
I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

As Peter Parker of Earth-199999(MCU) dies shortly after being bitten by a radioactive spider, another soul takes his place. A teenager who committed suicide due to his tragic life gets a second chance in the body of everyone’s favorite neighborhood Spider-Man. Male Lead: Peter Parker or Spider-Man (Tom Holland) Female Lead: Michelle Jones or MJ (Zendaya) Ps- I’ve changed the timeline a little. Peter (15y/o) will get his powers in 2010. A few months before Ironman 1 takes place on his first day of high school, which is when the story starts. Also, Peter is 6 feet tall instead of Tom Holland’s 5’8. (A/N: I came back to writing recently and was fairly rusty (I didn’t write for almost a year) and lazy. I was doing short chapters and dragging things out far to long in my last story. This is my redemption story, so to speak. I’ve learned from it and hopefully this one will be better. Also, the romance will start earlier since I’m not writing about 11 year old kids going to magical schools anymore. Lol) No Harem BTW If you like my writing, check out the Patreon! Advanced chapters are available there. VVV Https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Filmes
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716 Chs

C60 The Beast

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 12 chapters ahead at chapter 72. I'll be writing 1 or 2 more chapters today.


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Knowing that there's only one group in Japan that he has angered, Peter instantly guessed who this could be.

"You all should probably get somewhere safe." Peter says to the few in the room that haven't left yet.

Thankfully the president left already, as he had some sort of emergency to deal with. Though Peter doubted that the Hand would pick a fight with the US government. That would risk outing their millennia-old secret organization to the world.

No, they were here for him. At least, Peter hoped so.

Heeding Spider-Mans advice, everyone in the room froze for only a second before rushing out of the building. As they left, Peter could sense the intruders passing the civilians without attacking and continuing his way.

Soon enough, the meeting hall was empty and the army of insurgents made its debut. As Peter guessed, Hand ninja poured into the room with sharp and pointy weapons in hand.

"What do you guys want now?" Peter asked casually, not flustered as he has already defeated the Hand once before. "You've already lost against me once. What's the point? You can't win..."

"..." None of them answered as they rushed forward like a tidal wave.

"Sigh..." Peter sighed in annoyance as he walked toward the wave of ninjas. "Let's see if any of you have improved since our last encounter..."

As the two sides clashed, Peter was surprised to see that they came up with an odd strategy this time around.

The last time they fought, Peter was attacked in small manageable groups, as it's hard for a large group to coordinate without some friendly fire happening here and there.

This time, the ninja didn't seem to care and acted like a mob of zombies, not caring for the lives of their own men and woman. Within the first push, Peter could already see 3 ninjas get stabbed by their own comrades.

As he saw this happening, Peter leaped onto the ceiling and started firing webs from above, dodging the wave of berserker ninja with ease.

Since they want to act like a bunch of zombies, making it harder for Peter to handle them at close range, he'll just treat them like zombies and keep his distance. He may not be able to fight close up, but Peter has every advantage at range.

Especially since he can walk on the walls and ceiling. This room's ceiling is extremely high as well, so they have no chance of ever getting close to him.

As Peter started webbing up the giant clusters of Ninja, they began throwing knives and other projectiles at him, which were easily dodged or reflected away with a swipe of his hand.

Technically, Peter's spider suit should be able to resist such normal weapons, but it wasn't hard to just dodge and redirect them.

Thanks to the hand's new strategy of rushing in with packed crowds to overwhelm him, Peter found it extremely easy to web them up into big clusters.

Within minutes, everyone that rushed inside was tied up in web and squished by the bodies of their own comrades. Peter smelt blood in the air and saw a few Ninjas bleeding out because of their strategy.

"You guys are really dumb, huh?" Peter commented as he falls from the ceiling and landed on his feet with the poise of a superhuman gymnast. "I guess it's hard to come up with a plan against me, so I'll give you guys a pass for the stupidity."

Using some web to stop the few people from bleeding out, Peter walks out of the room and doesn't encounter a single ninja along the way, which put him even more on guard, as he could still sense many ninjas outside.

