
I Am A Legendary BOSS Complete

This thought had grown deep in William’s mind! This is the reason for his decision. He was going to become the strongest NPC ever. He will have the strongest armor and get beaten badly! Who said that NPCs will have to be killed by players? Who said that NPCs will level up slower than players? Who said that NPCs will only drop equipment on the ground dead? He could drop dead even more… Touch wood! Anyways, he will not die. With all of you weak players, I wouldn’t even furrow my eyebrows once if I stood here and let all of you attack me! `````` Hello I am currently translating 'I Am A Legendary BOSS.' I want to clarify that I will be picking up where it was left off at 'Chapter 353: Goddess of Magic,' and I will begin translating from 'Chapter 354.' I am the sole member of the production team, so please forgive any editing mistakes that may occur. I will do my best to provide an accurate translation. I have a deep love for 'I Am A Legendary BOSS,' which is why I have put in extensive effort to translate this novel from Machine Translation (MTL). As a result, there may be some minor hiccups here and there. I also plan to release 'I Am A Legendary BOSS' for free here, eventually making all 696 chapters available without charge. So, if you want to read this novel for free, there's no need to worry. However, for those who wish to read ahead, you can always visit my Patreon page. Additionally, I am considering releasing an audiobook version of this novel on my Patreon. I hope you understand that creating an audiobook requires both money and hard work. pa.treon.com/Endlesswriting661 Thank you for your support!

Endlesswriting · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
89 Chs

Chapter 444

Arona was an undeniably beautiful woman, at least when it came to her appearance, she easily scored an eight out of ten. She possessed a well-endowed chest, a shapely, upturned derriere, and fair, flawless skin.

As Prince William donned her clothes, he couldn't help but steal glances at himself in the mirror. He had large, expressive brown eyes framed by long, lush eyelashes, and his slender legs added to the overall allure.

Ten minutes later, in the spirit of being an accomplished spy, he meticulously familiarized himself with Arona's body. Only then did he slowly don the prepared attire, including black silk lingerie and high heels.

William skillfully twirled and moved his posterior, taking a few steps to gauge his newfound appearance.

However, upon witnessing his graceful posture, William furrowed his brow and couldn't help but sigh, "Really, how can a lady who has never graced the internet with her beauty adopt such a seductive gait?"

The reason for his ease with this transformation was not due to wearing women's clothing, participating in risqué exhibitions, or venturing into obscure online communities. It was primarily because of his high-level abilities and exceptional balance.

Having completed his transformation, William stashed Alona's body inside a spatial ring and proceeded to the living room to await Kanier's summons.

Outside the courtyard, a patrol arrived to escort "Elena" to the City Lord's residence. However, as they made their way, something about Elena today struck the guards as particularly alluring. Her swaying hips and waist, accentuated by the form-fitting attire, left the guards feeling slightly uncomfortable.

Nonetheless, these thoughts remained private, with none daring to overstep their bounds. They understood the consequences of irking Kanier.

Time flew by, and the patrol successfully delivered William to the city hall, which, though marred by ruined eaves and crumbling walls, still led to a partially intact building.

The Grandmaster Level Professional guiding the group opened an entrance to an underground tunnel, urging, "Proceed down this tunnel. Someone will meet you below to escort you to the City Lord."

Elena responded with a sultry tone and a suggestive sway of her hips, "Understood."

After watching Elena depart, the patrol guards were left with thoughts of their own. One young guard couldn't help but confess, "I can't help it. After seeing that figure all the way here, I'm itching to find a woman to vent my frustrations."

"Yeah, I've never seen such a captivating woman. Let's go, lads. My treat today," declared the leader, a master-ranked Professional, with enthusiasm.

One guard inquired, "Captain, where are we headed?"

The leader laughed heartily and explained, "We're going to that place Mayor Kanier frequents, where the City Lord's little lover used to reside."

The others chuckled and followed suit. Kanier had an abundance of lovers throughout the city, and many fantasized about turning the tables on him.

Meanwhile, William, disguised as Elena, proceeded through the 100–meter-long tunnel. Accompanied by two master-ranked Professionals, he reached a hidden chamber.

Each of the two guards held a key, and as they inserted their keys into the wall in unison, a mechanism was activated.


The wall opened, revealing a shimmering water curtain leading to another dimension.

"Please proceed. The City Lord has been anticipating your arrival for some time," one of the guards whispered.

Elena nodded confidently and stepped through the portal.

In the blink of an eye, spatial transformation occurred.

Before her eyes materialized a vast expanse, a space of tens of thousands of cubic meters. No sun, moon, or stars graced this realm, and it was impossible to discern whether the chaotic energy consumed its fringes. Much like Moses's divination house's backroom, this was a unique dimension, albeit of modest size.

Elena had anticipated someone would be there to receive her.

However, what awaited her was anything but what she had expected.

In the grand palace directly ahead, cacophonous roars, curses, and vitriol filled the air, accompanied by blinding bursts of white light.

