
Surgery was a Success.

Albert Tan's surgery was successful thanks to Ann's blood donation. However, he was immediately transferred to the ICU after the surgery for further observation.

The Doctor needed to make sure that his body would not have any negative reactions from the blood transfusion.

Once he was in ICU, the General Surgeon who had operated on him strictly enforced that only immediate family were allowed to visit him during this time. Meaning, Sophia, Claudia, and Grandma Tan were the only ones allowed and no one else.

Although Ann knew that she was his biological daughter and the one who had saved him, it was still unknown to the others besides Sophia, the doctors, and the nurses who assisted during the operation that she was a member of the Tan family.

Therefore, she was now just the person who helped save someone's life and nothing else from an outsider's eye.


Meanwhile, people flocked to comfort and support the Tan family members inside the Hospital VIP room. Among them was the Board of Directors of Tan Corporation.

However, the visitors came with one purpose, and they were not there to console the panicked Sophia. Instead, they wanted to discuss with her the Tan Corporation's status.

The news about CEO Tan's accident spread like wildfire. People from all walks of life couldn't stop talking about it. Besides Albert Tan being known in the business world, he was also married to the famous 'Diva' Sophia Wen. People will read or watch any news if it involved the Diva, no question about it.

However, the general population was speculating on the reason for the accident. Some say Albert's business rival did it. Others think it was just an accident. Whatever the truth might be, no one knew.

The Board of Directors of Tan Corp. were all worried about what would happen to the company now that CEO Tan was hospitalized and would be unable to run the business for some time so that he could recover.

Once the news about his accident spread, the stock price of Tan Corp. plummeted to the lowest ever in history. With no one to take over the CEO position, the Tan Corporation was headed toward a catastrophe.

"Mrs. Tan, you must understand that without a CEO to run the business, Tang Corp will be bankrupt before we see daylight. So we'll call an emergency board meeting tomorrow to elect an acting CEO. Often, of course, you need to step in for Ms. Claudia if she's capable, but no matter what, we need to have an acting CEO while CEO Tan is recuperating." The vice president said it pleadingly.

"That's right! someone needs to step in, or we will take our investment somewhere else before we lose it all." The COO of the company said with a sullen face.

The oldest board member, who is Albert's uncle, said while glowering, "Think about it and let us know. We understand you're under duress right now, and we are not here to make it worse for you.

However, given the circumstances, we need to do something, or we will all die together if the stock continues to go down. Tang Corp. is a legacy of our family, and we cannot let it go down the drain, you understand?" Then he walked away without batting an eye. All the other board members followed suit.

'What is wrong with all these people? Did they come here to bombard me with more problems?

Step in as acting CEO?

Who am I?

What do I know about running a business?

I only have a high school diploma, for god's sake! Are they kidding me?

What else did they say?

Ah! If I can't do it, how about Claudia? Yeah right!

What does she know about business? When God was giving brains out, she probably thought God said trains and ask for one that made a *choo-choo* sound' Sophia sardonically was thinking to herself.

'What do I do? Can I let the company go down? Albert had to sacrifice his happiness for many years. Just because that woman's family has the power and money to help keep the Tang Corp. legacy. He had chosen Claudia's mother over me simply because of that, and he didn't even know I was pregnant with our child. The funny thing about this whole thing is that the child that he never knew existed is the one that had saved his life. *Hahaha!* What a twist of faith.' Sophia then got up and went to the ICU to check on Albert.

On the way to the ICU, something came to Sophia's mind. 'Ann! Didn't she just recently graduate from college? Which college was it? Ah! The one where most of the presidents of the United States of America graduated. Which one was it?' Sophia thought hard to herself trying to remember the name of the college that Anna had gone to. 'HARVARD! That's right! I remember now when her Manager was here to sign the contract; she mentioned needing to leave because Ann was the Summa Cum Laude, and she must attend the graduation. I can ask Ann to act as the acting CEO while Albert is recuperating. She's his biological daughter after all, and I have the DNA result to prove it.' Sophia continued walking towards the ICU with a dreamy look on her face.


Meanwhile, Grandfather Go heard what had happened to Albert Tan through Grandma Tan. So he quickly called for his assistant. "Ron! Ron!! Where are you, scoundrel? Get in here! Get the car ready. We're going to the hospital." He shouted with all his might.

"My great-granddaughter-in-law must be devastated right now, and knowing that no good grandson of mine was probably busy with that girl. I swear, when I meet that girl, she will wish she never met that scoundrel. I will make her life a living hell! Mark, my word!" Grandfather Go was saying to no one in particular. He was just mumbling away.

Unknown to him that the same person he was cursing at the moment was the rightful fiancee of his grandson as per their agreement... He would have a genuine heart attack when he does find out after driving Ann away.

When Grandfather Go arrived at the VIP room in the hospital, the first person they met was Claudia.