
I am a hybrid

Hi, I am Sasha. I am a teenager suffering from a rare blood disorder. I live with my mother a homicide detective. My older brother is back home after a tour in Afghanistan. My life sucks. One day I made my usual trip to the hospital for a blood transfusion and series stringent tests. I heard a conversation between two people about a box containing the cure to all the problems. I have had enough of my life being sucked out by this hospital and my illness so I snuck out low and slow. I used its contents on myself. Now I have to deal with the consequences of my actions. I am now a fusion of two species. I am a hybrid.

Ghaadha · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
143 Chs

Chapter 16

Vampires and werewolves helped those who had moved so their hate and fear of them disappeared. They wanted to know why there were gates that separated the city. To which the answer was that if zombies arrive they can go there till the problem is solved. People were still outside the gate wanting to know if I had been moved back to which a tired werewolf said yes. The gatherings got bigger. I would see them as I go on my morning jog. All wanting to see if 'Sasha' would pass by. The werewolves would press their lips together to stop themselves from laughing as they listened to the humans talk about me.

The bold would try to get in but when they see the huge wolves they would change their mind. The military had asked if their own could join but were told of the absolute law. They had helped as a separate army to defend the survivors but the army will never be a part of nocturna. They never gave up asking and the other side having suffered their tyranny refuse to change their mind. Humans married nocturnals and were changed to whichever creature but warned to not spy on them. They will be punished depending on the severity of their crime.

I like to sneak out to see the state of the city by being invisible. Nobody knows that I go out to see how the city was doing. And on one occasion I found a nocturnal talking to a soldier. He was her brother. The man wanted to know what sort of weapons the nocturnals had that keeps the zombies away. He knows the dead don't descriminate between human and nocturnals when it comes to eating. She said that the law forbids her to talk about nocturnals affairs. She will be punished if she is caught. She rather talk about other things. To which his response was that she was allowed to marry a nocturnal so she can spy on them. She reminded him that the documents the military signed specific say no spying of any kind. She also said that she will go home and tell the others. He said that she wouldn't dare. She apparently has a criminal record. She retorted that her records have been expunged so he has nothing on her. He had a heated argument with her. The police had to separate them. He went back to his Hummer while she hopped on a cab.

True to her words she and the other recently turned explained their interaction with their human relatives. The council thanked them for their honesty and they were welcomed by their new family. I didn't have to explain my excursions to anyone. I like to be invisible so I can do whatever I want. I can go outside city limits and run as fast as I want. I can use my senses in the city but I can't exert my full strength since it would be a dead give away. I did use x-ray vision to keep an eye out for trouble. I started find excuses to use all my other gifts as well. My heightened sense of smell. I made sure to change my looks at least every night to whatever person I wanted to go out in the nocturnal sector. But I also remain invisible when I go to the human zone.

The zombies on the outside were dragging their legs left and right in the hopes of finding food. I realized why Soren was not telling anyone about me. There were scientists and soldiers who were hellbent on getting their hands on me. I snuck out and covertly had them all arrested for drugs, theft and any other criminal activities I can think of. If I had been awake they could say I had snuck out and framed them. Even if they said they said that it would be their word against mine. Since I am supposed to be asleep so my work was ten times easier.

We arrived at a party where one such scientists approached me wanting to know if I am a hybrid. I told her that I am not volunteering for any sort of experiments. This earned a frown from him. I said that the combination of DNA has mutated people in such a way that they are allergic to things. Mixed family might have pale skin. The gene would skip generations before making an appearance. Difference makes reality beautiful. So he had no right to go around demanding free citizens to butcher their bodies for something that will never exist. The alleged universal cure. He asked me again if I am a hybrid. I asked him to go lay an egg. I reminded him that experimenting on hybrids will get him the death penalty. He will face the firing squad. He said that he will inject himself with whatever makes a hybrid special and he will be fine. To which I said that he is under arrest. I waved at the secret service agents. They moved him out of the party.

When it was time to go home I requested for what's his name. The president was apprehensive but in the end he gave him to me. He stood in front of the wall as my security shot him dead. Soren didn't need any explanation as Oleg had warned him that this was about to happen. His companions stared as his fell dead. Any hopes they had of acquiring any hybrids died. I smiled at them and made it clear that this city was built to make sure people like us and humans live in peace. Nature itself allows for hybrids to exist so who died and gave them the right to rip people apart. They apologized and moved on with their life. The military was not easy to convince. They wanted to their soldiers to be enhanced so they can tackle any problems. The president asked them to take a good exercise regimen. They also encourage to find and recruit people who had the knowledge to solve problems. They are humans stay humans. They bowed their heads and respectful bowed out for now.

On the way home Soren asked me why I had the man killed. I replied that he wanted to dissect me so according to the rules laid out by the nocturnals he gets the firing squad. Oleg and Igor concured with what I said so Soren called the council wanting answers. Inge was the one who answered. He said yes immediately. So Soren apologized for not knowing this. I accepted his apology as I looked out the window to see a drone following us. So I asked that they stop the vehicle. I got out and pretended to busy. So the drone came down to find out what I was doing. The moment I was sure it was within range I picked up a rock and smashed it. Soren saw the machine fall down in pieces and he called the president to tell him of the military's treachery. He said that he will deal with them.

When we got home I went jogging. The military was outside the gates. They wanted to come inside to have a word with Soren. The security called it in and Soren said that he didn't want to talk to them. He felt betrayed so I asked permission to talk to them on his behalf. He gave the permission and hung up. Abraham arrived shortly after. So I asked them to apologize for spying. They said that they wanted a refund for the drone I destroyed. I said it was smashed as punishment for spying. The president said the military will arrive to apologize for breaking the rules. The man realized that he wasn't going to get what he wanted so he tried to leave. I said he can go after he says sorry. To which he said that he is sorry that he got busted. He isn't sorry for spying. I said that this is on record so I will more than happy to send this to someone that will convince him to apologize. He gave me a dirty look before he stormed off. I called the president and sent him the video. A few minutes later the same man came with an elderly man. He was ordered to apologize officially. I accepted his apology and asked him to never do it again. Abraham was laughing as he walked away.