
I’m Trunks

Damn... Of all worlds, it had to be this one. If I was gonna die, why did I have to show up in this Timeline afterwards?! Read the story of how our main character gets reincarnated as one of the main characters from Dragon Ball. Follow me on Tik-Tok @hrblackwater

Hrblackwater · Anime e quadrinhos
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31 Chs

Chapter 7: Side Characters

The moment I entered the portal, all light seemed to vanish aside from the lights that were already in the time chamber.

Before I could even come up with a plan on how I was going to introduce myself to the Z fighters, another portal opened up right before my eyes.

When it opened, I could see what was on the other side… and it surprised me.

"Oh fuck."

Right in front of me was a Time Machine parked right next to where I was about to land. It even had the word Hope written on it, just like mine.

What was strangest of all was that the ship had a person inside of a cockpit, a person with short purple hair, a dark blue jean Capsule Corp jacket, and an identical face to mine.

To my surprise, he was staring right back at me, as shocked as I was.


The temporal portal behind me closed up. Now… I and the other teen looked at each other blankly.

'You gotta be shitting me…'

I said washing my hand over my face in irritation while the other guy stood there confused, trying to analyze what just happened.

He and I… we were the same people.

Opening up the cockpit of his ship the boy jumped out on high alert while he put his hand on a very familiar sword.

"Who are you, and what are you doing in this timeline?"

He asked threateningly.

The thing was, I sensed his power level. No matter how hard he tried to hide it from me, my Ki control was at such a high level that I could tear off the shroud a person had over them, peering at how powerful they truly were.

He may have been suppressing his power, but I could see right through him. Whatever threatening aura he was trying to exude, it wasn't working.


Opening up my cockpit as well, I jumped down, facing the kid who now had his sword pointed at me.

"Please. I have been through too much in the past 24 hours for you to be fucking with me right now. Let's talk this out." I said while reaching into my coat to grab a cigarette.

"I'm not putting anything down until you tell me who you are and why you're here. Now answer my question, or else." He menaced, bringing his blade closer to my neck.

He couldn't hurt me if he tried. I wasn't interested in fighting him. Especially because I could sense two large energies making their way to earth.

With a Ki orb, I lit my cigarette and took a large puff.


"Can you put the sword down before you hurt yourself?"

"Not a chance." He looked with a very familiar glare. It was the same one that the animals in the forest gave right before they attacked me and died.

Of course, the same fate wouldn't awate the kid, but if he wanted to continue down this path, he would end up with two blackened eyes and a few lumps on his head.

"Think logically for a second. I'm the same height as you. And aside from the scar on my face, we look exactly the same. We came here Via the identical means, and both have the word Hope written on our vehicles. In addition to all that, we both use swords."

"If you're implying that you're me, then that's impossible. I can barely sense your energy, yet you seem powerful. Evidence is suggesting that you're an android. Possibly from the future, here to stop my plans." He scowled.

"Listen… I am strong. And because of that, the only reason you can't sense my energy right now is because I don't want you to." I stressed.

Taking another large drag of my cigarette, I ran my fingers through my hair.

'God… this is annoying. On top of that, it's confusing. I need a drink.' I thought.

"Lemme ask you something, fellow Trunks, time anomaly to time anomaly. Does this red scarf around my neck look familiar?"

"That… That's mother's scarf. How did you get your hands on it?" Then, he put his sword up to my neck nigher.

"Oh boy…"

I shook my head.

To be fair, I couldn't get too mad at him. If I lived life in his shoes, I would have probably jumped to the same conclusion.

"Listen here, and listen closely. I don't know how you got your hands on that, nor do I care, because you're gonna hand it over one way or another. I don't know what type of fool you take me for, but even if I held you at your word, it'd be impossible for two of us to be in one place at the same time. It would have caused a paradox that would theoretically destroy the entirety of the universe.Start making sense right now, or consider yourself a dead man." He uttered.

"Hold on… first of all, by you using the word, theoretically, it invalidates your previous statement about the universe being destroyed. Secondly, you didn't even take into account the fact that we may live in a multiverse, and by us being here, we just created another timeline."

