
One Piece: Reborn as Yamato?!

Suddenly she wakes up and realises, she was reincarnated into a baby. this baby turns out to be Kaido's daugther yamato. She has to deal with her new reality, will she embrace evil, escape or give in. Follow her on her new journey in the one piece world.

Immortal_Sakura · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

#1 Waking Up

When did I realize where I really was?

Maybe at the moment I woke up and could barely move my body, when I could see my hands up close I saw that they were very small with chubby fingers.

What had happened? Had I been reincarnated for dying in my previous life, like in one of those manga? I didn't remember dying from illness, being run over, or some idiot killing me during a robbery. No matter how much I thought about it, nothing came to mind. But the worst part wasn't the inability to move properly, my blurry vision, or controlling my body to avoid wetting myself (which was very humiliating). I thought that was the last surprise and that it couldn't get any worse.

Life rule number 1: NEVER tempt fate.

At first, I didn't understand the conversations of the people around me nor could see them well. But after a while, I began to understand some words and distinguish the blurry figures taking care of me. The figures were huge, at least from my perspective, and what I started to hear turned out to be gradually terrifying.

".... Young ... Oden ... relief"

".... Kaido..."

".... Wano... kuni...?"

".... Orochi..."

".... Kozuki...?"

The conversations kept happening one after another, but my mind was occupied thinking about what I had heard.

Kaido, Wano, Kozuki...

Either I had been reborn into a mega fan otaku family of One Piece or I had been reborn into that pirate universe. I prayed it was the first option because if I was reborn into the One Piece universe, I was screwed. Many would say it was a unique opportunity in life, but I had to be realistic, One Piece was one of the worst universes to live in. Except for the universes of Naruto, Dragon Ball or Berserk.

In this world, I was in constant danger from pirates, slavers, fanatical marines, and of course the dangerous sea monsters that populated the seas. They had been mentioning Wano, the country of samurais, that is isolated from the outside world and where the deadliest swordsmen in the world lived. At first, I would have liked to grow up there (the Japanese theme seemed very interesting to me and I was passionate about history), but being up to date with the manga, my interest disappeared.

The truth was it wasn't a good place to live with a corrupt shogun whose goal was to make all its inhabitants suffer and who was protected by one of the most dangerous pirates in the world who could turn into a dragon and devastate an entire city in an instant.

I hoped I was born into a wealthy family in the capital, because if not, I was screwed.

I couldn't bear to live in Ebisu, I'd sooner become a criminal or die of hunger than eat one of those damn SMILE fruits. I liked being able to express more emotions than just smiling and laughing.

My best option would be to escape the island by stowing away on one of Kaido's ships because there was no way I was going to endure years of abuse, hunger, and slavery; until Luffy beat the giant up and even then, after seeing the state of the country in the manga, its restoration to its former glory wasn't going to be short.

A noise interrupted my thoughts, and I saw someone approaching. I tried to act like an adorable baby as best as I could. I was thinking too much; the best thing I could do was to relax a bit, relearn how to walk, talk, and figure out where exactly I was. Then huge hands (truth be told, I didn't know if it was because I was a baby, but they seemed giant to me) grabbed me and began to cradle me. I relaxed and enjoyed the sensation.

"Is everything all right? Is she healthy?"

"Yes, the girl is as healthy as a horse. Besides, she's very calm, she's barely cried and hasn't caused any trouble."

"Hmmm" - the man murmured, then I felt a hand gently touch my head, then I felt their fingers touch a protrusion on one side of my head.

What was that? What did I have on my head? Was it a deformity? The man's hand passed to the other side of my head, and I also noticed I had another protrusion.

 "I see she already has horns."

"They started to show when she was born; they've begun to grow at a slow but steady pace."

"I expected nothing less from my daughter Yamato; she'll be a great Oni and a worthy heir."

What did he just call me?


Oh no




I refused, I didn't accept it.

Why? Why? Why?


I'd like to say I didn't start crying, but it would be a lie.

Because I knew what awaited me.

I was going to suffer brutal beatings under the guise of training.

I'd go hungry.

They'd fit me with explosive shackles that would kill me if I tried to escape.

And the worst part was I'd have to wait 28 YEARS (if the character's canon age was considered) until the Straw Hats came to face Kaido and freed me.

No wonder I started crying until I fell asleep from exhaustion.