
Chapter 3

Big ups to AaronAlcorn. Thank you for the patronage. Enjoy. There are 14 chapters ahead on my p*treon if you want to read ahead. P atreon.com/carljoe. With that said. here is chapter 3.


"First, I need to know which part of the story I am in now. Judging from my age I am probably around ten or eleven years. Tsk, what the hell is this, even if I am not getting a gold finger where the hell is the influx of information? This is just getting ridiculous." By now, the main characters in the novels usually got some supernatural influx of information, so where was mine?

I did not even know how old I was at the moment. I could only guess. As such, I was having a hard time gauging the exact timeline. I did know though that the Uchiha massacre was over. Of course, it wasn't as if I had any intention of intervening. Not like I had the strength to do so anyway. I was hoping to snag an eye or two and some blood.

Oh, shut up. Not like I would even be able to, as a five-year-old girl with a forehead as wide as a dart board, just sneaking around plucking eyes out of dead veteran shinobi.

It was not to transplant into myself, no. It is to study, to see if I can unravel some secrets of my own. Of course, with the help of my favorite character, Orochimaru; If he did not kill me first, or worse, dissect me. Regardless, when I get strong enough, I would need to find him. It should not be too hard though, from the chuunin exams to finding the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade Senju. 'If I survive that long'. I had quite a few chances to meet the snake.

"I really need to find out how old I currently am. That's the only way I can prepare myself. I sure as hell am not going out there with this weak self." Tilting my head to the side I had a few thoughts running through my head.

"Wait, I know both her parents are alive. I have been screaming for a while now and yet not a single person had come around. Were they perhaps out?" Looking out the window it looked bright out. It made sense. Sakura's mom was a housewife after all. Maybe she was out for groceries?

Right on cue, I heard the door open and close downstairs. "Sakura, are you home?" I heard the voice of a woman from downstairs. "I understand her, that takes care of language. At least I won't have trouble with it, thank goodness."

Psyching myself up I made my way to the door. On the way out I saw a coat hanging on a coat hanger. The coat of the fourth Hokage.

This is probably one of the most unanswered questions in Narutoverse. Maybe the animators put it there for no particular reason. Or maybe a replica. Or maybe just maybe there truly was a reason, and this was the moment I truly hate not receiving the rush of information the MC of those novels usually got when they transmigrated.

Thinking about that once again reminded me of the gold finger I did not receive. Cursing under my breath a few times while resisting the urge to put on the coat, I walked out of my room going downstairs. It really was a simple beautiful two-floor house with a simple setting. Living room, dining and kitchen on the first floor and bedrooms with bathrooms on the second floor.

As I made my way down the stairs, I saw a fair skinned middle-aged woman unpacking groceries. She had blonde hair with a single bang that came down the middle of her face. Although she had slight traces of aging, probably from stress, you could tell she was really beautiful in her youthful days. She was Haruno Mebuki, mother of Sakura. It was known that she was the strictest one in the family.

'I wonder.' Thinking to myself I began to quieten my steps as I continued to make my way down the steps trying to sneak up on her. My eyes never leaving the woman taking out the groceries as she hummed a quiet tune to herself.

That is when I saw her tilt her head slightly, almost unnoticeable. The only reason I was able to catch it was because I was staring like a hawk. 'That confirms it'.

Canceling my quite steps I begin to stomp loudly down the rest of the steps, intentionally announcing my presence to the woman in the kitchen. That was funny, 'announce'. She had already noticed me trying to sneak up on her. She probably just left it up to me trying to be, or worse me just playing ninja. Well it was good for me. Better than her breaking my neck thinking I was an enemy transformed into her daughter and I had done something to her real daughter.

Well, she would not have been far off, I had taken over Sakura, after all. Thinking about that again made me shiver slightly. 'Man, that would take some time getting used to'.


As always. There are more chapters on P atreon.com/carljoe. Thanks and have a good read.

So, i had always felt Sakura's mom was the strongest of the family. There had been theoris out there that she only came home because of Sakura. Let me know what you also think.

As always. There are more chapters on P atreon.com/carljoe. Thanks and have a good read.

Carl_Joecreators' thoughts