
A Decision

"Finally, he is gone"

"As a god, I sincerely hope you have an interesting life oh Nameless Soul"

" Wait…after taking that body you are no longer a Nameless Soul. I shall call you with your new name"

"May you have an interesting life, oh Shinji Matou…"


The encounter with the Dead Apostle is giving Shinji Matou an insight.

'I lack weapon or any supernatural ability to incapacitate enemy harmlessly, I also lack any means to protect myself'

Shinji stared at his right hand that ended a Dead Apostle by literally smacking its face to death

When Shinji, finished with the Dead Apostle the day already turn into night.

*sound empty stomach*

"Lets found some food, smacking face all day really makes me hungry"

Meanwhile…in the empty apartment.

"This is supposed be a Dead Apostle nest…but I can't feel the sign of an apostle." Blue Glasses Maiden stared at the apartment.

"It seems someone already taken care of it…well whoever it is I really want to say thanks because this means there is one less work for me to do"


After a hearty meal, Shinji booked a Hotel.

"Even if I have the knowledge, I don't have the skill to make anything," Shinji said gloomily

It was the same situation with people that gaining knowledge by reading a book, even they know how to make things, they lack the experience or skill to do it. As someone that connected to the root Shinji can just download the experience/memories of a master but Shinji refraining himself to do that.

Downloading experience is easy, if Shinji wants it he can download all master experience and skill in the world becoming an Ultimate Level MiddleSchooler but no.

Shinji didn't do that.

Shinji afraid that his body will not compatible with all experience and skill. Just like you can't download IOS App in Android, or even if you can it will not compatible.

If Shinji downloads Martial Art master skill will his body able to keep up? If Shinji download Alchemist master skill will his careless nature able to be suppressed? If Shinji downloads the skill of a surgeon will his clumsy self able to disappear?

The answer is no. It was already proved before, in the apartment when using his knowledge of bounded field Shinji forget to connect it to a magical source.

Afterall Shinji only a normal man that shoved into the body of teenage boy. Even with the [Connection to the Root], he is not Gary Stu or Mary Sue. He just a normal man with the knowledge to turn the universe upside down

Yeah, definitely just a normal man…

"I need to alter my body information so it can accept any experience that I take from the root" Shinji concluded "sadly with authorization of the root, I can only take and browse information"

"But there is a way for me to alter my own body information, either using The Third on my on my own soul which can be skipped" Shinji looks at the piece of paper containing recipe and technique that Shinji got from the RooT "or I can make a wish-granting device"

Yeah, definitely just a normal man…


Shirou Emiya feeling something different in his body since the Shinji death.

'Since Sakura, Shinji sister living with me becoming my adopted little sister, its harder for me to practice magecraft, thanks to that I didn't have the chance to check the weird feeling in my body'

Seeing Sakura is relaxing, watching the TV, seeing the scene Shirou smiled

"Sakura I will busy maintaining equipment in the shed! Please, don't disturb me!"

"Okay big brother!"

Sakura originally has a feeling for Shirou but because they are now living under the same roof, that feeling piece by piece, slow but steady turned into big brother worship…

After closing and locking the shed Shirou start analyzing his own body

"Trace On"

Indeed Shirou found something new in his body a magic core…but Shirou didn't know that…

'What is this thing?' Shirou wondered 'It seems dormant…maybe I can awaken it?'

With that Shirou started to forcefully awaken it…by pumping it with prana, something that really stupid, but as a respectable shonen protagonist Shirou charge head-on.

It didn't end well…

The result was a small mana explosion, that thankfully contained in the shed but even though it contained in the shed, any magical aware people within 100 meters will aware of it.

It almost crippling Shirou…keyword almost. As long there no one reminding Shirou how stupid his action, his shonen protagonist strategy will never fail.

Because Sakura was counted as Magical Aware people. Sakura rushed hurriedly to the shed worried about his new big brother Shirou.

'Big brother is a magus?!' Sakura shook her head 'No, Even though brother is a magus brother is still the kind brother'

"Big Brother are you okay?!"

This is how two people know, that both of them are Magus…


Shinji current stat that will appear if he checks in The Root.

True Name:?

Name: Shinji Matou

Title: Face-Smacking Magician, Master of Heaven Feel, Seaweed

Race: Human

Strength :[Will get beaten up if fight a grown man normally]

Endurance :[Can make a new body if the body destroyed]

Agility :[As fast as someone that never exercising]

Mana :[Theoretical Infinite, but the output was limited]

Luck :[Depending on the Author mood]


[Connection to the Root: Record & Source of All Event & Phenomena]

The ability granted to Shinji by the unknown god in the void. Allowing Shinji to reach Omnipotent and Omniscient in a certain sense.

Restriction: Only allowed Shinji to browse and take any information. Note: Restriction can be lifted by doing &*()$ _#

[Heaven Feel: The Materialization of Soul - The Manipulation of Soul]

The Third True Magic gained directly from the root, thanks to Shinji Connection to the Root, the Magic advanced from a mere Materialization into total Manipulation. Allowing Shinji to control, create, modify, resurrect, materialize any soul. Everything that happens to the soul using this skill will be reflected in the body/physical form.

[Shinji Matou: Stupidity of Starter Villain]

The canon Shinji influence, just like every starter villain, influences the current Shinji to makes a stupid decision. Locking Shinji wisdom at human-level…and sometimes lower. Grant -90% Experience when learning everything…

Ahh, I really want to make a time skip but I still remember in the previous version I make to many time skip without making a proper arc...so at least before making a time skip I want to make a small arc

Kaichou9779creators' thoughts