

While everyone at Jeff's mansion was having a wonderful time, Olivia and Megan had their worst nightmare. After getting kicked out of the Wen's Corporation and locked outside the building, it started pouring rain. The two was standing outside waiting for a taxi soaked and wet like a little mother and daughter rats.

"Mother! Why did you have to slap bother Ethan, now we have no ride home and were locked out right here in the pouring rain. Brrrr! It's cold! Hatchew!" Megan started sneezing and was shaking due to being soaked and wet from the cold rain.

"Well! It's too late now, it's over and done. Let's do our best to get a taxi before we get sick." Olivia's face still showing anger and ready to kill as she speaks to Megan who's acting like a spoilt child.


Ethan made it back to Jeff's mansion in time for the dinner. His face still has the mark from Olivia's slap, and Jeff was the first one to see it. He pulled him in the study to find out what had happened.