
Chapter 73

Kakashi was rather more surprised because he was thinking of the level of my strength. Danzo, although a careful man, had strength close to a Kage. Not yet a kage, but close. Yet how old was I? Kakashi knew I was strong with the way I battled Guy. Even more because we were both holding a lot more back, but still, it was quite surprising.

He nodded before speaking, "For now, the news is being suppressed. But I doubt it would be for long. They are still looking, and I don't think they would find out who anytime soon." Kakashi finished speaking and walked away with his hands in his pocket without looking back.

"Honestly, acting so cool all the time, Hatake Kakashi. It would be even cooler if he stopped reading porn in public all the time." My words caused him to stumble a little which made chuckle.

"Ok, Team 7 will continue on our mission. Nothing has changed; We will continue to protect Tazuna until he completes the bridge. Except, Jounin Haruno Sakuro would be leading the team temporarily while I go take care of something important." Kakashi spoke to his team. They wanted to ask questions but they held on for later.

"Oi, are you going to leave another little girl here while we wait for this Haruno Sakura Jounin from the village?" Suddenly the old bridge builder, Tazuna, felt a brush of death when three kunais brushed past him. One on each side of his face and the other directly through his hair.

His body shivered with sweat as he turned to the source, "Jounin rank, Haruno Sakura here, I will be in your care, old man." Everyone sniggered. Kakashi had deliberately mentioned the rank in hopes the old man would catch the hint. Seems he didn't.

"Yo, Ikemen, are you still wearing that thing?" Haku looked to Zabuza who nodded before taking the Anbu mask off.

The face they saw was probably the prettiest they had ever seen. "Tsk. Still such a pretty man I see, Haku. But I still want to dress you up in so many different clothes" I got in his face. Not just female clothes but male ones as well. The perfect trap. Haku frowned and held his needle tighter, wanting to stab me. There was no way he would allow himself to be treated that way.

After speaking with Haku for a few moments, the three people left, leaving the young ones of team 7 and the bridge builder, Tazuna. I was happy because I knew I did not have to do a single thing and just let canon do its job. I could sleep the entire time. It was perfect for me. Muhaha. Payment without having to lift a finger; the sweetest kind of pay.

Before I could rally the troops so we could head to Tazuna's home, Sasuke walked up to me and spoke, "Sakura, fight me!" I could tell he had been anxious the moment he saw me. The way I stood and discussed privately with Kakashi and Zabuza probably made him feel I was moving too much ahead. What was worse was the rank Kakashi and I just spoke. He had assumed me to be a Chunin-rank and could probably catch up to me soon, but who would have thought I was actually already Jounin.

Either way, it did not matter to him. He had gotten stronger after training with Kakashi for the past few months now so he wanted to beat Sakura down and finally know about his brother.

I looked at him and spoke with a shy look, almost blushing, "Sasuke, read the current mood, else everyone would know you are an idiot." This gloom-shit wanted me to actually do something as exertive as fight? I had practically already activated my lazy mode and he wants me to fight? If not for the fact that we still had to walk to the bridge builder's house, I would already have laid on the ground in full lazy mode. Little Shit!

Sasuke looked at me angrily. When I turned my back, intending to talk to Tazuna, he suddenly appeared in front of me and charged at me screaming, "Don't turn your back to me!". He was…slow. Painfully so. He may have gotten slightly fast training with Kakashi or maybe guy? But turned out he had yet to copy that speed movement.

That makes me consider things. From what I know, Sasuke awakened his sharingan during the night of the massacre, yet had never again activated it since, until his battle with Haku. It looked like he was unable to, well, get it working, so to speak, until his life was in danger at that time. Or he might have not even known he had activated it.

Sasuke sent a punch towards my head, which connected. He felt elated for a short while until his fist went through my head. My entire body liquified and wrapped around Sasuke in a water ball. 'Water release: Water prison'. A water clone split itself from the water prison and held onto the ball, while I walked out from behind a tree.

The shit actually made me use chakra when I had no intention of doing so. Sure, I could have simply knocked him out with a simple chop to the neck to disable him, but... Damn, maybe that would have been better.

I was irritated. I walked to the trapped Sasuke with that irriated look in my eyes. Akari wanted to run to Sasuke but was held back by Naruto. I had so much to say to Sasuke, but when I got to him, it all suddenly felt unnecessary. For some reason, I think he saw it in my eyes as well. I released both the Water Prison and the water clone and stared down at him with a sneer before walking to Tazuna. Sometimes, one look said more than a thousand words. Akari quickly run to check on Sasuke as she glared at my back.

"We move! The quicker we can finish the bridge, the quicker I can go home." I spoke to the team and Tazuna, who for some reason had been quiet the entire time, wondering if this team would truly be able to help. Sasuke picked himself up and with that, temporal Team 7 made their way to the bridge builder's home.

We finally made it to the bridge builder's home. I thought the irate mood of mine might have completely ruined my lazy mode but it came back stronger than ever. Yay. I pulled out a sleeping bag the moment we got to the porch and slipped into it. I did not come out even during the introductions.

Afterwards I heard a few mumblings, which I was sure they were actually speaking but because I had completely tuned them out came to me as mumblings, I could tell the introductions were over and I could feel them looking at me weird, but I did not care. I just wanted to do absolutely nothing.

Right on cue, I could feel a certain gloom approaching me, which made me frown. 'Is the universe just trying to mess with me?' Still not bothering to open my eyes, I could feel someone standing over and staring at me intently.

'Play dead. just play dead and it will go away on its own.' But it did not. It continued to hover and stare. "What? What do you want?" With no other choice, I opened my eyes with annoyance and stared back at Sasuke who had been glaring at me. Weirdly enough, he looked like he had no intention of leaving until he got what he wanted.

"Train me. No, please train me."


[I tried and here is another chapter. Enjoy]