

Ronald was ready to make a call to the family doctor when suddenly, everyone heard Ann laughing out loud. "Hahaha! Hahaha! Hahaha!" "I'm fine. I'm fine! Don't fret; it's not a big of a deal alright!"

Ann looked at everyone apologetically, "I'm sorry! It was the twins, they're hungry, and due to that, I'm sweating fiercely, and my hand was cold due to the air condition." To ensure that they believed her, she got up to show everyone she's fine. "See! I'm fine; the babies are fine too while rubbing her stomach."

Jeff, Ethan, and Ronald looked at Rita to see her reaction right after they heard Ann mentioning the twins in her stomach.

"Don't worry, she knows! A warning was given that she would be buried in the middle of the ocean if she breathes a word of the pregnancy." Lea informs the men as she walks in with a tray of food on her two hands playing a balancing act.