I wasn't the brightest, but I wasn't stupid either.

The kid version of me was probably smarter than me in every aspect outside of common sense and combat, but I knew this was one thing he didn't account for in his time-traveling accolades.



Silence ensued between the both of us as he stared and watched closely to my body language. He was trying to sense any sign of deceit. The reason he had an attempt to strike me down yet was because he couldn't find any.

"You have to understand that from my perspective that sounds absolutely ridiculous." He stated.

"But isn't the entire idea of time travel ridiculous isn't the fact that our father is from an alien planet named after him ridiculous? Isn't it ridiculous that we both have the same mentor by the name of Gohan? Isn't it kind of strange to you that we both have a mother named Bulma Briefs who happens to be the richest person in our respective worlds strange?"

For a minute, my counterpart's aggression began to waver.

"But… how do I know you weren't just programmed with my memories and made after my likeness?"

Rising my brow I looked at him with ridicule.

"Now, how in the fuck am I supposed to prove that?"

"Aren't you supposed to be the one to explain that?"

He asked with uncertainty in his voice.

"Alright. I'm done playing this preposterous imposter game. If I wanted to kill you, I would've attacked you by now. If I was an android, there would be no hesitation in me doing so."

After a few seconds of watching the cogs in his head spin, he put his sword back in its scabbard, realizing that there was a probability of truth in my words.

"Then why did we both show up here?"

He asked.

"I'm just as confused as you. I just came here to kill Frieza and his dad."

Putting his hand on his chin to contemplate, he became lost in thought, but putting myself in his shoes, I knew exactly what he was thinking. it was the thought process I would've arrived at.

This version of me came to the past in order to prevent the deaths of the Z-fighters, but if what I said about the multiverse was true, then the only thing he would be saving this timeline. What about his own? Was it doomed? Was it frozen until he came back? Was it destroyed? Was his mother even alive?

Would he even show up to the same mother that raised him if he were to abandon his plans and go back to the future? There were so many variables that he had only now just considered. The more he considered them, the more lost in thought he became. I could see the worry start to overcome him.

"Relax… I know what you're thinking right now. Your timeline is still safe. If you go back into the machine, it will take you exactly to the point you left within your own time stream. If not, a few moments later." I decided it best to reassure him.

"How could you be sure?"

He asked.

"Because I saw it happen to someone else before."

He had no idea I was referring to him. But what I said made sense, contextually speaking. Me implying that I had seen some test out the Time Machine for testing purposes was indeed a good lie.

"You've seen someone time travel? Who?"

He asked. The answer to this question was obviously him, but there was no way I was going to tell him that. It would've brought even more complications.

"It doesn't matter. Just know that I've seen it happen."

Although still uneased, some of his tension was released.

"Then, I guess I have to go back."

Turning around, he was about to hop into the time machine, but I grabbed him by his shoulder to stop him.

"Where do you think you're going?"

I asked.

"Well, I gotta get back to my timeline. Me being here wouldn't do anything for the people there."

He stated.

Shaking my head, I glared at him.

"With that ridiculously low power level of yours, you wouldn't last more than a minute with the androids of your time. like I said, previously, getting into that time machine will take you back to the exact moment that you left. Why not stay here and get stronger?"

"But wouldn't me staying here create more needless timelines?" He asked.

"Yeah. It would. But coming from a person who just lost his mother, I think it's worth it for you to stay… if you went back in your current state, you would lose her and more."

"M-mom's dead in your world? How? Why? And, what about Gohan?" He asked.

"In my timeline, Gohan died to the androids. So did my mother. I'm not gonna tell you because it's personal, but if you don't want to end up like me, I suggest you get stronger first, so that you can take care of them yourself." I encouraged.

"Then… is that why you're here? So that you can get strong enough to defeat them." asked the other me.

To that, I gave him a simple head shake.

"No… Not at all."

At my reply, he looked confused.

"Then… Why? Why would you stay in a timeline that doesn't belong to you?"

He asked.

