
Candlelight Dinner

It seems that her friend and manager, Lea, had a scheme at hand and decided to play  Cupid.

Earlier that day, Lea informed her that she had met a guy and that he wanted to take her out for dinner, "Since you have a script to read anyway, you don't mind if I go, right?" Unfortunately, Ann didn't pay much attention to what Lea told her, as she was engrossed in reading the script. As a result, she didn't realize that Lea had set her up.

'Wait and see when I get even with you. You sly woman!' Ann thought.

To get rid of the awkwardness in the room, Ann spoke, "Did you have dinner yet?" Then, she asked Jeff, trying to make small talk.

"Not yet! I'm famished right now. Do you have anything I can eat?" He asked Ann, but in his mind, he was thinking of having Ann instead if he could have his way=.

"I cooked some simple dishes if you don't mind eating this type of food. I'll prepare it for you if you like, "Ann said while getting up and heading in the direction of the kitchen, trying to ease the nervousness she was feeling right now.

Jeff followed her into the kitchen like a bit of kitten while sniffing the smell of her hair as he walked behind her.

Ann was shocked to see a table set for two with a candlelit in the middle. There was wine chilling in some buckets, two wine glasses, and two plates with covers on top. 'How? Lea!!! Oh… It was so sweet of her to prepare this...Okay! I forgive you for now,' She told herself, not letting Jeff see how happy she was.

"It seems that someone knew you were coming and made all the necessary arrangements. Do you have anything to do with this?" She asked Jeff with looks that could kill.

"Are you sure that you're not in cahoots with my dearest Manager because if you are..." She raised her bold fist pointing at Jeff as a warning.

"No, no!" Jeff was shaking his head, "I don't know anything about this at all," Jeff replied with a smile that could melt a frozen heart. Ann was no exception whatsoever. That's all Jeff had to do, and he had her already feeling hot inside.

"Since a certain person had gone through all this trouble, why can't we enjoy it? Let's eat!" Jeff pulled one of the chairs and motioned for Ann to sit down.

"Let's see what we got? Hmmm... Steak and Lobster." Jeff sat down, grabbed the fork and steak knife, and sliced the steak into little pieces. After he finished, he took the plate in front of Ann and replaced it with the one he had in front of him.

'Oh... That was thoughtful of him.' Ann thought, secretly smiling, feeling a little giddy and special.

Jeff poured wine into Ann's glass, then his, "This is a sweet wine, not much alcohol in this, so you won't get drunk from taking a sip, okay? But, even if you do, I'm here to take care of you!" He said as his eyes were looking at Ann like a hungry wolf ready to gobble her up the whole.

Ann just smiled at Jeff without responding; she grabbed the glass of wine and started drinking, 'Take care of me? More like, you will take advantage of me! Hmmm... I know what you are thinking, dude! I wasn't born yesterday.' Ann thought to herself, not realizing that she thought it out loud.

This made Jeff choke a bit; he coughed and gave Ann a satisfied grin showing his white teeth.

Ann was confused by Jeff's sudden reaction.

After dinner, they moved to the living room for a more relaxed environment. Ann sat back down and grabbed the script that she was reading while Jeff picked up the remote to the home theatre system and turned on some romantic music.

He then went to the sofa where Ann was seated and tried to lie his head on her lap, which was stopped halfway through.

"What do you think you are doing, Mr. Go? I already fed you. Shouldn't you be on your way out?" Ann was preventing Jeff's head from landing on her lap.

"Let me rest for a little. I had a rough day today, just for a little bit, please?" Jeff pleaded; his eyes were looking so tired and worn out but still handsome as ever.

Ann couldn't find it in her heart to kick Jeff out, so she let him lay his head on her lap. Not even a minute passed when she heard his heavy breathing— Jeff had already passed out!

Jeff looked so tired that she felt a pang in her heart by just looking at him lying there. She figured it was not going to hurt anyone to let him rest for a while. Ann continued reading the script while one hand was playing with Jeff's ear, caressing it slowly.

She did not realize what she was doing was stimulating the sleeping Jeff on her lap. She went from his ears to his hair, then to his face. Suddenly, the sleeping Jeff was now wide awake. He got up, took the script from her hand, picked her up, and carried her on his shoulder to the bedroom.

"Jeff!! Please put me down! What do you think you're doing?" Ann was kicking and screaming at him.

"My beautiful wife, I have not done anything yet! What I'm planning to do will be... You'll find out when we get to the bedroom." He said, spanking her behind in reply.

Once they reached the bedside, Jeff slowly put her down on the bed and started kissing her while his hand was caressing the two mountains on her front. Then, slowly, but inevitably, he began to undress her.