On his way through the building, Peter saw a few stragglers who didn't make it out in time or decided to hide instead. Thankfully, they were unhurt, or else Peter would have to go a bit harder on the Hand than he already was.

'It seems that they don't want to mess with any government officials, which is smart of them.' Peter thought as he opened the front doors of the building and stepped out.

The second the door opened and Peter made his appearance, about a thousand projectiles came flying at him. It was like one of those moments in a movie where the archers fire and the arrows block out the sun.

"Huh..." Peter grunted as he took a step backward and closed the door for a brief moment.

*du du du du du du du.....*

The sound of arrows constantly striking thick wood echoed from the other side of the door. Once the constant banging ceased, Peter opened the door and saw the building's entrance riddled with arrows, like the back of a porcupine.

"Wow, that was cool. I'll give you that." Peter says as he sees the many Ninja on the surrounding rooftops knocking their bows once again with another arrow. "Oh, no you don't."

Not giving them another chance, Peter shoots a web at a nearby high-rise building and pulls, launching himself up to one of the many buildings with bow-wielding ninjas perched on top.

"Scatter!" One ninja yells, which is repeated by each group on every building.

"Scatter!" "Scatter!" "Scatter!" ...

As they start screaming this, all of the Ninja starts to run in different directions. Though something caught Peter's attention almost immediately.

As the Ninjas began to disperse, running for their lives, a helicopter suddenly powered on nearby. Turning his head toward the sound, Peter saw someone he recognized sitting in the co-pilot seat of a helicopter, which was parked on top of the UN building.

'Isn't that the woman from Daredevil? What was her name again?' Peter thought as he saw Alexandra Reid, who looked back at him with a stone-like glare.

As Peter was thinking this, the Helicopter hovered into the air and flew off in the opposite direction, trying to get as far away from Spider-Man as possible.

'Where are you going?' Peter thought as he ignored the fleeing ninja and started following the helicopter.

He thought that this could be another trap that they were luring him into, but at the end of the day the Hand is pretty weak compared to him, so he just followed along.

He could have tried to take down the helicopter or something like that, but they were still in the middle of a very crowded city. Peter didn't want to accidentally send the thing into a building or a crowd of civilians.

As Peter left after the helicopter, the ninjas that were running from him stopped in their tracks and returned to the UN building. Entering the building, the Ninjas freed their comrades and escaped, with a few of them carrying the wounded on their backs.

Their plan was working as expected. The breaching team lost and Spider-Man followed the helicopter instead of the fleeing ninja.

Since the Hand practically owns Japan, no police or other authorities arrived on the scene until after everyone had left. The only remaining people were those that hid in the building, waiting for the chaos to stop.


In a temple on the outskirts of the city, a giant, fat, grayish-black demon with red eyes sat on a stone throne. Its giant hands held a large chalice filled with a thick blood-colored liquid.

[Insert picture of the Beast here]

Red-clad ninjas stand guard at the demon's side, as frightened men, women, and children serve at the monstrous beings every whim.

Just moments ago, while pouring the demon's drink, one of the servants spilled a single drop and had her stomach cut open by the demon's sharp fingernail.

The poor woman screamed in agony as her insides fell out along with enough blood to kill her within a few seconds.

The blood from that incident remains on the stone floor as scared servants were hard at work scrubbing and soaking up the mess. The demon sat on its throne, watching with an amused grin on its face.

"You missed a spot!" The demon's dark and deep voice rumbles happily as its splashes its drink on the floor. "Hehehe..."

As the liquid splashed onto the floor and the nearby servants, an iron smell of blood thickened in the air. None of the servants dared to speak out, as they started working harder to clean the floor, ignoring the cackling demon before them.

Suddenly, the sound of helicopter blades could be heard drawing closer to the temple. The demon immediately stopped laughing and looked toward the door expectantly.

"Did the spider follow?"

A/N: 1445 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! As King, I look down upon you lowly folk and think 🤔 'What would it be like to enter the shoes of such peasants?' Then I drink from my golden chalice at the top of my throne of stones and remember that I'll never know such depravity... *Insert obnoxious laughter here*]


AlienWarlordcreators' thoughts