"To get revenge… I won't dive any deeper than that."

When those sentences escaped my mouth, the boy looked stupefied. Ignoring his facial expression, I continued.

"Also, you can't leave. You still need to save Goku. I had forgotten to bring his heart virus medication. To be honest with seeing you, I only just now remembered"

I expressed.

"You forgot? But how? Didn't mother tell you how strong he was and how important it was for him to receive the medication?"

"No. She didn't. She died."

I remarked bluntly.

"Ugh! Um. I'm sorry. That's not what I meant. I mean did she ever tell you how strong he was when you were a child." He said, stumbling over his words, embarrassed, that how rude was.

"Yeah, she did. But I stopped caring about those stories, and started working on my own. There was no point in idolizing the dead."

"That's a little dark, don't you think?"

"No. I don't. You'll realize that when you focus on yourself more than others, you can climb a pedestal rather than being forced to look up at one."I professed.

"When you put it that way, it's hard to argue."

He then went into his ship and took out a capsule of the presumed heart medicine.

"Here… I'll let you give it to him."

He remarked.

"Why are you giving it to me? You could just give it to him yourself."

"Well… Don't take offense, but I don't trust you. Consider it a test."

"But, weren't you just about to leave me alone here? If I had ill will, I could have made this my stomping ground and took over the world."

"Well, yeah. That thought did cross my mind. But I figured, I would find out if I just went back to the future to check whether or not you were lying or not."

I didn't feel like pointing out the flaws in his logic and just decided not to acknowledge his comment. I took the pills, putting them in my back pocket.

'Now that he mentioned it, I did recall him giving Goku this heart medicine… I also recall Goku refusing to take it until it was almost too late.'

If I had to, I did have the means to force this capsule down his throat.

"Alright. Let's go. Frieza's ship is about to land."

I commented.

Nodding his head, my counterpart followed along.

Flying through the terrain, I realized that this place was very familiar to me. How could it not be? It was the same wasteland where I won my last fight with Gohan. The one we had transferred to after the other one was rendered to a large pit.

Of course, due to my… aggressive nature, the wasteland I knew wasn't anywhere near this good condition. But still I still remembered it like the back of my hand. I couldn't help but reflect on old memories.

Our days of training together until one of us was knocked unconscious… our days where we would talk for hours about the most random things ranging from new ways to utilize Ki to the new books he read…They were simple times. Days that I missed dearly.

It had only been a day since I killed Cell and discovered that he murdered Gohan… But to be honest… Deep in my heart, I already knew that I would never see him again. I just couldn't accept it. But now… I had to. I had no other choice. Hopefully, getting my revenge on this timeline's version of Cell would quell the unbridled anger in my heart.

In my mind, I knew that it probably wouldn't, but I needed some sort of outlet or goal to keep me from losing my mind.

Although I was still furious at the world, being in this place… It calmed me. More than any amount of smoking and drinking could.

It may have seemed relatively masochistic, but lifting up my sleve and looking at the battle scars on my arms made me able to reminisce even further. Life… The one I led was a strange one in that way.

I looked to my right to see the other Trunks flying next to me, giving me a weird look. It was as if he wanted to speak, but he was afraid to.


Grumbled, pulling down my sleeve.

"Those scars… You mind if I ask how you got them?"

"Wanna interrogate me more, huh?"

I retorted, raising a brow.

"N-no. It's not like that. I was just curious."

He said, stumbling over his words in a way that was very familiar to me… For a brief instance, I felt like Gohan's essence in them, causing me to hold back on my attitude. Maybe it was just the air of nostalgia getting to my head.

"I'm just messing with you. I don't mind telling you."

My words had caused him to let his guard down a little, relaxing his shoulders.


I answered simply, which caused him to attain a look of disbelief.

"What? Are you telling me that Gohan in your timeline caused you those injuries?"

"Yeah. That's what our training was like."

"But… Why would you… Why would he go to such an extent?"

"Because I made him. He wouldn't push me hard enough otherwise."

"I don't understand… Those injuries… I'm pretty sure they're not your only ones, right?"

