
I’m a Proud Member of the Frieza Force!

At the bottom of Lord Frieza's army, a low-class Saiyan plots of power and conquest. With a cunning mind and a ruthless determination, he plans to rise through the ranks, manipulating his fellow soldiers and defeating his enemies no matter what means he must do so. But his ambitions go far beyond just rising through the ranks. He wants to tread grounds that no other villain has ever done in this multiverse. As he grows in power, he faces challenges from both his enemies and his allies.. But he is not deterred. With each victory, he comes closer to his ultimate goal, acquiring the strength and tools he needs to succeed. Can anyone stop this ambitious villain, or will he succeed in his quest for ultimate power and domination? Find out, right now, in this Dragon Ball Z fanfic that has certainly never been done before, and witness the rise of the most cunning and ruthless villain the multiverse has ever known. Chapters are Bi-Weekly (Weds & Thurs)

CaptainBoyHole · Anime e quadrinhos
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96 Chs

Chapter 92: Turles's Firstborn.

While Turles was consolidating his power, elsewhere in the universe, on the bustling streets of Planet Gamble, a different scene unfolded under the watchful gaze of Mr. Big, the undisputed kingpin of the planet's underground. His opulent office, adorned with gilded trinkets and lavish furnishings, provided the backdrop for a display of power and control that sent shivers down the spines of those who dared to cross him. Or blinded them from the excess spending. Seated behind his imposing desk, Mr. Big exuded an aura of authority as he surveyed the scene before him with a cool detachment. He clasped his hands together in a gesture of quiet dominance.

To his side stood a towering figure, a man with a large physique and an undeniable ignorable presence, yet bound by glowing chains that crackled with restrained power. This was no ordinary thug or lackey; this was a person of formidable strength and ferocity, caged up like a fearsome beast awaiting its next command. But despite his imposing stature, there was a glimmer of humanity in the captive's eyes, a spark of empathy that belied the unfathomable power that no doubt lay within. He cast a glance at the line of kneeling men, their faces twisted in fear and resignation. It was clear that his concern lay not with his own predicament but with the fate that awaited those who had fallen into Mr. Big's grasp.

For in the world of Mr. Big, power was currency, and fear was the ultimate weapon. As he surveyed the scene before him, it was evident that he held both in abundance, ready to wield them with ruthless efficiency to maintain his iron grip on the criminal underworld of Planet Gamble. "Gentlemen," Mr. Big's voice softly boomed, resonating with terror as he addressed the captive audience before him. "You find yourselves here today not by chance, but by your own folly. You thought you could do business in my territory, and disrupt the criminal network that I have worked tirelessly to establish. But let me make one thing abundantly clear: there is no room for disobedience on my planet."

"You see, when I'm not happy," he continued, his voice lowering to a dangerous growl, "things tend to... escalate. And trust me, you don't want to see me upset."

With a subtle gesture, Mr. Big motioned to his henchmen lurking in the shadows, their presence looming like a silent threat behind the kneeling men. In an instant, ray guns materialized in their hands, the cold metal glinting ominously in the dim light. "Unfortunately," Mr. Big's voice thundered, cutting through the frantic cries of the restrained men, "you have indeed made me an upset man. You had your chance to do things my way, but you chose defiance. And now, well..." He let the sentence hang in the air, the unspoken threat lingering like a storm cloud on the horizon.

"And so, it is with a heavy heart but a clear conscience that I must bid you all farewell," Mr. Big continued his voice firm with decisiveness. "For in this world, there can be no mercy for the disobedient, no leniency for competition or those disrupting cash flow. Only swift and decisive order."

Just as Mr. Big's men were pulling on the trigger, the door came flying off its hinges and flew directly toward Mr. Big. Thanks to the man next to his side, Mr. Big avoided the painful fate of being crushed by the door frame. He caught the doorframe and looked toward the doorway. It was a small child with a waving tail who entered the lavish room with two PTO soldiers at his side.

Mr. Big screamed as he recognized the face of the bespectacled boy. "THE ELDEST PRINCE?!" He didn't hesitate to jump out the window and press a button kept in his chest pocket. Back in the room, the chains tightly wrapped around the giant man's body released fierce sparks of electricity, causing him to roar out in pain. A great power released itself from his body.

