
I Am A Legendary BOSS Complete

This thought had grown deep in William’s mind! This is the reason for his decision. He was going to become the strongest NPC ever. He will have the strongest armor and get beaten badly! Who said that NPCs will have to be killed by players? Who said that NPCs will level up slower than players? Who said that NPCs will only drop equipment on the ground dead? He could drop dead even more… Touch wood! Anyways, he will not die. With all of you weak players, I wouldn’t even furrow my eyebrows once if I stood here and let all of you attack me! `````` Hello I am currently translating 'I Am A Legendary BOSS.' I want to clarify that I will be picking up where it was left off at 'Chapter 353: Goddess of Magic,' and I will begin translating from 'Chapter 354.' I am the sole member of the production team, so please forgive any editing mistakes that may occur. I will do my best to provide an accurate translation. I have a deep love for 'I Am A Legendary BOSS,' which is why I have put in extensive effort to translate this novel from Machine Translation (MTL). As a result, there may be some minor hiccups here and there. I also plan to release 'I Am A Legendary BOSS' for free here, eventually making all 696 chapters available without charge. So, if you want to read this novel for free, there's no need to worry. However, for those who wish to read ahead, you can always visit my Patreon page. Additionally, I am considering releasing an audiobook version of this novel on my Patreon. I hope you understand that creating an audiobook requires both money and hard work. pa.treon.com/Endlesswriting661 Thank you for your support!

Endlesswriting · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Chapter 443

Canier remained entrenched within the Beast City, even as chaos erupted during the riot of the two Legendary dragons. Hidden away in an obscure pocket dimension, he managed to elude detection. Only with careful scrutiny could one hope to discern his exact whereabouts.

Alternatively, it could be argued that the two Legendary dragons harbored no intentions of killing him or laying waste to the city. After all, they had dwelled within the Royal Beast City for centuries, witnessing Canier's growth from his early days. Making mistakes was forgivable; what mattered was the capacity to comprehend and amend them.

However, Canier's reluctance to heed their counsel and his apparent lack of courage in facing his mistakes had provoked the ire of the two Legendary dragons.

Understandably, Canier's fear of death was palpable. He had captured a "natural God," and if his dark earth reincarnation Dharma succeeded, he was destined to ascend to the ranks of a Sage.

Within the Royal Beast City, chaos still reigned supreme. Even after the departure of the two Legendary dragons, Canier briefly emerged to oversee the situation, but his stay was fleeting. Despite the presence of military forces attempting to maintain order, a multitude of opportunistic Professionals continued to exploit the prevailing turmoil.

The members of the Beast Hunting Group, notorious for their willingness to engage in bloodshed for profit, were among those taking advantage. Coupled with the rampant Beast creatures that roamed the city, the security of the Royal Beast City had plummeted to its lowest Point in centuries.

A heavy blow had been dealt to the Beast City's defense as well, with a full fifth of the 50000 Beast Guards perishing during the catastrophic disaster. As not everyone could attain the status of a Beast Master, the number of Beast Masters within the city was indicative of its foundation and potential for growth.

Despite the dire circumstances, Canier remained a rare sight, prompting speculation about his activities.

In the midst of the turmoil, Prince Peter arrived in the Royal Beast City, having consumed a transformation potion to alter not only his appearance but also his aura, weight, height, and overall demeanor.

Prince Peter, always striking in his handsomeness, strode out of the transmission hall. A group of seven or eight burly men approached him, exuding an air of menace.

Leading the group was a Fire Master, bearing a weathered face adorned with a scar over one eye, hardly appearing as an upstanding individual. He cast a discerning gaze upon Prince Peter, seemingly about to voice his intentions.

Suddenly, Prince Peter unleashed a lightning-fast kick, striking the Fire Master with incredible force. The man was sent hurtling into a wall, his blood vessels rupturing, eyes bulging with veins, and consciousness fading.

The remaining men, shocked by this swift and brutal retribution, refrained from challenging the prince. They fled the scene without attempting to assist their fallen comrade.

As they departed, the guards stationed at the transmission hall exchanged knowing glances, discreetly transmitting Prince Peter's face and information to their superiors. The recent influx of outsiders into the Royal Beast City had raised suspicions of opportunistic looting. However, closing the portal was not a viable option, as it would signify the city's impending demise.

Prince Peter continued to navigate the main street of the Royal Beast City. Every household had their doors firmly locked, and many windows and doors had been shattered by external forces. An unpleasant stench permeated the air, likely emanating from the numerous bodies strewn about.

