
Chapter 34

"Katon: Goukakyuu no jutsu (Fire style: Grand fireball technique)" Aoi launched a hot fireball at me, but what surprised me was it was aimed higher. Sure, it was aimed at my head but if I ducked, I could easily dodge it. Just as I was about to dodge, I once again could not sense one of them. This time it was Kouki. He had somehow managed to suddenly appear in front of me.

Just as I was about to react to Kouki, I once again lost Aoi. I suddenly sensed her right behind me, directly beneath the grand fireball jutsu which was already traveling upwards. They moved extremely quickly and stabbed into me, one from the front, and the other from behind.

I smiled at them before my body turned into water and falling on the ground.

"Water clone jutsu." They both said astonished.

"Oh my, that was dangerous. I thought this was supposed to be a spar." I walked out from behind a tree, faking a terrified expression as I held the places my siblings stabbed. They looked towards my direction before quickly pointing their katanas at me, on guard, ready for any attack.

"Mm, yes. I think I understand the way the jutsu works now. Something like…" I quickly disappeared from my position and arrived right in their middle with my arms around their necks and whispered "…this, right?"

I could feel their bodies shiver as they slowly turned unbelieving to look at me. They quickly regained composure and jumped forwards to get away from me. I could see the frustration beginning to set in when I looked in the eyes of Kouki as he grits his teeth. I could see something else as well, amazed? I did not really get it. Of course, it was not like I copied their jutsu or anything. In fact, I suspected it to be a bloodline limit of theirs.

Bloodline limits, Kekkei Genkai. An anomaly in the DNA of an individual, allowing them unique abilities. Bloodline limits usually make the user more powerful than the average shinobi.

There were three types of Kekkei Genkai. The first being Doujutsu. The eyes were usually passed down and inherited through clans. Examples being the Byakugan of the Hyuga Clans, and Sharingan of the Uchiha Clan. These types are usually easily transferable unless steps were taken to prevent such occurrences.

The next type was advanced nature transformations. Being able to combine two natures to create a completely new one. An example would be the Yuki clan's Ice release which was produced by combining water and wind, and the Fifth Mizukage who was said to have a rare double kekkei genkai with her Lava release and boil release. That did not mean that those that had multiple natures could produce kekkei genkais.

The last one would be others who have unrivalled abilities to control their bodies, like the Sako twins who worked under Orochimaru, who were able to merge their bodies together and with others.

"If I am right, your ability allows you to appear and disappear in places where there is a shadow. Damn, that is some serious cheat ability. Coupled with your speeds the two of you are like the perfect assassins. Amazing." I spoke, genuinely impressed but the look on their faces seemed like they felt mocked instead; Especially Kouki who had a wry smile on his face.

"Is something wrong?" I was genuinely confused. Was it that they did not believe in their abilities or was it something completely else? I was beginning to be afraid that I had scarred my siblings. They had worked so hard for so long to bring forth such a terrifying Kekkei Genkai which they believed no one else could do, and now they think I just did?

Of course, I did not. No one can copy a bloodline limit, did the old man red head not tell them? All I did was mask my chakra with Yin Cloak and moved at incredible speeds through the shadows to approach them from behind.

"Hey, are you guys alright?" When I heard no response, I began to walk towards them with concern. I might have broken them, was all I could think about. After taking a few steps forward, they suddenly burst into movement, charging straight at me. I rolled my eyes at them for thinking of such a childish strategy, and at myself for actually falling for it.

Just as I was about to move, I found myself completely immobilized as I felt myself sinking. I did not know when, but I was standing in what looked like black circle that kept sinking everything that was on it, including myself. Judging by the speed at which I got dragged to my hands before suddenly stopping, it seemed they could control the speed of swallowing at will.

'They still have more. Each more OP than the next.'. I definitely knew there was more. Without realizing, there was already a massive smile on my face. I wanted to do battle, yet at the same time I wanted to see what more they could offer.

When I lifted my head, I saw them continuing to charge straight at me with their katanas pointing straight at me. I immediately became visually enraged. Why the hell were they charging at me? When they saw my countenance, they were forced to pause their charge slightly before resuming with determination.

"How stupid! Water release: Burst!" My body changed to water and expanded like a filled-up water balloon before exploding with a loud BANG. It happened too quickly for the siblings to react. The water explosion struck them and knocked them tumbling backwards a few meters before they were finally able to find their bearings.

"I refuse it!" I had already appeared behind them with kunais against their throats pressing hard enough to draw blood. They dared not move. Probably for the first time since we started the spar, they felt they could die. They could feel the rage of their sister but they did not know exactly what they had done to spark such rage.

"I absolutely refuse it! Why were you charging at me? Did I look so weak to you that you were confident in getting to me or were you just feeling suicidal?" They finally seemed to understand as they began to drop their heads in shame and frustration. Seeing that got me even more angry. I pressed the kunais harder forcing their heads back.

"Why didn't you attack with shadow spears or something like that to finish the job from afar or let the shadows completely swallow me? Who gave you that right to feel frustrated? Who gave you such blind confidence to feel frustrated as if you did all that you could and failed?" The more I spoke the more frustrated I was getting, and I was beginning to question myself on the reason why.

I knew why. Even back on earth, anytime I saw a character with such broken or cheat like abilities, completely underusing them, it really got to me. Seeing these two with such broken abilities with almost zero imaginations on how to properly use them, really got to me. But still, getting that angry? I had seen their ability for the first time and I had already thought of a few broken abilities I could come up with if it were me.


200 stones = 2 chapter

400 stones = 3 chapters

600 stones = 5 chapters.

Current reached = 622

Chapters owed = 5