
The Wedding_1

Jeff and Ann had a blissful afternoon; while everyone was busy attending their upcoming wedding, the couple was conceiving triplets.

The couple stayed cooped up in their bedroom all afternoon; no one in the household dared bother them.

It was a much-needed time with each other. Jeff lay wide awake, caressing Ann's white satin skin while his chin rested on her long, silky, reddish-brown hair. "Hmmm, it's happening. Tomorrow is our wedding day, which everyone will embed into their memory." Jeff mumbles while smelling and kissing Ann's hair.

Ann was not sleeping either. She was wide awake, with many thoughts running through her mind. So many things had happened, and it seemed like it was only yesterday when they first met.


Eva and Lea finished entertaining the bridesmaids for the day and dropped them all off back at the villa, where they were staying together.