

Jeff and Ethan decided to have a heart to heart talk of what had happened. They wanted to understand how and why Olivia had turned to be that type of a mother.

"Bro... Did you hate mother for leaving you with our grandfather back then?" Ethan asked seriously with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Jeff was in deep thought; he's trying to analyze what he honestly feels at that time and now before replying. "Back then I was still young and rebellious. Right after you and mother left me with grandfather, I hated her for what she did, and I promised myself never to forgive her."

Jeff turned his head and looked away towards outside the window of the jet; he stared at the white cloud before continuing with what he was saying.

"When I was in college I would go and fly to Las Vegas just to get a glimpse of you and mother from afar." - He sighed loudly, before gulping the cocktail drink in front of him. He looked at his brother straight on his face; tears started forming in his eyes.