Ann was getting stimulated too, but common sense kicked in, and she pushed Jeff's hand away, "Jeff, stop for a moment... Jeff...please!!!"

Jeff did not hear the first part of what she said. The only thing he heard was Ann saying, "please!!!" He continued what he was doing and became more and more heated by the moment.

"Sweetheart, honey, my love! Can I, please!!! I really can't stop this time. I have been waiting patiently for the last four years, can't we???" Jeff said desperately.

Ann was also already at a point of no return because of what Jeff was doing while begging and pleading. All the common sense that she had earlier on all went out the window right after she heard him moaning and panting while going down under...way...down under there.. (xxx)

The couple made love and forgot the whole world around them, and the only thing that mattered was them and them alone.

They were so tired after the deed that they were both knocked out right after they were satisfied.

The following day was Saturday. Jeff didn't need to go to the office. It so happened that Ann did not have any shoot that day as well. So they stayed in bed, just snuggling with each other.

Soon they were on their second round, then the third, and who knows how many times more. They were doing it like there was no tomorrow, and the world was ending.


After their incredible derby all day long, the couple needed to clean up before Lea decided to show up. Unbeckoned to them that while they were taking a shower together, they were playing around when,

"Ann! Ann! Where are you?"

Lea had just arrived, not knowing Jeff was still there… She went straight into Ann's bedroom without knocking because Ann never locked her bedroom door.

Lea called Ann's name as she walked into the room; when she heard the water running in the bathroom, she quickly went in and opened the door to let her know that she was back. Lea and Ann had seen each other butt naked before, and at this point in their friendship, they no longer had boundaries, and it was nothing new or shocking for Lea to see her taking a shower.

However, Lea was shocked by what she saw when she opened the door, "Oh, my God!!!" She screamed and quickly closed the door. Then, she ran towards her room, totally embarrassed.

Lea was shocked by what she saw.

Jeff stands facing away from her bare naked, washing Ann with soap. What a sight it was for Lea to see. She closed the door right away and ran as fast as she could to her room, we and locked it. 

"What a fine specimen he is. No wonder my girlfriend can't get enough of him. hehe!" Lea said, laughing and crying at the same time.

Ann and Jeff finished taking a shower without knowing that Lea had been there and saw them interacting so lovingly, "Hon, I think we've got a problem. You have no clothes to change into." Ann said while he was helping her dry her hair with a towel.

"It's fine. I can just stay naked until Ronald or Lea comes to get me some change of clothes from the Mansion." He pulled Ann to his embrace then jumped on the bed with her playfully.

"Jeff, that's enough, we haven't used any protection at all; we could be... already, you know!" Ann said as she pushed him away. 'Why does this man act like a baby around me, but a stiff stuck up around other people?' Ann wondered.

"I think it's kind of late to worry about it now after two rounds. Another round will not make any difference, don't you think so?" Jeff said he was pushing his luck too far now. 'You will never know where the wind could blow tomorrow; better get as much as I can now.' So he thought to himself while he was attempting for round number 3 and KO.

In reality, Jeff wanted to ensure that his place in Ann's life would not change. However, after meeting Jonathan Lim, he felt a little insecure and just wanted to make sure. 

'Ann is my wife and will stay that way for the rest of our lives, at least for me anyway.' Jeff thought to himself.


Meanwhile, at Jeff's Mansion:

"What do you mean Jeff's not home? It's Saturday, and it's not even noon yet. So why wouldn't he be home? Please don't lie to me! Call him to come down here right now!" Grandpa Go was screaming at the top of his lungs, loud enough for the world to hear.

"B-but, Sir! Boss, Master...he did not come home last night; that's why he's not home right now." The young housekeeper scaredly informed Grandfather Go, who was currently steaming mad, and smoke was practically coming out of his nostrils.

"What do you mean he did not come home last night? Did he go on a business trip?" grandpa Go asked again. "Why aren't you answering my questions? Did he go, or did he not go? Which one is it?"

"Actually, Sir! Boss, Master... The young master went to his wife's condo and spent the night there..."

Chaitmsn Go's eyes grew large, "What did you say? Wife...What wife???!!! What do you mean, wife? You better make sense or else."

The young housekeeper told Grandpa Go everything she knew, afraid that he would fire her right on the spot if she didn't...

"JEFFREY, GO!!! You wait till I catch you. You will wish that you never met that woman of yours!" He screamed as soon as the housekeeper finished speaking.

"A WIFE?! Who permitted you to have a wife. Over my dead body!" As soon as the words left his mouth. In a matter of seconds, he collapsed on the floor.

I'm really enjoying writing this now. When I first started I was worried that no one would read what I would write, but then... I'm thrilled to see how many people actually did.

Thank you! Everyone, I'm overwhelmed.

AJZHENcreators' thoughts