
Someone Asked For Autograph.

Someone recognized Jeff and Ann, and she couldn't contain herself. She walked to the couple and asked for their autograph. "CEO Go and Miss Wen, please! forgive me for intruding, but If I don't do this, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

Ann gave her full attention to the young girl with a smile on her face. "What is it that we could do for you?"

"May I please!!! have your autograph and can I also take a picture with both of you?" We had a big grin on her face.

Ann thought she was cute and smiled at her, in turn, the young girl blush and shyly looked down on the ground.

Jeff was quick to remedy the situation. " Where do you want our autograph?" The girl rapidly hands over the paper and a pen she has on her hand.

After Jeff signed, he handed it over to Ann for her signature. Ann took the paper and quickly signed as well then handed it back to the young girl who now had a bright smile on her face.