
C28 Black Widow

(Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 15 chapters ahead at chapter 43. I'll be writing 2 more chapters today.


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Arriving at the location, Peter is met with a string of abandoned or unoccupied warehouses. Of course, he's dressed in his spider suit to hide his identity.

Walking into the only warehouse that had one of its doors open, Peter's spider senses start going off like crazy. Looking up above, he saw a red-headed Scarlett Johansson jumping down from the rafters with knives in each hand.

[Insert picture of MCU Black Widow here]

'Black Widow.' Peter thought as he easily sidestepped her diving attack.

She was dressed as Peter remembered her in the movies, in that all-black tight battle suit.

As she landed gracefully on the concrete floor, Natasha instantly went on the offensive. The knives in her hands danced as she rushed toward Peter and swung with each attack methodically placed to either end his life or cripple him.

"Hello, It's nice to meet you." Peter says casually as he easily evades her every move.

With his enhanced reaction time, speed, and spider senses, it was all too easy to avoid Natasha's attacks. If Peter didn't have his spider senses, this would be a whole different story.

Natasha was enhanced in the Red Room after all. Maybe not to the same extent as Peter is, but she certainly makes up for it in pure skill in her craft, which is killing.

Peter may look graceful right now, as he dodges each of her attacks, but that's only because he knows when and where every attack is coming and going before it even happens.

Spider senses are a truly overpowered ability to have.

The fight continues, as Natasha realizes that her close combat skills just aren't cutting it. Dashing backward, she expertly launches each knife in Peter's direction and draws two silenced pistols from her thigh holsters.

"Hold on now. Let's not get crazy..." Peter reasons as he grabs each of her knives out of the air, tossing them aside.

"Let's see you dodge bullets." Natasha comments as she starts firing both guns in Peter's direction.

*puh puh puh puh puh...*

Silenced shots echo in the large and empty warehouse, as Peter starts kicking it into overdrive. Using all of the speed he has combined with his webs to zip around the warehouse, avoiding bullets like the plague.

Small caliber bullets like these shouldn't be able to pierce his suit, but Natasha is obviously trying to test him. Also, Peter doesn't know what type of standard-issue bullets Shield Agents use. They could be using some crazy experimental ammo for all he knows.

As soon as she runs out of ammo and tries to reload, Peter kicks off the ceiling, launching himself straight at Natasha. Landing with his feet on her shoulders, he snatches the guns from her hands and kicks off, sending her tumbling backward unarmed.

Doing a backflip and easily landing on his feet, Peter swiftly takes the two guns apart and tosses them aside.

On Natasha's side, she was kicked backward and did a small roll, grabbing some smaller guns from her boots as she gracefully sprung to her feet.

"Oh, not again..." Peter sighs openly as he starts dashing around the room.

*Puh puh puh puh puh puh...*

Once again the sound of silenced gunfire fills the room, as Natasha easily shoots at Peter with the accuracy of an expert marksman.

As soon as she runs out of ammo again, Peter shoots a web at each gun, yanking them out of her grasp.

"Okay, let's calm down now. I doubt you have any other..." Peter soon regrets his words as Natasha reaches behind her and pulls out another pistol. "Dude, where were you keeping that?"

While raising a single eyebrow at what her opponent was insinuating, the gunfire started again as Peter used the same tactic once again. Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, and Dodge. He used the same rules as dodge ball.

'If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge multiple gunshots from a skilled assassin.' Peter thought.

Soon enough, the gunshots stopped and Peter wasn't playing around this time. Shooting multiple webs at Natasha, Peter wrapped her up like a caterpillar on its way to becoming a butterfly.

Only her head stood out of the webs as Natasha tipped over and fell to the floor.

"Hello, I'm Spider-Man." Peter greets her for the second time as he lands beside her.

"Natasha." She finally responds as a curved blade pokes out of her cocoon.