Yet, this area did not bear the brunt of the devastation. The residential districts near the territory of the Legendary dragon had been reduced to ruins. Civilians and Professionals inhabiting these areas were not merely deceased but likely reduced to ashes under the dragon's fiery wrath.

Currently, only Professionals dared to traverse the streets, often moving in groups in a bid to find safety in numbers. Those lacking sufficient strength were at risk of being robbed or killed, given the ongoing lawlessness.

Prince Peter, walking alone along the street, drew the attention of many passersby. The palpable aura of a master deterred anyone from provoking him.

Soon, Prince Peter deftly navigated a series of alleys, seemingly vanishing from sight. Moments later, he reappeared in a courtyard several kilometers away from the alley.

Jobs, the mayor, emerged from the ground to greet Prince Peter, admiration gleaming in his eyes. The mayor's ability to ensure Prince Peter's inconspicuous arrival was commendable, and he bowed in respectful greeting. "Welcome, Your Highness. Even if others were to rack their brains, they would never guess that you have any connection with me."

Prince Peter straightened his attire and accepted a bottle of wine offered by Jobs. He then took a seat and inquired, "Have you managed to determine the exact location of the 'natural God'?"

Jobs wore a troubled expression as he explained, "Initially, I had been handling the situation, and with just one more day, the housekeeper would have revealed the location. However, the two Legendary dragons unexpectedly went on a rampage. With their power, they obliterated the City Lord's residence with their dragon breath, and the housekeeper perished."

Prince Peter, despite the setback, was understanding. He waved away Jobs' concerns, saying, "It's understandable. The sudden actions of the Legendary dragons caught us off guard. Please share any information you have."

Jobs proceeded to provide details of the situation, including the existence of a large underground space beneath the City Lord's residence, within which lay another dimension where the 'natural Gods' were imprisoned. Prince Peter listened attentively.

As he contemplated the predicament, Prince Peter expressed his reservations about confronting two epic Professionals and

 unknown traps within the different dimension. Although confident in his abilities, the potential risks loomed large. He sought an alternative solution.

Jobs, however, brightened suddenly and exclaimed, "Ah! Mayor Canier has a penchant for women. Every night, he seeks the company of a woman. I know who he has chosen for tonight. Perhaps we can use this woman as an entry Point."

Prince Peter raised an eyebrow inquisitively, and Jobs elaborated, "If we can locate a person capable of entering and exiting different dimensions, we can have them infiltrate on our behalf."

Prince Peter considered the suggestion carefully but remained cautious. "Do you know of anyone who possesses such a capability?"

Jobs shook his head, explaining, "Most individuals who could enter different dimensions have already disappeared, and Mayor Canier has restricted their freedom. No one has left the City Lord's residence recently, except for Mayor Canier himself."

"In that case, it seems infiltrating directly is our only option," Prince Peter concluded. "Tell me everything you know about the woman Mayor Canier has chosen for tonight, and I will handle her."

Jobs, eager to assist, promptly provided the information. Prince Peter realized that time was of the essence and did not wish to waste any more of it. He had concerns about the 100 million Gold Coins he had offered to Canier, and any interference from the 'natural Gods' could pose significant obstacles.

Prince Peter took a sample of the woman's blood and placed it in a magical pot. After a brief moment, a puff of smoke emerged.

Prince Peter took a deep breath and downed the concoction, despite his reservations. As for the effects, he had yet to discover them, but he trusted in the quality of Mexis' creation.

He materialized in a courtyard situated kilometers away from the winding alleyways of the Royal Beast City. His sudden appearance garnered the attention of Jobs, the city's mayor, who had emerged from below the ground. A glimmer of admiration crossed Jobs' eyes as he regarded the prince. It was evident that Prince William possessed a knack for avoiding the conventional routes, a trait befitting his royal status. Jobs bent down in a respectful salute and spoke, "Welcome, Your Highness. Even if others were to rack their brains, they would never deduce the connection between Your Highness and myself."

Prince William, undeterred by the unexpected journey, brushed off his attire and accepted the offered bottle of wine from Jobs. He then ascended to the highest Point in the house and seated himself. He inquired in a subdued tone, "Can you ascertain the precise whereabouts of the 'natural God'?"

Jobs wore a bitter expression as he replied, "Initially, I had been overseeing the situation, and given one more day, the housekeeper would have undoubtedly divulged the location. However, the sudden erratic behavior of the two Legendary dragons thwarted our plans. Their power was enough to obliterate the City Lord's residence with a mere breath, resulting in the housekeeper's demise."

Prince William contemplated the setback but soon reassured Jobs, "It's understandable. The actions of the Legendary dragons caught us off guard. Please share all the information you possess."