Scores of beast city Professionals staggered out, bloodied and scarred from the confrontation, bearing searing marks on their bodies.

Undeterred, Elena adopted a feline-like stride as she ventured forth. One of the recently emerged master-ranked Professionals hastily blocked her path, cautioning, "Stay back, it's perilous. Proceed to the City Lord's chamber and wait there; he will be with you shortly."

Elena inquired with a raised eyebrow, curiosity piqued, "What manner of creature resides within? Shouldn't someone of the City Lord's caliber be able to subdue it?"

The Professional who had recently escaped the confrontation sighed, "The City Lord possesses great power, but the creature's soul is no less formidable. The City Lord, Vice City Lord, and other Professionals have pooled their soul magic to weaken it. While they cannot obliterate its soul, they have temporarily restrained it. However, the City Lord believes that with additional effort today, they may be able to solve this dilemma entirely."

"Oh? What sort of creature is it? May I have a look?" Elena inquired further.

"Who's there?" Kanier's voice called out.

The Grandmaster Level Professional quickly responded, "It is Elena, City Lord."

Simultaneously, Elena offered an enticing look to the Grandmaster Level Professional.

And thus, perhaps due to her beguiling charm or the prince's dashing appearance, he impulsively said, "Elena seems eager to witness the City Lord's miraculous feats and wishes to enter."

"Is that so?" Kanier responded with a hint of delight. "Then allow her entry, but caution her not to approach too closely; we wouldn't want any harm to befall my precious beauty."

Elena cast a flirtatious glance at the Grandmaster Level Professional, who was seemingly enticed by her beauty. She acknowledged Kanier's instructions with a soft-spoken response, "Of course, City Lord."

With that, Elena entered the chamber.

What transpired next was beyond anyone's wildest expectations.

Inside, an immense black altar stood, its every stone etched with cryptic runes. More remarkably, these stones were black soul stones that bore down heavily on the soul. This explained the Royal Beast City's dire financial straits.

Two crystal beds of substantial value occupied the chamber, one of which bore a radiant, humanoid figure.

However, this figure was entangled in rune chains, rendering it utterly immobile. The room also housed over thirty soul magicians, including Kanier, the City Lord, Rodesa, the Vice City Lord, and other Grandmaster Level Professionals.

The natural God lay on the crystal bed, ensnared by an array of binding runes. His body exuded a black, sinister aura, a stark contrast to the brilliant white light that enveloped him. William couldn't help but initiate an Insight.

This was a natural God of the light element, with his Health Point plummeting below 10%.

Nonetheless, Kanier and the others sought not to slay him but to erase his soul when it was at its weakest, and then transmigrate Kanier's soul into his body.

At this moment, the more than thirty soul magicians continued employing various soul magics to inflict damage upon the natural God

's soul. Although the natural God possessed minimal negative debuffs, he remained resolute, resisting their onslaught with fervor.

Time passed, and the natural God once again broke free from his bindings, albeit without the protective white light this time. However, he was swiftly restrained once more. The relentless assault on his soul continued.

While the natural God's resilience was admirable, it was clear that he could not hold out much longer against the combined efforts of the Professionals. His dark, devilish eyes bore witness to his unwavering determination.

The room was tense, as everyone understood that if the natural God were to break free, dire consequences would ensue. William watched the scene unfold, offering no interference as he contemplated his next course of action.

Suddenly, as the natural God broke through his restraints once more, his soul was eradicated entirely.

At that moment, Kanier was lying impatiently on a crystal bed, urging the Professionals to complete the transmigration of his soul into the nearly lifeless vessel of the natural God.

However, unbeknownst to them all, at the precise moment when the natural God's soul was erased and his vital signs remained, an alert appeared on William's information panel.

[Ding: Your Holy Thunder Avatar has detected a fusion]

[Ding: This fusion body has 60 seconds remaining before its vital signs are extinguished]

To kill? To save? To reveal his true identity?

No, this was not the time for William to choose.

Ever since Thunder God had mentioned the immense potential of his Holy Thunder Avatar, William had anticipated this very moment when he received the "Natural God" task.

As Kanier's soul was about to be transmigrated into the natural God's vessel, something incredible happened.

In an instant, the embodiment of the Holy Thunder Avatar materialized, manifesting as a brilliant, yellow-hued figure before everyone's astonished eyes.

But it wasn't just William!

Countless figures appeared alongside him, leaving everyone bewildered and exclaiming, "What The Fuck? Another natural God?"

However, William wasted no time. The next moment, the Holy Thunder Avatar merged into the body of the natural God.

A resounding, thunderous burst of energy erupted, as blinding light pierced the chamber.

The natural God, who had recently perished, began to emanate a radiant white aura.

He opened his eyes once more.

No longer constrained.

No need for a crystal bed.

No soul suppression.

The operation had ceased.

This natural God was none other than William himself. In an instant, he had ascended to the status of a natural God.

After all, who was more suited to become a natural God than he?

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