
I'm Gohan!

Ugh, I never expected that my life would end like this. My life was in vain, I didn't get anything important. Damn... Wait a moment! It was not over! With this new opportunity I will become the strongest warrior in Dragon Ball, you will see it! Here my legend begins, I'm Gohan!

LordPhenex026 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
166 Chs

Chapter 133: Fusion

DB Super Arcs are in my patreon...

You've more than 12 chapters published there for read. Go check please... 148 will be chapter published there today...


I hope you enjoy!


"Gon?" Goku asked curiously.

"Gonch, I haven't made up my mind yet" the being put his hand to his chin inquiring about that.

"One thing to ask, are you a boy or a girl?" Bardock asked with a drop of sweat.

"I'd rather not know that" Gonch whispered.

"So you're fused, from what I can see your power is incredibly high" Goku pointed out.

"Yeah, it's about time to defeat Buu!" Gonch exclaimed raising his arms but Goku stopped him.

"Hey, the most you can go is Super Saiyan, right?" Goku asked sternly.

"Eeeh well yes" Gonch raised an eyebrow.

"I'll show you something better!" Goku raised his finger, arousing Gonch's curiosity, "For that we have to access the time room"

"Oh, are you going to train them?" Denda asked.

"Yeah, that's how we use the time" Goku smiled.

"I'll go with you" Prince Vegeta suddenly appeared, leaving everyone surprised.

"Vegeta" Bulma muttered, "How are you?"

"Fine" Vegeta looked at her sideways, "What are you waiting for Kakarot? We must not waste time. That insect will end the world"

"Vegeta, what about the mark on your forehead?" Goku looked at him curiously, "Don't tell me Babidi"

They both turned, and felt Buu's high energy. But instead, Babidi's completely disappeared from the face of the planet.

"Not only did he regenerate but he also ended Babidi's life" Goku muttered angrily.

"What happened to Gohan?" Vegeta asked. He knew that for some reason Buu was alive.

"He died sacrificing himself" Goku looked down.

That clenched 18's heart, remembering the last time he saw Gohan. Videl was beside herself, she still hadn't processed the shocking news.

"That brat," Vegeta muttered, clenching his fists, "Kakarot, we have to go inside. There's no time."

"Yes" Goku nodded seriously at that.

"Trunks, you're coming with us! It will help if you know how to do that technique" Vegeta looked at his son, who nodded eagerly.

"Please be careful" Bulma begged them.

"Calm down, everything will be fine" Goku stuck his thumb out of him.

Mr Popo led them to the hyperbolic time room. The four of them entered and once inside Gonch and Trunks were very puzzled.

"No time for surprises! How many minutes will be merged?" Vegeta looked at them.

"Aaaah about thirty" replied Gonch.

"Fine" Vegeta turned to Goku, "By the way"

Vegeta kneed him in the abdomen and elbowed him in the head, "This was for hiding Super Saiyan 3 from me and knocking me out without warning."

"I already knew you would do something like that" Goku smiled recovering from the pain, "Alright guys, HAAA!"

Goku bellowed expelling the Ki from him while his hair and aura expanded, until reaching phase 3, "This transformation should aspire to"

"Is incredible!" Gonch and Trunks exclaimed.

"Not so much, the energy drain is deadly" Goku sighed, clenching his fists, "Due to their enormous potential they will be able to achieve this state"

"Brilliant!" Gonch yelled happily.

"But first you'll have to reach the Super Saiyan limit and then the Super Saiyan two limit," Goku pointed out seriously, "Have you heard?"

"Yeah!" Gonch quickly exclaimed.

"Great" Goku returned to Super Saiyan, "But first I want to see how strong they are now"

"And once the fusion runs out they will teach Trunks the method" Vegeta declared, crossing his arms and walked away from the place going to the building.

"Let's get started!" Goku clenched his knuckles.


Buu was flying over a city. He had destroyed several before this one and transformed the inhabitants into various sweets that he ate.

"I can turn these here into cream croissants" Buu put his hand to his chin and grinned, "Sounds great!"

Buu soared over the city sky and through the antenna towards the city. He shot a pink bolt, but it was deflected however.

"As?" Buu turned and saw a silhouette nearby.

"Stop destroying damn things" a man was with his hands forming a perfect triangle. He was none other than Tien and his Tri Beam.

"Another rubbish" Buu showed a smile.

Tien raised the power of him and two more arms came out of his back. With all four arms he formed two triangles with his hands, "Doubleeee Tri Beam!"

Tien shot two beams of light towards Super Buu, who smiled and extended his arm sending them back towards Tien who fully received them.

A huge explosion occurred in the air. Buu shook his arms but suddenly felt how both arms were brutally imprisoned.

"What the hell?!" Buu saw how two Tien were grabbing each arm, "H-how?!"

"It shows that you are a rookie" Tien extended his finger full of a great glow, "SUPER DODONPA"

Tien launched a beam of energy towards Super Buu, who, unable to dodge, fell victim to the attack that pierced his abdomen and the triclops smiled.

"Don't tell me you believed it" Buu smiled regenerating the wound, and brutally expelled the great power from him, making the Tien dissipate.

With great speed he extended his arm through Tien's abdomen. However, it dissipated as if it were a hologram.

Buu quickly turned around and saw the real Tien in the sky with a red aura around him and his hands in the shape of a triangle, "Shit"

"NEO TRI BEAM X20" Tien yelled at the top.

A huge wave of energy came out towards Buu covering the entire place. Even the planet trembled due to the magnitude of Tien's energy.

The gigantic mountain range opposite the city was completely wiped off the map and Tien sighed, wiping his sweat, "Did I really defeat him?"

"No, but you amused me more than the rest" the triclops blanched when he heard the voice behind him, "You're not very strong, but you know how to fight"

Before Tien could react Buu kicked him in the side sending him to the ground. Tien got up and watched as Buu charged up an attack.

"But unfortunately for you I will have to destroy you!" Buu made him a Double Sunday.

After gathering enough energy, Buu launched the attack towards Tien. The man crossed his arms, putting himself on guard to protect himself.

But suddenly the attack was diverted in the direction of Buu himself, who dodged it causing the attack to leave the planet's orbit.

Buu turned around in astonishment and as he did so he saw an intense golden aura shining, "W-who are you?"

"I'm neither Goku nor Vegeta, I'm the one in charge of killing you" the silhouette behind the light responded emphatically.

Goku and Vegeta had merged!

So his name should be Gogeta!

Sorry guys... I've been sick during the last four weeks and I started my university two weeks ago. But now I'm ready to uptade daily (I'll try hahaha~)

I hope you liked this chapter

LordPhenex026creators' thoughts