
I'm a Quincy, Are you kidding me!?

i do not own bleach, tensura or any anime/novel that I use in this fanfic. A regular guy was reincarnated into bleach as uryus fraternal twin brother, but before the canon could start he was sent to another world. watch as he traverses the dangers the cardinal world with the friends he meets along the way.

John_Dose · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

chapter 2: waking up x testing powers

Riku's POV

Me: "uugh" I groaned as I sat up.

I take it that this means I'm alive, but my surroundings look like a forest of some kind. If I had my archive, I would be able to look up the information I need and write down my observations.


Me: "What the hell!?" I exclaim.

I see a screen infront of me that appears to have a list of files that seem familiar to me. I was able to deduce after a closer inspection that these files are the same names as files I wrote in my archive back home. How is this possible?

[Answer. This is possible because of your unique skill [Archive].]

Wha!! What was that voice!?

[Answer. This is the result of your unique skill [Spirit Sage]. Now that the link to your skill has been established, You will be able to react quicker.]

Skills? This seems familiar, I get the feeling im in the Cardinal World. And this [Archive] reminds me of the archive magic from fairy tail. Do I Still have my Quincy abilities? Let me try something.

'Hey [Spirit Sage] is it posssible to make a list of my skills and display there details using [Archive]?'

[Answer. It is possible to show the details of your skills using [Archive].]

[Would you like to store the details of your skills in your unique skill [Archive]? Yes/No?]

'Yes store those details under the file name Starting_Skills.pdf'

[Understood. please wait for a moment to analyze your skills for the details of each to be stored into the [Archive].]

After that I saw a loading bar on the floating screen infront of me. it took about 4 minutes for the loading bar to completely fill then went back to the previous screen with file names with a new file name on the top when i heard {sprirt Sage again.

[Successful. All data on skills have been stored into [Archive] under the name Starting_Skills.pdf. Would you like to view the file? Yes/No?]


After that I saw the screen open the file that was just made showing the requested information.


[Spirit Sage] - Unique Skill

Sub-Skills: [Thought Acceleration], [Analytical Appraisal], [Parallel Computation], [Chant Annulment], [All of Creation], [Studious]

[Archive] - Unique Skill

Sub-Skills: [Data Conversion], [Data Storage], [Data Transfer], [Thought Communication], [Screen manifestation]

[Divide] - Unique Skill

Allows the user to cut the power of anything users body and magic has touched in half and absorbs that power to add to their own. Cool-down time: 10 sec

[Reflect] - Unique Skill

Allows user to reflect attacks to a certain degree.

[Soul Distribution] - Unique Skill

Sub-Skills: [Power Bestowal], [Soul Absorption], [Flawless Healing]

Arts: (Auswählen), (Self-power restoration), (Sankt Altar), (Magicule infusion)

[Emperor] - Unique Skill

Sub-Skills: [Thought Domination], [Predictive Calculation], [Inspire Forces], [Rulers Charisma], [Lords Haki]

[Blut] - Intrinsic Skill

Allows the user to channel magicules to strengthen the body

Arts: (Blut Vene), (Blut Arterie)

[Shadow Movement] - Intrinsic Skill

Allows the user to use Shadow Space. usually used to as a spacial ability.

[Magic Manipulation] - Intrinsic Skill

Allows the user to better control magic power, allowing for exeptional direct manipulation of magicules within themself and the air to manipulate and use various elements

[Universal Sense] - Intrinsic Skill

Allows for the percention of nearly all things within a wide radius, able to percieve light, sound, magic, heat, souls, spirits, and killing intent

[Hirenkyaku] - Extra Skill

Allows the user to move at high-speed by riding the flow of magicules below their feet.

Resistance skills: [Pain Resistance], [Spiritual Attack Resistance] [Magic Resistance]

note: replace reishi with magicules

a/n: used information on wikias for



Damn, looks like my Quincy abilities were transferred with me into this world but were converted to use magicules instead of reishi. I feel the same before waking in this place but at the same time different.

