
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 20

The vine covered walls were dotted with pale pink flowers. The intimidating gate opened to a spectacular view of a safe haven. Soren and Samantha were amongst those that received me. We shook hands and they walked down the stairs to go back home. Kirigan and Kaz were as annoying as they were before. I was escorted to my designated room. The maids were waiting with sponges and brushes to exfoliate me. The security looked around and was told to stand outside. I thanked them for their efforts. I looked outside and waved my hand. The bats moved aside to let the sunlight in.

The vampires wanted to move away but the sunlight didn't harm them. I winked, "They are using Guerilla glass. So even vampires can walk in daylight." This made the werewolves grin ear to ear. Some of them are married to vampires. Kirigan smiled, "Thank you for inventing it my lady." The others stared at me with shock. "You made this" I blushed a few shades of red. Kaz said that I introduced an injection that reverses the effects of silver. I callnit lemonade since the effect is the same as a human who consumes lemonade on a hot day. To which Kirigan said that I found a formula that allowed vampires to stay in sunlight for a few hours. Both stared at me with awe. One of them said, "Now we know why it is illegal to harm you." One of the maids said that it is my bath time so it would be unladylike to have an audience.

The entire security walked out and I got in the tub. After an hour of lather, rinse and repeat I was dressed modestly. The security beamed at me as I walked passed them. I smiled and lowered my gaze. Kirigan waited for me by the steps. The doors of the main hall opened and I heard soft jazz music being played. Vampires and werewolves were dancing slowly. I smiled at the scene and walked in as quietly as possible. But the music stopped and everyone stared as I walked in. I bowed and they bowed back. Kaz waved his hand and the music resumed. People resumed dancing. I sat next to an elderly vampire couple. But Kirigan asked that I move to my usual seat in the front. I walked red faced as my security smiled at me.

After dinner I walked out to the back garden to sit on the swing. I swung back and forth remembering the last time I was here. The shoot out of the neo vampires and werewolves. I didn't know that I was crying till I felt someone wiped them away. I looked up to see Kaz. He sat next to me and he looked like he was remembering that horrible day too. We swung in silence before he walked back inside. I decided that I wanted some fresh air so I extended my senses to see if it was all clear when I sensed a drone. The military or whoever seriously needs to learn privacy. I turned around and spun my hand in a figure eight motion. The man waiting by the steps called to the people stationed by the trees that an intruder is nearby. I listened as the drone was shot down. I sensed around to see if there was any more of them and I gave the man a thumbs up before I sprinted. After a few steps I leapt into the air and flew.

The view of the Villa was still breathingly beautiful. My security watched as I flew high and low. I dip down and do a swan dive. I would wait till I couldn't go any lower before quickly turning around and going back up. I flew in spirals around the building. I ran my fingers on wall. I saw the workers cleaning the windows. There were people on the roof fixing the tiles. One of them fell and I quickly flew to rescue him. I got the person back on the roof and he attached his harness to the chimney. The entire time I was flying my security watched what I was doing.

Kaz came and waved his hand so I came low. He stared as I bobbed up and down like an apple in a bowl of water. He said that Soren's convoy was attacked. I didn't bother to hear the rest. I shot up like a bullet and helped them. I extended my shield and send the zombies away. The vehicles were stuck in a ditch. I lifted the cars one by one till all of them were out. Soren gave a thumbs up and a smile. His wife kept saying thank you. When the road was clear they drove off and I turned invisible before I flew back.

The security smiled as I made myself visible again, "You are selfless and kind. You have done so much. Don't you think it is time you got married." I said, "I did get engaged. But Jayden killed him before our wedding." They stared as though I had slapped them across the face. They looked at me like they finally understood me. Their expression sobered before they asked Jayden. I was about to say something but Kaz said that talking about him is not allowed here. I asked if he recalled the last time he arrived. He said that the east wing is still unliveable. So he having it demolished. Both vampiric and werewolves were dumbstruck. Kaz asked that I didn't talk about 'him' here because it would cause a rumble. So I asked my security to come with me to my room and I will explain about Jayden. They happily complied.

After I was telling them about him they were severely angry and they fully understood why people in general hated him so badly. They didn't understand how anyone can be so cruel. They moaned for the death of their fellow brother and sisters. When I told them that he is dead. They were pleased that he is no longer a problem. Since he was good at manipulation. But I did mention that there are those that wish he was alive. They are keeping his vision of enslaving everyone and everything alive. My security were insulted hear Jayden's plans for the future. They all pledged to keep an eye out for these troublemaker. I told them that these are like sleeper agents. They show up out of nowhere. They said they have friends all over the place. They can handle it.

A woman in a kimono arrived. I recognized her as Kaz's wife Inari. We bowed to each other and shook hands. She arrived to tell me that breakfast was ready. I am to join them in the study. It will be a private affair so there should be no interruptions. The guards waited outside dutifully as I walked inside. There was a huge fireplace with a lone armchair. There was a fur rug nearby. On the left the wall was decorated with paintings. On the right had nothing but deer antlers. It looked a little disturbing. There was a stuffed polar bear by the window. The black curtains were thick silk. It was as though sunlight was forbidden. The ceiling was hand painted to resemble the night sky. The tables and chairs were carved. The center of the room had round table with four chairs. The legs looked a creeping vines and with rose bud and blooms here and there. The table top was made of glass. There was a silver tray with a decanter filled with blood. Next to it were a few crystal goblets. Rose petals were scattered all over the table. There were silk placemats with lace edges in front of each seat. There was another girl in a kimono. She was Inari's sister Sakura. She bowed respectfully before she poured me a glass from the decanter and gave it to me. She did the same for the others and gracefully walked out.

I was about to drink when a man wearing a gray overcoat came running. He bowed as he apologized profusely and he said that nocturna was attacked by zombies. So I sped out of the room and got there in a wink. I hovered above thr city and let out a huge scream. The zombies all dropped dead. I extended the shield as I supervised the construction of the wall before I went back. Abe thanked me as he opened the gate to let me out. I retracted the shield as I ran back to Osteria Villa in the blink of an eye. The guards were waiting for me at the front door. They gave me a round of applause as did the other guests.