
I’ll Start A New

.... In her past life she was an assassin though not the best she was still pretty good. After dying in an explosion she awoke in the body of a baby. How will Scarlett’s life be from now on? Will she be able to live a different life than her past life? Or maybe this life will be full of surprises waiting for her to discover. After all this is a world of cultivation. **** **** It’s my first time writing something so yeah! If you find that my story is similar to something else you read it probably is! I read a lot and take inspiration from here and there but I’ll try to make this an original. If you have any suggestions please let me know! Let me know if there’s a spelling or grammar mistake. Thanks! The cover photo isn’t mine I just edited a picture I found! Updates are random!

Snowlotus56 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Chapter 24 - Immure

In the center of The spirit beast forest of Astros, there was a place usually blocked off.

It was basically a parallel forest, just like the spirit beast forest.

Except, unlike the forest of Astro, there was no sunlight.

What replaced the sun was the moon, making the forest always in an eternal night.

This would be heaven to anybody with the darkness element. Here, elements like darkness, shadow, and poison thrived.

This was the place where the most dangerous and ferocious of the spirit beast lived…

A place people in society today believed to only be a legend…

A myth

A story to frighten there children into going to bed.

It's was called….


That was the place Scarlett found herself in when she woke up.




Scarlett was awoken by the sound of water dripping.

With her hands on the ground, she tried to sit up, only for her to wince in pain upon trying to move even a muscle.


'Damn it…..why does it hurt so much'

She was pretty confused, as she didn't remember getting hurt.

Thinking that she was at home, she tried to call out for Elle, hoping to get an explanation as to why she was so badly hurt.


She whisper shouted only to here her own voice echo off some kind of wall making her flinch in surprise, pulling on her wounds.

The sent of blood flowed right into her nose, making all of her earlier grogginess from just waking up disappear.

Then she remembered what happened.

She wasn't at home with Elle anymore. She was in Astro. The last things she remembered was crushing the teleportation stone and Phi's voice ringing in her ears…

"….teleportation stones don't work in Astro…."

Then all she felt was pain before she blacked out.

Only after figuring out the whole situation did she heave a sigh of relief. She really thought she was going to die again.


That pain from almost being ripped apart by the space fluctuations seemed to be worst than getting her body exploded into tiny pieces from her past life.

Just thinking about it sent a shiver down her spine.

She never expected to feel a pain worse than death itself.

It really was a miracle that she was alive.

'Tsk…..what a big liar she was…..so much for reforging my bone, tendons, flesh and all that stuff with those smelly medical solutions...if I new this would be the outcome, I wouldn't have wasn't my precious time…sigh'

What Scarlett didn't know, was that if any normal person tried to use a teleportation stone in Astro, there body would have been torn apart by the raging space fluctuations.

Without the body tempering that Elle had her do for years, she would have ending up just like her past life.

Scarlett laid still on the floor trying to figure out what to do in this situation. First, she couldn't reach Phi at all or open up the dragon space that her mother gave her. So this was a pretty big problem for her right now as all the healing pills and such were in that space. For some weird reason she could access the space ring Elle made for her though but that really wasn't going to help out right now as there were no pills or medical solutions in there. It was just filled will stones, clothes, food, and other miscellaneous items Elle though she would need.

But was she worried?


Not really.


Okay maybe she was but what was worrying going to do about anything?

First she needed to figure how bad her injures were.

This was definitely going to hurt.