
Graduating With Honors

Meanwhile, at Harvard University, Ann was preparing her graduation speech. She was graduating with the highest honors, Summa Cum Laude, and as the class representative, she was tasked to give the graduation speech.

While doing a final run-through on her notes, she couldn't help but feel sad. She was graduating with honors, but she had no one to share her achievements with.

Her best friend and manager, Lea, was currently out of the country doing business on her behalf, and she had no other friends or relatives. Her mother was somewhere in Asia, busy ignoring her, and a biological father she never knew. But that was all in the past, what was important to her is the present.

Her goals and dreams were being achieved little by little, but why wasn't she happy? 'If only Mother could see me now, would she regret never acknowledging me? How about my unknown father, would he be proud? He doesn't even know I exist in this world', this line of thinking left Ann looking dejected on a day she was supposed to be at her happiest.

While Ann was deep in her thoughts, she didn't realize that a man had been watching her from the sidelines, thinking and debating with himself over whether he should announce his presence or wait until after the ceremony.

The man was none other than the world-renowned CEO Jeff Go aka 'scumbag' as Ann liked to refer to him, the man she had a fake marriage with four years ago.

Jeff decided to observe for a little while more. He went to find his assigned seat and watched the ceremony.

Deep in thought, during the ceremony, Jeff began to think, 'I'm so proud of your accomplishment my beloved wife, although I cannot share your happiness at the moment, that will soon change.

I have watched you grow out of your protective cocoon into a beautiful butterfly. But you belong to me, and I cannot just let you fly away so quickly.' Jeff squeezed his eyes shut and his mouth curved into a mischievous smile.

'It's finally the right time. You'll be coming home with me; where you belong.' Jeff couldn't help smiling to himself, he was too excited.


"Ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to introduce to all of you the graduating class' representative,

finishing as Summa cum Laude, Joanna Wen." Ann heard the Academic Dean of the University announcing her name, and hurriedly went up on stage.

Before she started her speech, she looked around to check for any familiar faces in the audience, but she didn't find any.

As she was about to begin her speech, she glanced towards the front row and saw a familiar face.

Ann blinked a couple of times to make sure she wasn't hallucinating, and when she looked again, the same person was in the audience looking back at her.

'She made it!' Ann's heart was bursting with happiness after seeing her best friend.

Lea traveled seventeen long hours nonstop to make it for her graduation. 'I'm not alone; I'm not alone anymore.' Ann put on her sweetest smile, showing her brilliant teeth, and began her speech confidently.

She smiled so sweetly that Jeff, who had been watching her all this time, felt as if his heart was going to leap out of his chest from the heavy pounding.

*Thump! Thump! Thump!*

Then he saw Ann looking in his direction with a beautiful sweet smile, and he felt like it was meant only for him. He felt like he had died and gone to heaven all in one moment.

Lea had told Ann that she would be out of the country for a business trip on the day of Ann's graduation. Ann was devastated, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Ann had mentally prepared herself to be alone and planned to go straight home after the graduation ceremony. 'Who would have thought that Lea would rush back just in time for my speech and graduation?'

"Last but not least, I would like to thank this person in my life, without this person, who knows what would have become of me. This person has supported me from behind the scenes, loved me for who I am, and encouraged me whenever I thought I couldn't do anything anymore."

Jeff was sitting a couple of seats away from Lea and began to wonder if Ann was talking about him.

For four years, he had been secretly helping her in every way he knew how. He would fly in for a day to get a glimpse of her, but he never once approached her. Jeff made sure that Ann was never short of anything. He gave her all the comfort he could afford.

'Is she talking about me? Does she know all the things I have done for her?' Jeff was now very curious.

Jeff was still in deep thought but was interrupted by the closing line from Ann's speech "Lea, my best friend forever, thank you! I love you from the bottom of my heart!"

Ann made a heart shape gesture, then pointed towards Lea. "Thank you!" Ann smiled at the audience and exited the stage.

Lea rushed to Ann and gave her a hug with all her strength the second she walked down from the stage. "Congratulations! I'm so proud of you! Let's get out of here and celebrate!" Lea told Ann, with her excitement visible on her face. Ann nodded, grabbed Lea's hand, and left before Jeff had a chance to congratulate her.

All Jeff could do was sigh and take out his phone to call his assistant.

"Ronald, make the preparations. I want you to do something."

"Yes, Boss! I will make sure to arrange everything as per your instructions."



"Finally, I have reached the light at the end of the tunnel! Today is a new day, here's to new beginnings, cheers!" Ann said to Lea before holding her cocktail up and drinking it all in one go.

Jeff was sitting quietly in the VIP room, right next to where Ann and Lea were celebrating, he had a sad and cold aura emitting from his face.

Ronald didn't know what to do. He could feel the pain emanating from his boss's face. All he could do was sit quietly on the other side of the room, and wait for an order.

He wondered what was going on in his boss's mind, what could he be thinking about right now?

Suddenly a thought occurred to him. *Ding!* He got up and excused himself. "Boss! If you'll excuse me, I will be right back!" Ronald turned and took off in a hurry.

'If this cold-hearted boss of mine is satisfied to sit there and admire his beautiful wife from afar, I will not, that won't do! I need to take action! It's for the sake of my sanity, let alone his!' Ronald started thinking of the best way to execute his plan for the couple's future happiness.

'Hmm? I wonder why that guy is rushing about like a headless chicken.' He thought, with an emotionless look on his face.


Ronald was waiting by the door of the ladies' room. Earlier, he had seen Ann get up and make her way over there. That's when a plan came to his mind. If his method works this time, the couple will be celebrating this happy occasion together in the future!

For the past four years, he had always been on his toes. One minute they would be in a meeting, and as soon as it was over, his boss would tell him to prepare the private Jet because he missed his wife. If everything worked out with his plan, the big boss might stay put longer this time.

He could finally have a real vacation, the last of which was four years ago. Ronald was daydreaming about it while waiting for Ann to come out of the ladies' room.

Ronald had been Jeff's assistant since he took over the position of CEO right after college. Besides being an assistant, they had been friends throughout their college years, so they didn't have a typical employer-employee relationship.

In all the time he knew Jeff, he had never mentioned so much as a girlfriend. 'Where did this girl come from?' Ronald had thought

'Four years ago, my cold-hearted boss, who had never even given a second glance to all those women that were trying so hard to get his attention and throwing themselves at him, called me in the middle of the night and told me that he had gotten married!' That was hilarious, he thought.

Ronald was still engrossed in his thoughts about the past when suddenly he heard a sweet voice saying:

"Hi! I'm wondering if we have met before. Do I know you from somewhere?" Ann asked curiously.

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