"They're not… What's your point?"

"My point is, they seem… kinda gruesome, in all honesty. Were they all caused by sparring?"

"Yeah. Excluding the ones on my face, leg, and my chest. Those were caused by a bird. The other one on my leg was caused by a cat."

I replied.

"A bird and a cat?"

"Yeah. A really big bird and cat. They tried to eat me when I was a kid."

"What kind of… Nevermind. I'm getting off topic. The Gohan I knew would never be that brutal. Just what kind of sparring did you two do? And why was it necessary to battle at that intensity?" He asked, concerned.

"Well…correct me if I'm wrong, but we're Saiyans, right?"

"That's kinda obvious. Yeah."

He replied, wondering where I was leading the conversation.

"Well, Saiyans have a special trait ingrained into our genetic code. Whenever we're in a battle that stimulates our bodies enough to make them think we're in a life or death scenario, we adapt to a situation, making us much stronger upon recovery from a fatal injury. It's called a Zenkai." I explained while my counterpart's ears were perked up from intrigue.

It became clear to me that he didn't know much about his heritage.

"Because of this trait, our people were once feared throughout the galaxy."

"By our people, You're referring to the Saiyans, Right?"

He asked.

"Yeah. I am."

"But… If we were feared throughout the Galaxy, what happened?"

"You don't know?"

I asked with genuine confusion.

"Am I supposed to?"

He asked, feeling slight shame for his lack of knowledge.

"I would have thought mother told you… But I guess not. First, tell me what you know about Frieza?"

"She did tell me that he blew up the planet father was from… She never went into detail about it though. I never knew why."

When he said that, a memory from my past popped up that I had almost completely forgotten about. It involved a very specific hairless purple cat.

'Shit. I forgot about him… I'll keep this information to myself. Telling people the truth won't be doing me any favors.'

I knew I didn't have to worry about him for a while, but I was now made conscious that I would possibly have to face the god of destruction one day. Would I win? Most likely not. Only time would tell though.

"Frieza's ship is almost here. You wanna tell me now? We can wait if we need to." The other Trunks stated, noticing that I was lost in thought.

"Nah. I can tell you now. That albino lizard enslaved our people. To be fair, we kinda pricks who deserved it. We were pirates who destroyed everything we touched and even enslaved other races. But if you talked to father, he might tell you something different."

"I see…"

My counterpart nodded his head.

"But wait, going back to you, if all those scars on your body are testament as to how many life-or-death battles you had with Gohan, how strong was he? How strong are you?" He asked.

For a moment I thought of ways to prove my strength to him. I didn't want to tell him my tragic backstory. That was information for only me. I didn't want to turn into a Super Saiyan 2 either as it would throw my plan for revenge out the window.

It was then, an Idea popped into my head.


We arrived at the soon-to-be landing zone for Frieza's ship. Deciding to the ground, the teen followed.


Taking Noir off of my back, holding it with only my index finger and thumb, I waved it in front of him.

"Try to carry this."

Looking at me suspiciously, he apprehensively grabbed onto the hilt, thinking that I was looking down on him.

"Why are you giving this to -Woah!"

I let the blade go, dropping all of its weight into his hands.

Not expecting it to be so heavy, other Trunks plummeted to the ground with my weapon in hand.

"What the hell is this thing made out of?"

He said as he struggled to lift the blade which had been embedded into the earth.

"I'm gonna be real honest with you, I don't know. It was a weapon mother made me after I broke the sword you have on your back right now. It helped me with endurance training."

Although the blade was extremely heavy, that didn't stop him from trying to lift it. With extreme determination, he stood up and placed both hands on its hilt. Squatting down, he began to use every muscle in his body to lift.


Little by little, more of the sword's blade began to reveal itself from its dirt casing.

"Almost got it!"

He said through gritted teeth.

As he continued to pull the sword from the stone, a large shadow engulfed us, blocking out the sun.

"Hey, you might wanna hurry. Frieza's here."

As we both looked upwards, we saw a gigantic disk-shaped spaceship with strange yellow protrusions surrounding it.

