
I Became Rimuru Tempest in Another World

Satoru Mikami gets stabbed by a robber after pushing away his coworker. He never expected that his life would end in this way. Closing his eyes, Satoru waited for the fateful moment, but strangely it did not come immediately as he thought. Every time he said some strange things, a strange voice came, causing him to think he was hallucinating. In the end, Satoru did not care much about that voice, even when it said something that later on changed his life completely, in good or bad. (This is a different path from the original Rimuru, I will write original plot while still following a bit of the original one, so please pay attention to this, thanks.) -Spontaneous updates Disclaimer: This novel completely belongs to its makers. Other than original characters I might make everything else belongs to their respective owner. Disclaimer: The cover isn't mine and if the owner wants me to take it down I would do so. Cover modifier: Reality.

Chaos_Prime · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

Skill Potential

So, now what do we do?

"What do you mean?" Veldora asked, confused.

Well, to start: I feel bad about my new friend being sealed. Also, I am new to this world and would like to explore it. More so, I want to learn about these 'skills' and how to use them. Don't you hate being here?

"F-friend! Baka, don't say such embarrassing things. You can't do anything about the Unlimited Imprisonment seal anyway. That hero... let's not think about it. If the hero was able to seal me, it's obvious how strong they are. But, your words also make sense. Fine, first tell me about your skills and I will try and help you with them." Like the tsundere he is, Veldora smugly replied.

My skills? Well, for starters, I have two unique skills called-

"Wait, wait! You just two unique skills, am I hearing this right?" Veldora asked in a severe tone.

Uh? Ah yes. Two unique skills, as I was saying: They are called copy and predator. I have no idea what copy does, but predator allowed me to devour stuff and store them in a separate storage space inside my stomach. It also allows me to have the properties, skills, and whatever these eaten things have.

"I see... this really is amazing. Little slime f-friend, you are very lucky," Veldora said, but his tone did have slight envy and embarrassment as he called the slime friend. "What other skills do you have?" the dragon asked.

Hmm, I have a couple of normal skills that I know how to use. Oh, I remember. I have an extra skill called Great Sage. It is fantastic and really helpful. It helped explain some stuff to me and also can slightly talk. I told him.

"Anything else?"

Nope, I don't think so.

"Then let's start working on your current skills. You already know how to use your predator skill, so I suggest you try to absorb as much stuff as you can. You can never know what you might need or what powers can benefit you. As for your copy skill, I think we can both conclude some opinions about it. Oh, tomou of mine, I think this skill will be as overpowered as that predator skill, and with the help of this Great Sage skill, you mentioned I guess you will be great in the future. You might even reach Demon Lord level... maybe more..." Veldora patiently explained, and the slime attentively listened, but for some reason, in the end, Veldora muttered some stuff that the slime didn't hear correctly.

I am sad though, you helped me and explained so many things, but you are stuck in this cage. If only I had a way to get you out—speaking of which, can't I? I exclaimed with realization. If I still had hands, I would have facepalmed at the apparent clue in front of me.

"What? You can get me out? Wait how?! This is the hero's skill. How can a slime-like you do anything against it?" asked Veldora, his voice slightly trembling in excitement and disappointment.

It makes sense. He had so much power, and he had been sealed for 300 years. How many times must he have tried getting out? Me suddenly telling him this probably appeared like a joke to him.

What's the harm in trying? Weren't you the one who said to eat as much as I can and gain as much power as I can? This is a world where only the strong survive is what you said or something similar.

"Th-That's true," Veldora nodded to himself before shaking his head and looking at the small slime. "What are you planning to do?" he asked with apparent curiosity.

I am going to eat you. I told him.

Silence ensued between the two after the slime said so. The atmosphere went awkward before the dragon broke free from the weird atmosphere with weirdly enough a nod.

"I see. This-This makes sense! With your predator skill, you might be able to eat me and store me in the storage space you talked about. If I were in your stomach, I would be able to leave—only one problem, though. The hero's skill isn't that simple. It sealed me, and I can't touch the outside of this small space. This also means that you can't enter to devour me."

Veldora figured out what the slime meant and deduced the situation, and finally shook his head in disappointment.

I-I am sorry. We are friends, but I can't help you. I told him as I felt a slight pang in my nonexistent heart. I gained a new friend in this new world and can't even help him. I am... useless. Wait a minute! I might not be able to help, but I have Great Sage.

Great Sage, you have heard the problem. Is there a way to help Veldora?

[Analyzing the Unlimited Imprisonment seal skill. Results invalid. Skill too strong to analyze.]

Great Sage's words almost made the slime sad before it continued.

[Using the unique skill predator, freeing the Dragon is impossible, however, eating the Dragon and the Unlimited Improsenment seal together is possible.]

With Great Sage's unexpected helpful answer, the slime told Veldora what will happen.

"HAHAHAHA, I can finally leave this prison. Even though this means I will be in another prison, this is better."

Without further ado, Itadaki-

"Wait!" Veldora stopped before the slime could eat him.

What's wrong?

"Well, I wanted to give you a name and also test something."

Name? Why would I need it here? I asked, confused.

"HAHAHA, well, we are friends now, and I don't want to keep calling you slime," Veldora said, but a light shined in his eyes, showing that he didn't tell everything.

This makes sense. Then please give me a good name.

"Hmm, as the friend of me, the Storm Dragon Veldora, I shall give you the honor to be named Rimuru." He nodded to himself as he liked the name.

That's it? Shouldn't we also decide on a family name?

"Why not? How about Trescur? Stercore? Echo? Nah, they don't feel right..."

Oi, oi, what kind of names are these... one of them literally means shit! Can I suggest a name myself?

"Sure, why not?"

Let's see. You are the Storm Dragon Veldora... storm... AH. Tempest! Rimuru Tempest... for some reason, this feels correct and perfect."

"This-This is really good. Rimuru Tempest... Rimuru..." Veldora muttered a couple of times before nodding in approval.

Since we are on this topic... how about you also take the name Tempest?

"How Presumptuous! Asking me the Great Storm Dragon to take on the same name as a slime!!" Veldora screamed in a voice that didn't really sound angry.

I'm Sorry! I said as my form unconsciously flattened. I won't repeat things like this if you don't like it.

"B-baka. I never said I don't like it," he semi pouted. "Alright, I will give you this honor. From now on, I am Veldora Tempest. The Storm Dragon Veldora Tempest! ROAR!!!"

Veldora announced with a roar.

After finishing his roar, the now named Veldora Tempest looked at the newly named monster. 'It seems he didn't realize the changes yet, HAHAHA. This will be fun.'

"Now, how about we try this other unique skill before you can eat me."

How though? I don't know—wait. I will just ask Great Sage again.

[To use the unique skill: copy, you only need to look at the object and utter the skill's name for it to be copied.]

With Great Sage's explanation, Rimuru finally found out how to use the skill copy.

Rimuru looked at Veldora and the Unlimited Imprisonment Seal and voiced out with his thoughts, "Copy!"

A flash of white encompassed the part of the cave the two were in, slightly 'blinding' them.

Hello, the updates will be sporadic and not defined in the context of days or hours. I publish when I write or have time to write. Since the second semester of Uni started I will not have much time but I will try when I can.

Chaos_Primecreators' thoughts