
I’m a Proud Member of the Frieza Force!

At the bottom of Lord Frieza's army, a low-class Saiyan plots of power and conquest. With a cunning mind and a ruthless determination, he plans to rise through the ranks, manipulating his fellow soldiers and defeating his enemies no matter what means he must do so. But his ambitions go far beyond just rising through the ranks. He wants to tread grounds that no other villain has ever done in this multiverse. As he grows in power, he faces challenges from both his enemies and his allies.. But he is not deterred. With each victory, he comes closer to his ultimate goal, acquiring the strength and tools he needs to succeed. Can anyone stop this ambitious villain, or will he succeed in his quest for ultimate power and domination? Find out, right now, in this Dragon Ball Z fanfic that has certainly never been done before, and witness the rise of the most cunning and ruthless villain the multiverse has ever known. Chapters are Bi-Weekly (Weds & Thurs)

CaptainBoyHole · Anime e quadrinhos
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96 Chs

Chapter 10: A Successful Mission!

When Turles returned to Frieza Planet 17, his first choice of action was to head to the medical room to get his hands fixed, but a certain trio had nothing better to do than to wait for his arrival to teach him a lesson. At first, Turles wanted to avoid them, but then he realized this could be a great opportunity to abuse his Saiyan biology even further. He was injured during his mission on Planet Jam, but he wasn't injured enough that it would provide a sizable boost to his power. Turles couldn't help but chuckle as he looked at the trio.

'Ooh, Prince Vegeta, you do spoil me so." Turles charged in first with a kick to Vegeta's face. The prince cursed in frustration at the surprise attack.

His hands were mostly useless from King Jam's lance, meaning this was going to be an armless fight. Nappa brought his hands together and knocked Turles to the ground with a blow to his head. Turles dropped to the snowy ground as Raditz followed up with a kick to his side that sent him rolling across the snow. Multiple soldiers from the Frieza Force watched as the Saiyans went at each other. All watching in amusement, except one person.

As Prince Vegeta and his attendants basically ganged up on the already injured Saiyan, Naba looked on within the crowd. She aimed her blaster at the back of Prince Vegeta's head, who was laughing while watching Nappa and Raditz kick Turles around. Naba didn't know what their problem was with Turles, but as the only co-worker she could tolerate, there was no way she was going to let them kill him so easily. Just as she lined up her shot and was about to fire, someone grabbed her blaster.

"G-G-General Zarbon!?" Naba jumped in fright with a rapid bow afterward.

"There's no need for that, my dear. I'll handle this." The handsome light blue-skinned alien known for his wisdom and power separated the crowd with just his presence.

As Turles's life force was weakening by the second, he sensed an impressive power headed his way. He struggled to lift his head and see who this newcomer was to interrupt his plans. Only to feel himself being lifted up like a cat and carried away. Being held in this position was new and pretty uncomfortable but whatever. Turles felt he was beaten pretty well.

"I'll be taking this one away. You can have your fun another time, Prince Vegeta." Zarbon carried Turles away.

"Tch, whatever. Count your lucky stars, low-class trash." Vegeta said his goodbyes.

Turles tried to speak, but the only that came out of his mouth was blood and spit. "I wouldn't bother, little monkey. Save it for after you recover in the healing tank. I was interested in how you conquered Planet Jam all on your own despite having a power level of 1,500. It does make me curious. I'm interested in hearing how you overcame a warrior twice stronger than you without going into your giant monkey form. Planet Jam didn't have any moons orbiting its planet." Zarbon chatted as he carried him like luggage.

"Fix him up." Zarbon tossed him on the floor in the medical room like garbage. Turles gurgled blood.

"Right away, General Zarbon!" All of the medics shot up from their seats with their spines straight.

The medics stripped him, attached the wires and breathing apparatus to him, and filled up the healing tank. Turles let himself succumb to the blissful feeling of recovery and drifted off to sleep. It seems he's captured Lord Frieza's attention sooner than he thought. Perhaps it was because of his antagonistic relationship with Vegeta and friends.

Frieza probably believed that he could use him as a chess piece against Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz. It was certainly evil and efficient of him. Put the remaining monkeys against each other, and if he's lucky, have them wipe each other out. If not, Frieza could at least prevent the four Saiyans from grouping up to plot together. He could raise this outsider Saiyan that the other Saiyans are hostile against as a loyal soldier of his army. And if he's particularly stupid, get rid of him later.

Of course, all of this was simply hypothetical. Turles couldn't know exactly what the hell Frieza was thinking. It was just based on his own guesses and how he would go about it. He couldn't fathom why someone of Zarbon's position would bother noticing a common army soldier with a paltry power level of 1,500. The most likely guess was it had to do with his relationship with the other Saiyans. He didn't do anything other than train, eat, heal, and hang out with Naba. And Naba was a common engineer with nothing special about her.

Nearly an hour later, Zarbon eventually returned to the medical room to pick him up once he was finished healing. Turles held in his smile as he felt the increased power flowing through his body. He put on his armor and bowed. "Thank you for saving me, General Zarbon. I don't know what I did to deserve the attention of someone as respected and powerful as yourself."