'[Spirit Sage] is my race still the same as it was before waking up in this forest?'

[Answer. your race is still Human(Quincy) and most of your races abilities were carried over into the Cardinal World.]

Well shit, so this is the Cardinal World from Tensura.

'Wait a minute. You said most of my races abiities were carried over, why is that?'

[Answer. due to individuals strength being insufficient, some of your abilities were not acquired, hence they couldn't be analysed and placed in the data about your skills.]

Hmmmmm. Seems that I'm not strong enough to use the advance Quincy abilities like [Ransōtengai], [Quincy: Vollständig]. But from the sound of it, if I get strong enough i would be able to use those abilities. I just have to continue my training, maybe I'll even obtain an Skill that will let me return to the bleach world.

But what surprises me is that i the Unique skills [Divide], [Reflect], [Soul Distribution] and [Emperor]. The first 2 sound like the abilities of the white dragon emperor Albion and the third unique skill [Soul Distribution] sounds like the abilitiy used by Yhwach and Jugram Haschwalth. So that means I can give pieces of my soul to make others stronger but those pieces would return to me when they die.

The last unigue skill [Emperor] is a wild card. Now that I think about it in the bleach canon, Yhwach made Uryu his successor because he survived the (Auswählen) wth his life and powers. But in this timeline, both he and I retained our powers after the (Auswählen). If Uryu was with me in the cardinal world, would he get this skill or a similar one? hmm, food for thought.

But for now, lets test how my abilities work now. So I try to imagine manifesting a spirit weapon by collecting the magicules in the air. thats when the cross on my wrist glows and manifests a quincies heilig bogen (holy bow in german, or sacred bow in japanese from wiki) in my left hand. I put my hand on the bow then gather more magicules to make an arrow while pulling back the bow string. Once I have the arrow loaded I shot at a wall of rock see the power behind it.

*pshing* *peirce*

I see the arrow peirce through the tree and stick out half-way through the tree. I did not put much power into creating the arrow, If I had it could have destroyed I big part of not the whole wall. But I did not want to do much damage to test my abilites.

I decided to test my [Hirenkyaku] next, so I channel the magicules in the air into a current under my feet to move through the area, then back to where i was before. Afterward, i chose to switch that current to go into the sky to look around. Once i get to a good height, I tried to create a platform to stand on, which worked.

Me: "Nice view." I said out loud while looking around.

As I stand on the platform, I decide to try my [Universal Sense]. I could sense the multiple entities around the area; most likely monsters and animals, maybe an adventurer or two. I also sense a massive presence from what looked like a passed the mountains. From what i remember in my past life, that might be Veldora the Storm Dragon.

Since my range of detection was farther now then in the bleach world. I also sense a couple of villages a bit further out, the Armed Nation of Dwargon, and the Sorcerer Dynasty of Sarion in the opposite direction. I'll head to Sarion to see if I can gather information after I get back to the ground.

After turning to face the direction I want to go (south), I dissapated the platform I was standing on and use [Hirenkyaku] to land safely on the ground.

But first I decided to try the [Material Creation] skill. Imagine creating a playing card that looks like on of Luxords cards from Kingdom Hearts. After thoughly examining it looks and feels like an actual card. So I could create my spirit weapons with my Quincy cross and permanent weapons with [Material Creation] sounds pretty broken. Technically the spirit weapons can become solid at a Quincies command, so the Spirit weapon ability and the [material Creation] skill might have some relation.Maybe I could use [Material Creation] to make more Quincy crosses for any allies and/or subordinates I gather in this world.

But for now I should head to Sarion to obtain information on this world and it's timeline. I could try to get information on magic to make myself stronger for the future of the Quincies. But there's still one last question on my mind. Will Uryu be okay since I suddenly disappeared? Well I gave him that note just in case something like this happened so hopefully he'll be ok. So I'm off to Sarion.

comments are encouraged, let me know what you think

John_Dosecreators' thoughts