Pulling the knife upwards, Natasha creates a hole and easily escapes his webs. Though she doesn't rush to attack this time.

"Why do you want to learn how to fight? You're already very skilled." Natasha compliments him.

"It only looks that way because I have a bit of a sixth sense. I actually know nothing about fighting. My saving grace is that sixth sense. It makes it easy to fight because I'll know where and when every attack is coming from. Without it, you would have a small chance of beating me." Peter explains.

"Small?" Natasha raises a single eyebrow challengingly.

"Well, I also have a bunch of other powers that you don't have. You may be strong but I'm on a whole other level." Peter clarifies.

"I see, tell me about your powers." Natasha asks.

"Is this a spy thing for Shield? You need to document my abilities or something?" Peter asked playfully.

"Yes and no." Natasha shrugs as she walks around the warehouse, picking up her guns and knives. "If you want me to teach you, I need to know what you can do. I will be sending in reports about you and our training together though."

"Alright, I can live with that." Peter nods as he reaches behind his back and pulls a small bug-like object off of his suit. "Though, I would ask that you respect my privacy and not try something like this again."

As Peter says this, he holds up a tiny tracker that Natasha somehow stuck to the back of his suit, crushing it between his fingertips.

"How did that get there?" Natasha feigned innocence.

"I will tell you what I told Coulson and the angry-sounding boss man." Peter says as he flicks the broken pieces of the tracker aside. "I don't trust the people in your organization to have my and my loved one's best interests at heart. I keep my identity safe, to keep them safe. If I was alone in this world, then I wouldn't care about letting everyone know that I'm Spider-Man. I would scream it from the rooftops, but sadly, I can't do that."

Silence filled the warehouse for a moment, as Natasha stared at Peter, her poker face breaking for just a moment.

"I apologize." She says genuinely. "It won't happen again."

"I don't believe you but I suppose that's the downside of being a deadly spy, such as yourself. Your words mean nothing because you're trained to do this. Lie and gain people's trust, only to backstab them when it is all said and done." Peter could see Natasha slightly flinch at his harsh words. "Though I'll give you a chance. Earn my trust and I can be a strong friend and ally. It just depends on what you do with that trust afterward, isn't it?"

Once again, silence fills the warehouse as a staring contest between Peter and Natasha begins.

"I promise to respect your privacy." Natasha says as she doesn't break eye contact.

"We'll see." Peter says simply as he glances around the warehouse. "So far you've impressed me more than Agent Coulson. He brought about forty armed Shield Agents with him to our meeting. You only brought a few cameras and listening devices."

As Peter says this, he shoots webs all around the room, yanking hidden cameras and microphones from the walls and ceiling and breaking them shortly after.

-POV Nick Fury-

One by one, the many security screens Fury was watching from started turning black, as Spider-Man easily found and destroyed each hidden camera.

"Does this piece of sh*t know how expensive that tech is?!" Fury shouted as the Agents around him shuffled around nervously.

When there was only a single camera and microphone remaining, Peter pulled both off the wall and held the camera selfie-style.

"Hey, boss!" Peter excitedly makes a peace sigh at the camera. "Natasha and I are becoming best friends, so we don't need to be chaperoned anymore. She can tell you about our play date when she gets home. Love you 😘."

As Peter kisses the camera, he crushes it in his hand alongside the microphone, leaving Peter and Natasha truly alone in the warehouse.

"This motherf....."

-POV Natasha-

Watching Peter say that to Nick Fury, one of the scariest men she's ever met in her life, Natasha couldn't help but feel respect for Spider-Man. Though she also felt sorry for him because If and when Fury finds out who Spider-Man is, that will be the day he gets back at him for this.

"He's going to be so p*ssed..." Natasha mutters.

A/N: 1515 words

[DONT FORGET MY STONES! Or I'll make MJ into a FUTA. Though maybe you sick little freaks would like that?]


AlienWarlordcreators' thoughts