Tony Stark dies October 17th 2023. And wakes up on the 30th April 2016, three days before Lagos. Three days before the breaking of the Avengers begins. But now he has a chance. A chance to do it all over again. And not die trying.
"It wouldn't be fair to be feared for our powers," confirmed Sergio.
"I think we can agree most of us, that the permanent tracking bracelets can be altered to only be used when an Avenger or an enhanced individual is under investigation and it is legally required for them to be monitored," suggested Laura.
"Do we have a consensus? If we do we can take this suggestion back to our respective continents and gain feedback on whether this change would be acceptable to the governments around the world."
The rest of her companions muttered agreement, even Ross did, though he didn't look happy.
"There are two other areas of the Accords which require some changes," continued Natasha.
"The second part is about detaining us indefinitely without trial. That is illegal and breaks our human rights. None of us can sanction the Accords fully with that in place. I understand that a particular piece of legislation is unpopular among many of the countries involved with the Accords. Is that correct?" Explained Natasha.
"It is," Afolabi Adebayo confirmed. He glanced at his companions. "We all disagreed with the motion Thaddeus put forth. He was insistent on including it."
"Of course he did," muttered Tony. "He's intent on controlling us. I think we can agree to remove that piece of legislation."
"Or alter it so you are only detained pending trial if the situation warrants being put in jail, otherwise house arrest should do," suggested Laura wisely. "If that is the case, monitoring would be required at all times to ensure house arrest is not broken. Do you agree?"
"We would have to discuss it with the other Avengers," explained Tony, "but I feel certain it may be something they will agree to. They do know they will have to compromise if any changes are to be made to the Accords."
"Excellent. Do you have any other queries relating to the Accords, Mr. Stark?" Sergio asked.
This meeting was going better than expected though Secretary Ross's face was still not looking happy. He was losing control of the Avengers by the minute.
"There is one other thing we require clarification upon," started Tony quietly.
"We all agree we need to seek permission to cross into other countries, but what if there is a world-ending threat and we do not have time to ask for permission? By not attacking when we have the intelligence could lead to more deaths. How do we go about it?" Tony said.
"I would believe it to be obvious, Stark," said Ross.
"You ask for permission regardless of what the outcome would be."
"And if people died because we had to wait?" Natasha asked, her eyes burning steadily at Ross.
"Collateral damage."
"Wow," whistled Tony. "You'd rather people died than be saved? Isn't the whole point of the Accords to prevent people from dying?"
"Mr. Stark has a point, Thaddeus…" Marcel indicated.
"This is a discussion I have already been having with officials. If there is such a threat, which is a high risk to life, then they would be happy for the Avengers to intervene, before permission is granted, providing of course they have been notified in advance of what this threat is so they can provide assistance if needed. All the Avengers would need to do is communicate on-route. If they decide the Avengers are not required they would request the Avengers to leave." Marcel's bright green eyes turned towards Tony and Natasha and she shook her head slightly to move a bit of hair out of her face. "Would the Avengers retreat if asked? If the government wanted to handle the situation on their own?"
Tony bit his lower lip. "I would. I cannot say for the others."
"Like Captain America," intoned Thaddeus Ross. "He finds it difficult to follow orders, doesn't he? Prefers to give them rather than obey."
Tony wasn't going to rise to the bait. "I think it would depend on the situation at hand. If it was a threat only we could deal with and we were being pulled out, I would find it difficult to leave knowing it would be better for me to be out there fighting. I think the main point here is that if we do have to enter a country without permission to prevent a world-ending threat, we wouldn't have repercussions for our actions in doing so. We would be just trying to do the right thing."
"Agreed. In world-ending threats the Avengers should not face any punishment for attempting to help," backed Afolabi. "It is the smaller missions which are not world-ending threats that we would prefer to have some element of control over."
"That we can agree on," smiled Natasha. "But we do need to have a firm answer on whether we can still act legally in world-ending situations. Hopefully, they would be few and far in between but we cannot deny that we have had our fair share of them."
Laura cleared her throat. "As far as I am aware, the general consensus among Europe is if it is a world-ending threat they are happy for the Avengers to intervene without notification, providing of course at the end they stay and help with the clear-up and provide statements both to the governments and the Accords committee. We would then determine if permission should have been granted prior to your intervention. But this would just be a formality. We would prefer to trust the Avengers to act when they need to without permission." She cast her gaze around, avoiding Secretary Ross's burning eyes.
"I think we can all agree world-ending threats would be allowed to be acted upon without due authorisation?"
There was muttering from around them, all of them agreeing to the clarification Tony sought.
Tony smiled. "If these changes can be implemented into the final version of the Accords, you will have a deal with the Avengers to work under the Accords and with the United Nations." He and Natasha rose from their chairs. "Thank you for your time to listen to our requests and consider them all."
All apart from Ross said farewell as they left the chamber.
Once outside, Tony smirked. "Ross is not happy, is he?"
"No," grinned Natasha. "He's losing his power."