As it got closer, spider-like metallic legs ejected out of it. Obviously, it was preparing to land.

Inside of the ship, I sensed around 2,000 people. Among them, 2 strong beings caught my attention.

'Frieza and Cold…'

They weren't nearly as strong as I expected them to be.

"Ah! Got it!"

He shouted.

While he was lifting the blade, I was paying attention to several people out in the distance hiding behind a rock formation. I had never sensed them before, but I knew exactly who they were.

Well…That wasn't the complete truth. There was one among them. One that I had known very well. For my entire life, in fact.

'They came… As expected. Mom's with them too.'

To an extent, I was excited to see her Again. But at the same time, I was still haunted by the memories of her death. They had ruined any chance I had of sleeping the night prior.


The earth quaked as the massive ship finally landed.

"Here. You might wanna take this."

The other Trunks said while sweat dripped down his face.

Grabbing my sword and placing it on my back, I nodded at his gesture.

Still slightly shocked at how easy it was for me to pick up such a heavy object, other Trunks wiped the sweat beads off his forehead.

"To think… you're able to carry two of those things without the need to go Super Saiyan… it's honestly shocking."

" People are a product of their labors. I'm an example."

"Huh… guess I haven't been laboring enough then… but now's the perfect opportunity."

He said with a profound smirk.

"So which one will it be? You want Frieza or his dad."

He asked.

"Frieza. Without a shadow of a doubt."

"Damn… I was hoping you didn't say that. I wanted to kill him after what you told me he did to the Saiyans, but I guess you have just as much of a right to him as I do." Other Trunks let out while clicking his tongue.

We had long since suppressed our power level. The Frieza soldiers had been equipped with Scouters advanced enough to find a person from across the world in an instant, after all.

It only made sense that they could, considering their line of work.

"Well, while we wait, let's sit on top of his ship so we can be ready when they come out."

Wordlessly agreeing with him, we reached the top of the ship, avoiding all the widows.

(5 minutes later)

The sound of a mechanical hatch opening up echoed throughout the wasteland.

From that hatch came 2 beings with high power levels who levitated while being surrounded by what looked to be a strange blue technology-based defensive orb.

While they were in the air, 2,000 fully armed troops came marching out forming rows of 50.

They were quite militant.

Slowly descending, the two strange-looking beings disabled the orb.

"So this is earth… I've destroyed worse."

Said the smaller entity that had cybernetic parts attached to his body.

"We didn't come all this way to toy with earthlings, my son. We came for that Super Saiyan that hurt you… Yes. We shall crush the life out of him. Anyone in the universe who threatens our supremacy must be utterly conquered!"

The taller caped being with horns on his head vowed.

"Well, between the two of us, father, I'm sure we can pulverize him. But I'm stronger than I was before so I might be able to vanquish him all on my lonesome."

The cyborg stated, exuding exorbitant amounts of misplaced confidence.

"I'm afraid the opponent you are so eager to face won't be home for another 3 hours, Frieza. Shall we wait for him?"

"Without a doubt, father. But I want to crush his spirit before I finish him off. Maybe killing all the earthlings would be a nice touch. How many can we get in 3 hours?"

He pondered.

"I guess there's only one way to find out. Hahaha! Hurry, Goku! Hurry! I've crawled back from the brink of death itself to reap my revenge upon you!"

He screamed to the skies irradiating evil.

"Wow…" I mumbled, looking at the other Trunks.

"I know… They're strong. But with Super Saiyan, our battle amps should allow us to defeat them." He said with confidence.

Raising my brow at him, I shook my head which confused him. He had misinterpreted what I was thinking completely. I wasn't intimidated by these two in the slightest. No. I was just going to comment on how bothersome they were in person.

I didn't need to transform for these two. If I wanted to, I could have just blown up their ship with them and their soldiers inside, minutes ago. Without any exaggeration, I could literally poke them with my finger to death.

"Move out, men. And when you encounter the earthlings, you know what to do. Now, go." Frieza demanded with an imposing wave of his finger.

