnating, and vice versa. Conversely, the worse one's behavior, the more suffering they will experience when incarnated.

"That's according to one of the books I read in the school library,"

Fawwaz, now incarnated as the supporting character Fawwaz Nor Everglen in the Dawnfall story contemplated his situation further.

"It's been a month since I incarnated."

A month had passed since he entered the world of Dawnfall, during which time Fawwaz had struggled to adapt. However, in the end, the greatest strength of humans is adaptability.

After studying his surroundings for a month, Fawwaz acquired some valuable information.

First, Fawwaz Nor Everglen is the second child of the Duke of Everglen's family, one of the main forces of the Aetherion Empire.

Second, Fawwaz's parents, Duke Damian Nor Everglen and Isabella Nor Everglen, are among the strongest humans on the continent.

Third, Fawwaz has an older sister who is one year older than him, named Emmeline.

Fourth, every member of the Everglen family has sky-blue eyes as a hereditary trait. Fawwaz, being a pure descendant of the Everglen family, possesses these characteristic eyes called Third Eyes.

Fifth, the Everglen family has exclusive magic inherited from generation to generation by the head of the family, called "Spatial" magic. This magic allows the manipulation of space according to the user's will.

However, for some unknown reason, Fawwaz did not possess the qualifications to compete with his older sister Emmeline for the inheritance of the family magic. Consequently, the seat of the next head of the family had undoubtedly been reserved for Emmeline.

"The information I've gathered so far doesn't deviate from the main story," 

After incarnating, Fawwaz realized that he had incarnated before the main storyline of Dawnfall began, to be precise, a year prior.

"I ended up obtaining detailed information like this, and I even acquired information that wasn't explained in the original story,".

Fawwaz was informed that he was currently residing in the Everglen family's branch mansion, a residence commonly utilized for brief stays by the main families.

"Even isolating their own biological son... How unfortunate is my fate," Fawwaz lamented, rising from his chair. He then walked out of his room, preparing for his training routine.

Throughout the month, Fawwaz's daily activities in the mansion followed a routine. In the morning, he secluded himself in the library, diligently searching for as much information as possible. After lunch, he commenced training in the mansion's gymnasium, continuing until late at night.

This consistent pattern of behavior for a month drew the attention of the servants in the mansion.

Fawwaz arrived at the training ground, an enclosed gymnasium equipped with enough gear to accommodate swordsmen and mages.

In the fantasy world of Dawnfall, mana serves as the primary energy source, enabling almost everyone to manipulate it in two distinct ways: Aura and Magic.

Aura is the energy generated when someone manipulates mana, flowing it around their body to produce a visible energy field. This aura can be molded into physical objects, and individuals who wield aura are known as warriors.

On the other hand, magic involves creating a new reality from nothing by manipulating mana in intricate ways. For instance, a magician can conjure fire from their bare hands. Those who wield magic are referred to as magicians.

"Let's start with some push-ups and a short run to warm up before practicing magic,"

True to the main story, Fawwaz was a skilled mage, fitting for his family name, Everglen, known as the best magician family on the Continent.

Typically, magicians wouldn't bother with physical training, focusing instead on acquiring knowledge and honing their spellcasting abilities. However, as an incarnate individual, Fawwaz wasn't bound by the world's traditions.

"I believe training both my physique and my magic would be more beneficial than focusing solely on one,"

While running around the gymnasium, Fawwaz offered himself inner encouragement. As a mage, Fawwaz had never experienced physical training like this before incarnating, making the physical training a daunting challenge.

"Huft... huft... huft... Consistency is key," he reminded himself between breaths.

Despite the difficulty, Fawwaz persevered and finally completed his physical training routine. After a short break, he proceeded to the magic training area.

Unlike the physical training ground, which resembled a sports field with additional weapons such as swords and spears, the magic training ground resembled a modern shooting range.

Entering a cabin delineated by a line on the floor, Fawwaz faced a magic shooting target to practice the accuracy of magic throws.

"This time, let's practice accuracy with Fire magic."

Preparing to cast his magic, Fawwaz focused his energy. Automatically, wooden dolls appeared in various places within his line of sight, serving as targets.

Closing his eyes, Fawwaz opened his palm, and a manifestation of mana slowly materialized. The mana gradually transformed into flames, compressing into a ball the size of a tennis ball.


Fawwaz skillfully guided the fireball through his fingers toward the appearing puppets.

-Boom, boom, boom

The fireballs struck the emerging puppets one by one, generating small explosions in the surrounding area.

After shooting for a while, the puppet sequence finally concluded.

"I managed to hit 34 out of the 80 puppets that appeared, which is a 50% increase from when I first started practicing. Not bad." 

The training mechanism was straightforward: within a certain period, the puppets would appear one by one until the set number was reached. The location where the puppets appeared was randomized, posing a challenge for Fawwaz to adjust his fireball aim.

"However, it also takes me a while to do my incantations... I think I should practice my chanting."

The practice continued, with Fawwaz experimenting with other variations of elemental magic, such as wind, water, and earth.

Starting with the wind being molded into a slashing motion, earth transformed into rocks, and water condensed into projectiles, everything was directed towards the training Puppets.

With focused determination, Fawwaz's proficiency in destroying the puppets increased.

"This time is the highest yet. I was able to destroy 41 puppets out of the 80 that appeared. The improvement this time is quite significant"

Satisfied with the results of his training, daylight quickly turned into night, signaling the end of Fawwaz's training session.

He promptly tidied up his belongings and returned to his room to cleanse himself of the sweat from training.

After freshening up, while awaiting dinner time, Fawwaz settled into his chair.

"Okay, as far as I know, in the original story, I'm destined to die at the academy later. The main contributing factor is my emotional attachment to Avan, the main protagonist."

Fawwaz, as depicted in the original story, was someone who found solace in Avan during his inner turmoil, leading him to deeply value the protagonist to the extent of being willing to sacrifice his life to save him.

"Should I keep my distance from him right from the start?"

"No, I should remain involved because Avan is the main protagonist after all. All the events in this world will unfold around him... But wait, isn't that a good reason to keep my distance?"

Given that Avan was the main protagonist of the main story, it was natural that the entire plot would revolve around him. If Fawwaz wanted to avoid his destined death, then avoiding interaction with Avan would prevent the circumstances leading to his demise from arising in the first place.

"Yeah, this assumption will only lead to contradictions. For now, I should focus on enhancing my power to protect myself."

"Ah, speaking of increasing power... Shall we start from 'there'?" 

And so began Fawwaz's initial strategy in his quest to avert the fate of death awaiting him in the future.