Jobs proceeded to detail the situation, including the existence of a vast underground chamber beneath the City Lord's residence. More importantly, he mentioned the presence of another dimension within this underground space, serving as the prison for the 'natural Gods.' Prince William listened attentively, his thoughts racing.

After a prolonged silence, Prince William waved his hand, signaling Jobs to halt his explanation. He tapped his fingers thoughtfully on the table and muttered, "Within the City Lord's residence, there is a sizable underground space, and more significantly, a distinct dimension concealed within. This dimension serves as the prison for the 'natural Gods.'"

Prince William acknowledged the challenge posed by infiltrating this dimension, particularly given his outsider status. He pondered aloud, "Even if I were to pinpoint the location within the different dimension and breach its confines, it would undoubtedly trigger some form of disturbance."

Suddenly, Prince William posed a crucial question, "Do you know of anyone with the ability to access this different dimension?"

Jobs shifted his gaze, deep in thought, before responding, "It appears that only Mayor Kanier, Deputy Mayor Polott, and a select few of their confidants possess the means to enter this peculiar space. Additionally, no one aside from Mayor Kanier has emerged from this dimension in recent times."

Prince William, realizing the implications, acknowledged the potential danger in directly infiltrating the different dimension. Faced with two Epic Level Professionals and an array of unknown traps, he hesitated, acknowledging the inherent risks.

He mused aloud, "In essence, if I attempt to breach the dimension, I am likely to be discovered." A sense of vulnerability and danger weighed on his mind.

Prince William's reservations lingered as he pondered potential alternatives. "We must consider if there's a better course of action."

Jobs, seemingly struck by inspiration, interjected with newfound enthusiasm, "Ah! Mayor Kanier has a proclivity for women. Each night, he seeks the company of a woman. I happen to know his choice for this evening. We could potentially use this woman as our Point of entry."

Prince William, momentarily taken aback, contemplated the unconventional suggestion. His raised eyebrow silently questioned Jobs' intent. He finally vocalized his query, "Are you suggesting… men can enter this dimension as well?"

After thoughtful consideration, Jobs shook his head, clarifying, "My subordinates possess no information on the whereabouts of these Professionals with the ability to enter different dimensions. Mayor Kanier appears to have imposed strict restrictions on their freedom, and none have left the City Lord's residence since the crisis emerged. The exception is the women he invites, although their purpose within the different dimension remains a mystery."

Prince William, recognizing the limitations of the available options, made his decision. "Never mind. Provide me with the detailed location of the woman you mentioned, and I will deal with her directly. Time is of the essence, as we cannot predict Kanier's actions following the receipt of my 100 million Gold Coins. If the 'natural Gods' interfere, it could complicate matters."

Jobs' eyes gleamed with newfound enthusiasm upon hearing Prince William's resolve. It seemed he had envisioned the potential benefits of Prince William's involvement in the situation. He promptly produced a map, marking the precise location of Kanier's chosen companion. Jobs then praised, "Your Highness possesses unparalleled talents. If Mayor Kanier indeed harbors espionage plans, what secrets could remain beyond your reach?"

Prince William issued a curt command, signaling Jobs to depart. The mayor shrugged and made his exit.

As time elapsed and the sun neared its descent, Prince William transformed once more, adopting the guise of a stealthy infiltrator. He meticulously dug his way to the rear garden of Kanier's selected companion.

Emerging from the concealed passageway, he surveyed his surroundings. Two lethargic bodyguards stood guard at the entrance, while two female servants tended to their duties. Only a young woman dined on the second floor of the building.

Prince William maintained a discreet presence as he ascended to the second floor. Without hesitation, he entered the woman's chamber. Upon spotting him, she let out a horrified cry.

Yet, despite her desperate screams, no one rushed to her aid.

Prince William extended his malevolent influence, subjecting the woman to his dominion.

In a matter of moments, the woman succumbed to the overwhelming power of his control. She became his puppet, her free will eradicated entirely.

The vast disparity in power between them ensured her compliance.

Prince William, however, did not grant her respite. His control over her mind offered him insight into her identity, she was named Elona. He gleaned critical information from her before subjecting her to a gruesome demise. His knife ended her life swiftly.

Yet, the saga did not conclude there.

Prince William collected a sample of her blood and placed it within a magical receptacle. After a brief pause, a wisp of smoke emerged.

Prince William drew a deep breath.


He consumed the concoction without hesitation.

The true effects of this strange brew remained shrouded in mystery.

One thing was certain, it was a creation of Mexis, known for their high-quality products.

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