"Please chase after Mr. Big. I'll deal with this one." Basil gave the two soldiers at his side their orders.

They flew out of the window and pursued Mr. Big's life force through ki sensing. "Please go turn yourselves in to the nearest Defense Force spaceship." Basil telekinetically threw out the nearly naked men in the hallway behind him. Just as he tossed them out, the previously chained man tackled him through the hallway and out of the building. Basil instantly noted this man was strong…

Before he could take him through multiple other buildings on Planet Gamble, Basil no longer held back and broke free of the man's grip. He looked him in the eyes and asked a simple question. "Why are you fighting me?" The man's response was a wild right hook. "Have I wronged you in some way?" A swiping vicious claw from the right. "You were in chains when I arrived. Can you tell me why?" A screaming forward grab.

Basil locked his hands with him and activated Kaio-ken. The man who seemingly lost his mind frantically tried to wrench his hands free but was unable to overpower Basil. So, he used his legs and attempted to kick the boy. Using his own legs, Basil blocked each vicious attempt to tenderize his ribs. "Talk to me. I don't sense evil in your heart. I know you cannot be in the same league as Mr. Big. I can help you." Basil reached out to him.

But words failed to reach the screaming, flailing, warrior who seemed to be growing stronger by the second. So, he decided to put an end to this misunderstanding before it got too dangerous. Planet Gamble was a highly profitable planet for the Planet Trade Organization. It would be inefficient to allow anything untoward to happen to it. Basil reached deep inside to the power dwelling inside of him.

It spoke to him with a violent rage. It screamed in anger as he drew on its power. Yet, he was not seduced by its feelings. He simply wanted its power. The incredible power that raised his strength to over fifty times its normal state. His hair rose as he attempted to draw out the power of a Super Saiyan without the innate rage linked with the form. Basil's father told him that Saiyans have infinite potential. Nothing was impossible if they put their mind to it. Especially halflings like himself and his siblings. Their father believed that they had even more potential than himself, a full-blooded Saiyan, but Basil was never convinced that they could surpass him.

Basil became a partial Super Saiyan! His hair remained the same color as it always had, but now it stood at attention like a Super Saiyan would. He experienced a significant increase in power, rendering the man's rapidly escalating power inconsequential. However, there was no rage flowing within him. His heart was clear and pure for order and justice. 

After releasing his tight grip on the man's hands, the man wound up a powerful punch, only for Basil to effortlessly weave around punch after punch after punch. Eventually, he found the best avenue to strike as he took out some ki-sealing handcuffs. The man's roar and wild swings did little to help him. Basil smashed down on his constantly waving arms before smashing him down toward the city streets. 

Teleporting above his body as he crashed, Basil arrested and sealed the man's growing power, putting an end to this battle. The man still violently flailed about, but the ki-sealing handcuffs weren't named that way for no reason. It didn't matter how angry he was or how strong he was trying to get. All of it was sucked into the handcuffs. 

A rather impressive amount, considering the cuffs were glowing with a golden light. To avoid any mishaps from occurring as Basil apprehended him, Basil knocked him out with a weapon from the Support Series. He held a gun directly at the man's snarling face and pulled the trigger. A mysterious white gas engulfed his head, and he instantly went limp.

Whoever this guy was, he was pretty strong. Too strong to be unknown and used by a small-time criminal like Mr. Big. He would be great for the Planet Trade Organization to utilize in cleaning up the rebels across the universe. Basil would've liked to add him to the Royal Force, but unfortunately, you needed more than power to join. You needed connections. Important connections. However, he would be a good fit for the New Crusher Force… They needed more people. Basil also believed that this guy wasn't a bad person. He would use his great power for the betterment of the universe. As long as he had someone to properly guide him, unlike Mr. Big.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction based on the Dragon Ball Z series, which is the property of Akira Toriyama and Toei Animation. I do not claim any ownership of the original characters, settings, or storylines. This work is not intended for commercial use and is solely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement is intended, and I am not affiliated with the creators or publishers of Dragon Ball Z in any way.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen

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