"A monkey with etiquette and manners? I'd sooner believe the Ginyu Force was throwing away their ridiculous poses." Zarbon scanned his power level. "You've grown from a power level of 1,500 to 2,500 in such a short time. While it's nothing impressive compared to most soldiers, it is something worthy of interest. Follow me." Zarbon turned and began to walk outside of the room.

"Yes, sir." Turles followed him out of the medical room.

They made their way to the ship's command center. Turles bowed on one knee with his head down while in Lord Frieza's presence. General Dodoria was here as well. Silence filled the room. As the lowest-ranking soldier there, Turles said nothing until he was spoken to.

"Saiyan. I've heard of your recent success and would like to congratulate you." Frieza spoke inside his little pod without even facing him.

"Thank you for your kind words, Lord Frieza. Your words are much more than I deserve for simply fulfilling my duty as a member of the Frieza Force." Turles never looked up from the ground or made eye contact.

"Oho, I suppose you are correct. Doing what you are asked of is certainly nothing worthy of praise." Lord Frieza responded. "Very well, you are dismissed." He waved him out.

"Yes, Lord Frieza." Turles exited the room.

As he was about to go to the canteen, he was called out by Zarbon.

"Monkey, what's your name?" General Zarbon asked.

"Turles, sir." Turles turned to him.

"You frequent Training Room 13, right?"

"Yes, that's correct. Operator Naba's station."

"Meet me there tomorrow morning. I have a proposal for you."

"Yes, sir." Turles was curious.

Was his hunch correct? Did Frieza really plan to use him as a chess piece against the other Saiyans? He was even willing to have Zarbon mentor him? This would be interesting, but he hoped it wouldn't interrupt his other plans. There were still a lot of things he had to accomplish before the start of the Saiyan Saga. Hopefully, he would be able to find the Seed of Might before so. There was nothing better than quick and easy ways to more power, not that Turles was afraid of working hard. In a universe like Dragon Ball, if he didn't work hard, he'd be killed before he knew it.

When Turles made it to the canteen, he didn't see any signs of Naba. He did spot another soldier of the Frieza Force, however. It was Zea, his higher-up. Zea called him over to him.

"Here's your pay for your recent success. Keep up the good work, soldier." Zea paid him in pols, metallic cylindrical rods.

"Thank you, sir." Turles pocketed the galactic currency and went on his way to use some of his pay on food.


"What do you think, Zarbon?" Frieza asked his right-hand man.

"If I didn't see his tail, I would be hard-pressed to believe that child was a Saiyan at all, sir," Zarbon responded.

"Kid did look like your type." Dodoria chuckled.

"He did, didn't he? I suppose I'll find out more about him tomorrow. It's not often I see recruits with potential."

"You believe he has value?" Frieza was slightly curious.

"Yes, Lord Frieza," Zarbon responded. "I've heard from some of my men that the Saiyan is at odds with Prince Vegeta and his men. They've attempted to kill him twice, and I wouldn't put it past them to attempt further tries in the future."

"Sounds like a weakling to me. How can that brat hold any use to Lord Frieza?" Dodoria wanted to know.

"It is because he is not of the same mind as those other monkeys. I don't know why they're against each other, but the child would hold value to us just by being a monkey and against Prince Vegeta."

"How?" Dodoria asked.

"His loyalties would lie with Lord Frieza and not the other Saiyans. It doesn't take a genius to realize that Prince Vegeta and the other two are a close-knit bunch. They stick together and don't separate or mingle with any other soldiers. In contrast, Turles has an interesting reputation amongst the army."

"Go on," Frieza told him.

"He is far more well-liked compared to Prince Vegeta and the other two. He's willing to socialize and befriend other soldiers. Even those that mock him for his birth, power level, and reputation."

"Reputation? What kind of reputation could a weakling with a power level of 2,500 have?" Dodoria mocked.

"Well, I say reputation, but it isn't positive. Most of the crew knows him as the Weakest Saiyan since he's always seen inside or heading to the medical room with grievous injuries."

"Tell me again how this saiyan will be useful to me?" Frieza wanted to know.

"I'll personally train him into someone useful. I'll make him a deterrent for Prince Vegeta and the other Saiyans if they ever get out of line. It would be quite beautiful if the end of the Saiyans came from the hands of a Saiyan." Zarbon smiled.

"Heh, you're just as nasty as me with that personality." Dodoria chuckled.

"Don't ever compare yourself to me again, you disgusting brute." Zarbon took offense to that.

"You're right. I'm more merciful with my men." Dodoria laughed.

"Very well, Zarbon. You may do as you please with the Saiyan." Frieza said.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction based on the Dragon Ball Z series, which is the property of Akira Toriyama and Toei Animation. I do not claim any ownership of the original characters, settings, or storylines. This work is not intended for commercial use and is solely for entertainment purposes. No copyright infringement is intended, and I am not affiliated with the creators or publishers of Dragon Ball Z in any way.

Shout-out to special Patreon members: Tuan Nguyen, Blacklionpride24

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