
I am Volibear in monsterverse

A man died and found God who made him spin the gacha of the afterlife. In the end, he became the league of volibear legends and went to Monsterverse (The Godzilla universe and the circle of fire). Note: My volibear will have a base height of 100 meters, imagine a huge giant bear covered in lightning. The story time will start in the Jurassic era and I don't know the comics of the series, so some parts will be invented, but I will try to be faithful to the characters.

patinhoDEUSVULT · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


I will back



The sound of thunder rumbling echoed across the ocean for a moment before a massive bolt of lightning shot through the water, heading straight for a Kaiju, part crocodile, part fish.



The Kaiju roared in pain, sending perceptible shockwaves through the water as a large, bloody hole protruded from its belly, with blue blood and internal organs beginning to spill out.

"One down!" Wilson thought as he surveyed his surroundings. Dozens of dead Kaijus floated in the water, their massive bodies piling up on top of each other on the ocean floor, making the sea look like a vast graveyard.



Godzilla's roar reverberated through the water as he fired another atomic beam toward another emerging Kaiju, exploding it into pieces.

The giant bear and lizard looked at each other, tired and exhausted. They had been relentlessly killing Kaijus for days, and exhaustion was beginning to show in their bodies, especially in Wilson's, who had just come from a battle against Ghidorah before facing the Kaijus one after the other.

He needed rest, and he knew it. However, it didn't seem like the enemies were going to give them a break. "Things would be much simpler if we could just seal the hole temporarily," Wilson thought to himself. He had already examined the massive rift, and it was different from the one in the movie.

Instead of being a straight wormhole, it was actually a vast network of interconnected underground caves that prevented the invading Kaijus from entering all at once. But, in the same way, it kept them from finding the source and sealing it.

"Wait a minute, I have a way to plug this hole," Wilson thought and looked at the dozens of bodies at the bottom of the ocean. He grabbed the body of a Kaiju he had split in half before, then tossed it into the hole.

Godzilla seemed to understand his thoughts after a moment of reflection and grabbed another Kaiju before throwing it into the hole. Soon, they both began to throw the bodies into the hole, steadily filling it, and the Kaijus emerging from the caves were killed in succession, their bodies helping to block the exit.

After two more moons, the rift was finally completely filled with the bodies of dead Kaijus. "About time," Wilson thought. It wasn't a permanent solution, but it was the best they could do before he was fully recovered to explore the Underground.


Godzilla let out a massive roar in the ocean as if calling for something, and soon a gigantic crab-shaped Kaiju emerged from the sea floor, positioning itself at the edge before starting to bury the hole with sand and its excrement, forming a crust over the Kaijus' bodies.

Wilson took one last look at Godzilla, feeling the exhaustion of the past few days hitting him all at once, making him feel tired and defeated, but above all, sad.

With a melancholic look, Wilson gazed at his right hand with the jewel of his beloved Queen Bee. Soon, anger filled his heart, and he swam back to the surface, ready to pursue Ghidorah and kill him in the cruelest way possible.

"Is this ice?" Wilson thought for a moment as he saw the water's surface covered with a thick layer of ice. "It's not winter yet, so why?" He wondered, and with a slight touch of his claws, he broke the icy surface and surfaced.

The sky was now pitch black, volcanic ash falling onto the icy water, and in addition to the massive craters and destruction caused by his battle with Ghidorah, volcanoes in the distance erupted lava, burning the ground, and he could feel the earth shaking uncontrollably.

Wilson's first thought was to try to sense the hive, which he had established a connection with moments ago, bringing relief. With large steps, he walked to a nearby mountain and tapped it twice.

Soon, a massive sound of insect wings flapping echoed, and small holes began to appear in the mountain before thousands of bees with humans mounted on their backs emerged, flying around Wilson as if celebrating the return of their King.

"Glory to the God-Bear! May the spirit of Queen Bee Longhga be eternally united!" The high priest of the tribe shouted from atop a drone, raising his spear, and soon the others echoed the same phrase.

Wilson was momentarily paralyzed, the pain of losing his faithful companion hit him in a way he had never felt before. It was as if they had ripped his heart directly from his chest, not even in the face of death had he felt so...


With force, Wilson closed his fist, making his claws pierce his skin, and he looked at the mountain where the bees and humans had taken refuge. It seemed to disintegrate before his eyes, revealing a kind of honey crib.

When Wilson saw what was in the crib, he couldn't help it, tears began to well up in his giant eyes as he extended his blood-covered palms. "Oh, my dear Queen, I will take good care of your descendants."

In the honey crib were five small newborn Queen bees emerging from their cocoons. They were so tiny and fragile that Wilson felt the wind could break them. On top of their heads were small yellow crystals like Longhga's.

As soon as Longhga's Jewel approached the small bees, it began to glow, and their jewels resonated with it, causing them to approach and nestle in Wilson's hand.

At this point, Wilson couldn't take it anymore and fell to his knees, crying as he looked at the tiny bees in his palm. He swore to protect them even if it cost him his life, and as for Ghidorah, no one in this universe would save him. Wilson would tear apart every bone of that cursed dragon and purge his flesh into nonexistence.


Hello, everyone, it's the author, and it's been two years already.

Time flies, and the author has been through a lot during this time, but now I'm coming back with a vengeance. I hope my loyal readers haven't given up on me, haha.

By the way, I'm going to merge this universe with Transformers and Avatar using the excuse of wormholes on the planet. Thanks, and see you in the next chapter.