Before they could even get the chance to move, Other Trunks had already jumped off the ship with his hand on the hilt of his sword.

Quickly, he began slicing through soldiers faster than they could process.

With one swing, he cut off a head. With another, his sword chopped a man in half vertically. He began swinging so fast that he looked like a tornado that consisted of blood, limbs, and entrails.

As he made his way through 800 soldiers, that tornado became colossal. It didn't stop until 3 out of 4 of the soldiers were all minced meat.

Looking up at me he smirked.

'Oh… He's arrogant.'

I thought to myself.

He had no reason to be. He had done all of this showboating when all of these people were little flies to us when it came to power level.

His movements were needless, his swordsmanship was mediocre, and his footwork was subpar. This was me being objective.

Unlike with me, Gohan must have gone extremely easy on him during his training.

Landing on the ground, he sized up Frieza and Cold with that same smirk on his face.

"Alright. You have our attention. What brings you here?"

Frieza inquired, sounding unamused.

Sheathing his sword, other Trunks replied without hesitation.

"To kill you 2. What else?"

Gazing at the youth as if he didn't just threaten their lives,

Cold stood with his arms crossed and took a step forward

"Can you repeat that?"

Looking mildly frustrated, he did as they asked.

"I am here to kill you."



The wind blew, prolonging the awkward silence.

"Oh. He's serious, father. Oh, I'm terrified. Aren't you?" Frieza voiced with enough sarcasm to warp reality.


The both of them shared a laugh.

"If only you knew who you were picking a fight with."

"Oh. I know. You're Frieza."

Looking down at him conversing, I started to get frustrated with other Trunks. Why was he talking so much in the middle of a fight? If his goal was to kill someone, why didn't he just do it? Why did he prolong slicing up those henchmen when he could have just killed them with a Ki blast?

The longer I sat watching this, the more it felt like I was a side character in a shitty anime. I couldn't take it anymore.

Jumping down from the ship and landing next to Other Trunks, I asked in a low voice, "Why the hell are you talking so much? All of this is unnecessary."

Taken off guard at my remark, he looked at me bewildered.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"You're doing all of this talking when all of them could be dead right now. Why aren't they dead yet?"

I enunciated heavily to get my point across.


He had no rebuttal.

I couldn't tell if he was acting this way because he was a pompous headstrong teen, or if he was acting this way because he wanted to break their resolve. In my eyes, both conclusions were dumb.

"Father? It appears as if those two are ignoring us. The one with the scar hasn't even bothered to acknowledge our presence. Shall I kill him first?" Frieza asked while pointing his finger at my person.

"The younger-looking one at least had enough manners to address us first. The cat post with the long hair shall die for his ignorance. Do as you will, my son."

Smiling, Frieza focalized purple Ki at the tip of his fingertip and shot it directly at the center of my back.

"Behind you!"

Other Trunks yelled, attempting to push me out of the way, but I didn't budge. There was no need.


Frieza's signature move, the death beam struck me directly… But to the surprise of everyone watching, not even my clothes were damaged.

Stunned, other Trunks looked at me in awe.

"Did… you sense the attack coming?"

Scowling at Frieza and Cold, I then went back to scolding.

"Of course, I sensed the attack coming. I grew up in a jungle where I had to worry about being eaten by mutated Dinosaurs. I'm always on Guard. That's what Gohan taught me. It's what he should have taught you. Don't get distracted in fights. An ego will get you killed. Understood?"


He replied.

Shaking my head I thought to myself.

'This kid is annoying…'

Yes. I did realize how hypocritical I sounded, but I could afford to be. Other Trunks couldn't. He was weak. Weak enough to allow first-form Cell to kill him.

Perhaps my reason for getting so easily agitated with him stemmed from me not wanting more good people to die… Perhaps, I just had a lot on my mind and subconsciously wanted to use him as an emotional punching bag. I wasn't a psychologist.

All I knew for sure was that seeing the way this boy acted really grinded my gears.


"Looks like you didn't put enough energy into that attack, my son. Would you like your father to handle him for you?" Cold asked from afar.

