
I Am In Marvel'

This novel is not my original work, and another translator only translated and edited it from Chapter 1 to 57. I will continue to translate and edit from Chapter 58 and beyond. Please note that I am not attempting to claim this novel as my own. I understand that this fanfic is well-known and some readers may accuse me of plagiarism, but I want to make it clear that I am only responsible for the translation and editing. I do not claim ownership of the original novel. ------------------------------------------------------ During the Second World War, Kyle looked at Captain America standing straight and proud before him. Suddenly, a series of skill cards appeared. 「Pistol Master」 「Martial Arts Master」 「Shield Defense Master」 「Super Soldier Serum」 Which skill card do you wish to extract? “Wait… what? This golden finger… you must be pulling my leg! Not only skill cards but I can also extract super-powered skills like the Super Soldier Serum? Mother of God… what is this?!”

DaoistMarcTempest · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
94 Chs

Chapter 76: The Space Stone

Tesseract, that is, the shape of a square cube. Observing it from a close distance, the Tesseract constantly overflowed with a mysterious and mysterious aura, as if it contained a small universe.

Kyle suppressed his inner excitement and materialized the [Vibranium Armguard] item card, wearing it on his bare right hand. Only then did he reach out to grab the Tesseract that was clamped on the wooden board in the Venom Shark's mouth.

It wasn't until the Vibranium Armguard's hand held the Tesseract that two glowing card information jumped out in Kyle's field of vision.

The colors of the two cards were not white, green, blue, or purple, but they were almost colorless with a pure crystal-like color.

[Tesseract]: A container containing one of the Infinity Stones, the Space Stone, also known as the Infinity Cube. Colorless Item Card. With the power of space, it can open the door of space and teleport people and items to any place in the universe. Current Status: Cannot be extracted (connected with the Space Stone), difficult to use.

The second colorless card was almost attached to the previous colorless card, like an overlapping shadow.

[Space Stone]: One of the six Infinity Stones in the universe, the stone that controls space. Colorless Item Card. It was almost the first thing that existed in the universe, and it was also almost the most powerful object in the universe. Using this stone, you can move yourself or all objects to any space in the universe in an instant.

Kyle made his decision and reached out to grab the Space Stone. As soon as his hand touched the gem, a powerful force flowed into his body, causing him to feel a burst of dizziness. He quickly withdrew his hand and took a few deep breaths to stabilize his mind.

"It's really difficult to use," Kyle muttered to himself as he looked at the Space Stone in his hand. "But with practice, I should be able to master it."

He carefully placed the Space Stone and the Tesseract into his pocket and stood up. "Venom, let's go back. It's time to return to the military base and report to Steve."

The Venom Shark nodded its head and swung its tail, heading back towards the military base with Kyle.

As they sailed across the ocean, Kyle couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and determination. With the power of the Space Stone, he would be able to achieve greatness and make a name for himself in the Marvel universe.

Kyle made up his mind and focused on the colorless card of the Space Stone. Begin drawing!

'Please maintain a distance of three centimeters from the item. You will continue to draw for three hours.'

'Starting loading bar: 10799 s, 10798 s …'

Kyle: "…"

Maintain it at three centimeters and extract it for three hours? One had to know that the extraction time for a Blue grade item was only three seconds within one meter!

"Should I say that it's worthy of being colorless?" Kyle smiled bitterly. Holding the Tesseract in his hand, he sat back on the Sun Chair and waited patiently. He didn't have a mission, so he could afford to wait. If he guessed correctly, Colorless should be the highest quality card, and there was still a huge gap between it and Purple.

However, perhaps the Infinity Gauntlet with six stones would be of a colorless Rare quality… Everything was still too far away. Kyle thought uninterestedly as he waited for the card to finish counting down.

Three hours later.

'3, 2, 1, extraction successful. Congratulations on obtaining the Space Stone.'

As the card was drawn in his mind, the blue light of the Tesseract in Kyle's hand suddenly dimmed a lot, as if the inner flame had been taken out of thin air, leaving only the remaining energy of the stones. At the same time, in Kyle's exclusive card space.

The cube began to shrink, the surface became smoother and the light gradually faded. In the end, it became a small, ordinary cube about the size of a small dice.

Kyle was a little surprised. He had never seen the Tesseract change in this way before. He picked it up and examined it closely, trying to see if there was anything different about it.

But no matter how he looked at it, it seemed like a normal cube. He couldn't see any special abilities or powers.

"Is it because I extracted the Space Stone from it?" Kyle muttered to himself. "Maybe it's because the Tesseract can no longer contain the power of the Space Stone and has to transform into this state."

He put the cube back in his pocket and stood up. "Well, it doesn't matter. I'll just keep it safe in the card space and figure out a way to use the Space Stone later."

With that, Kyle called Venom and set sail back to the military base, ready to report to Steve and the others about his latest discovery.

The color of the card information displayed in Kyle's eyes changed rapidly from colorless to gold, shocking him. He examined the Tesseract in his hand, which still had some blue light and a mysterious aura, but was not as powerful as before.

It used to be a colorless card, but now it had become a brand new gold item card with a changed name: [Tesseract Container]: Once a container for the Space Gem, one of the Infinity Gems also known as the Infinite Cube. It has remnants of the power of space that can temporarily open a space door, but the door's existence is unstable and may cause the space to collapse at any time. After use, the Tesseract will continue to be damaged. Current state: Unable to draw (remnants of the Space Gem's power).

Kyle was momentarily speechless, then chuckled to himself.

"Interesting." He never expected to be able to extract the Space Gem without destroying the Tesseract container. This was a surprising gain that no one in the universe would have thought possible.

"Wait, why do I feel like this could be a trap for the future Thanos?" Kyle stroked his smooth chin. The Tesseract wasn't damaged at all and still had some residual energy from the Space Gem. If Kyle were to throw this empty shell of the Tesseract away, it would save him a lot of trouble in the future.

Thinking of this, Kyle couldn't help but smile. He could already imagine the scene: in the future, when Thanos painstakingly obtained the Tesseract, crushed it, and was about to embed the Space Gem into the Infinity Glove, only to find out that it was empty. The expression on Thanos's face would be priceless.

Since Kyle had already obtained the Space Gem, it was the biggest gain of this battle. He was not prepared to stay in the Atlantic Ocean any longer. He looked at the vast sea in front of him and sighed. "Steve, it seems that we will really have to meet again in more than half a century."

"In fact, there's no need to worry. For you, this may just be a short nap. When you wake up, it will be the peaceful era you often talk about."

"I, who stayed behind, will be the one to continue moving forward in this era of war." Kyle's eyes became more determined, and he let Venom cover his body, transforming it into a black combat suit. He summoned the Blue Eagle to return to him.