Frieza squinted his eyes for a brief moment, seeing that his father took a quick jab at his pride. Remaining composed, he shook his head and declined the invitation.

"No need for your intervention, father. I was just simply testing that earthling's endurance. I assure you, he will not survive another one of my beams."

This time, Frieza shot another Ki blast, but before it could get to me, I took out Owl, and coated it in a pulsating purple Ki, activating Adephagia.

With a swift swipe, Adephagia consumed Frieza's Ki blast, holstering it temporarily.

Looking around, I realized that there were too many bystanders for my liking, so with a long swipe to the air, an iridescent arc formed as if I had cut a hole in reality.

Pouring my Ki into Owl, I struck at the arc causing it to send a horizontal paper-thin Ki blast that sliced the heads off the remainder of the Frieza soldiers, causing a downpour of blood to rain down.

For a moment, everything went silent. Nobody spoke. They only watched in shock, including Frieza and Cold.

"Other Trunks."

I beckoned.

Blinking a few times before answering, he uttered.

"What was that?"

"A skill Gohan helped me create. That's beside the point. Go take Cold down while I handle Frieza."


"The arrogance of these earthlings. They think that because they have managed to kill a few foot soldiers they are now worthy of calling them combatants of our mighty empire? The nerve." Cold said with anger booming in his vocal cords. The same anger that Frieza expressed on his face.

"For crying out loud, Shut up!"

I demanded. My head was about to start hurting with all of this talking.


They both shouted simultaneously.

Like father, like son, I supposed.

"Trunks. Transform."

"But… What about you?"

He worried.

Taking either one of these two in base form sounded absurd to him. For me, it was different.

Without saying another word, I dashed at Frieza, Grabbing him by his face, bulldozing my way inside his own ship.


He punched me in the face repeatedly, but it only felt like a tickle. Drawing my arm back, I tossed him through a wall that led to what looked like an engineering room.

As he tumbled repeatedly, he destroyed multiple important-looking control panels.

Getting up with hate in his eyes, he glared.

"If I knew earthlings had this kind of power, I would have come here a lot sooner to bring your race to-UGk"

Before he could finish his monologue, I kneed him so hard that he broke through to the ship's second floor, losing a few teeth along the way.

This time, he was now in a cafeteria of sorts that looked to be used for his soldiers.

Getting up and wiping the blood from his mouth, the Alien was now enraged.

"Dammit! Let me finish speaking speak-"

Flashing next to him, I delivered a kick to the side of his head with enough force to eject him out of the window.

Now outside rolling a few times, he was now covered in dirt with blood leaking out the side of his head. With that kick, I had broken a few of his mechanical parts as well.

In a state of beyond disbelief, he got on all four, attempting to get back up.

But he didn't realize that I had already jumped out the window and was now running at him at full speed, preparing to kick his football-shaped head.

"This rude insignificant son of a-"


Frieza was sent flying into a plethora of rock formations, destroying their stability as he crashed through them creating him shaped holes then finally, being buried under a pit of rubble.

I then felt his energy begin to surge as the debris started to scatter in every which way.


Losing all rational, he came charging at me with a balled-up fist. Waiting for the moment it was just about to hit me, I weaved to the right, throwing 4 jabs to his stomach in rapid succession which caused him to vomit whatever alien cuisine he had for lunch.

Avoiding his spew, I watched as he fell to the ground once more.

Lifting my leg up 180 degrees, I struck the back of his head with an axe kick.


As if I had just hit his power button, he lost all strength in his body, looking like a starfish.

Nearby, I felt other Trunks was finally transforming.

'About time.'

I thought.

"What… Are… You?"

Asked Frieza, not able to lift his head because my previous kick had broken his neck.

Grabbing him by his head, I looked him in his eyes and simply stated, "A Saiyan."

His fractured jaw dropped.

He couldn't believe what he had just heard.

Putting my hands together, I began to chant.

"Ka… Ma…"

Blue Ki began to gather around my hands.

"Ha... Me..."


He screamed. He couldn't move, but he could sense his emanate death.
