
Hunting in Hollywood

A continental director from many years in the future unexpectedly returns to Hollywood in 1986, and so begins his legendary journey to take step-by-step control of the center of the world's largest film industry. ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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243 Chs

Chapter 30: Utterly Useless

Setting out from Santa Monica in Los Angeles and driving twenty or so kilometers west along California State Route 1 brings one to Malibu.

The 1980s marked a peak period for the real estate industry in America, and the scenic Malibu inevitably became a major focus for many real estate firms. It was during this period that numerous luxury mansions were built along the Malibu coastline, gradually turning this small town into a feng shui hotspot teeming with Hollywood megastars and celebrities.

However, in 1986, Malibu had not yet been officially recognized as a city under Los Angeles County. Stretching from Santa Monica in the east to Ventura in the west, the entire Malibu area, with its lengthy 40-kilometer coastline, had a population of less than 8,000 permanent residents.

Located right in the center of the Malibu area was the famous Point Dume State Park. Perched atop the sea cliffs on both sides of Point Dume were some of the most luxurious ocean-view mansions in the region.

It was past 11 PM, and lights were still on in a cliffside villa on the eastern side of Point Dume State Park.

Having just returned from a party in the city, Janet Johnston comfortably soaked in a bath and, wearing a light robe, stepped out of the bathroom.

In the living room, Katherine was still dressed in the shirt and trousers she wore to the party, sitting on the sofa reviewing the new budget for "Night of the Blood Dead." Due to the worsening financial situation of the film's backers, the budget had been reduced from six million to five million dollars. Katherine had just received the new budget at the party that evening and was now frowning over it.

Janet, seeing Katherine on the sofa, instinctively straightened her back, exuding a calm and restrained aura, and subconsciously lightened her footsteps.

Moving cat-like to Katherine's side, Janet was about to wrap her arms around the woman's waist when Katherine turned her head and gave her a resigned look. Janet giggled, seemingly unphased by being caught in her playful act, and sat down ungracefully beside Katherine.

Playing with a strand of Katherine's hair, Janet said, "Kate, I really don't like that guy. Can you please not deal with him anymore?"

Katherine flipped another page of the budget, replying, "Jim is a nice person, and besides, we're just friends."

Janet pouted, "Do you think I'm blind? At tonight's party, it was obvious to anyone that he was courting you. And the worst part is, he's married."

Hearing this, Katherine paused, her gaze still on the budget but drifting slightly. After a moment, she softly said, "Janet, I understand."

Sensing Katherine's suddenly somber mood, Janet shifted her body, leaning down and eventually lying with her head on Katherine's lap, looking up at her and saying, "Kate, it's not bad just the two of us living together like this. We don't need a man at all."

Katherine moved the budget aside, a smile forming on her face, "Janet, you're talking nonsense again."

"Not at all," Janet pressed her cheek against Katherine, asserting, "I'm seriously confessing to you here. If you don't agree, I'll be heartbroken."

Katherine gently touched Janet's pale cheek, replying, "If you're heartbroken, then go to sleep. You'll feel better after some rest."

"Woe, you heartless woman, I hate you."

Watching Janet nibble on her finger like a mouse, Katherine laughed, "Have you never thought about finding a boyfriend?"

"My standards are too high. I can't find anyone."

Katherine grew curious, "I've never actually known what your standards for a boyfriend are. What are they?"

"Hmm," Janet pondered, then listed, "First, he must be handsome because an unattractive boyfriend is really depressing. Second, he must be younger than me, even eighteen would do; I don't want to age alongside someone—that's too terrifying. Third, he can't be too normal; it's best if he's crazier than me. In movies, one crazy character is sure to get killed off, but two can destroy the world. Lastly, to destroy the world, his talents must be just a bit higher than mine."

As Janet playfully continued, Katherine's smile deepened, and when Janet finished, she said, "I think I know someone like that. He seems tailor-made for you by God."

"Simon Westeros?" Janet rolled her eyes, "Pfft, definitely not."

Katherine still smiling, countered, "Simon fits all four of your criteria perfectly. How could he not?"

"He's too mature, lacks sharpness," Janet's slender fingers drew circles in the air, "He even claims to come from a mental institution

. I think it's more like a nursing home. Plus, he's too soft. I even doubt he's ever been in a fight. I don't want a boyfriend who's younger than me but treats me like he's older."

Katherine, recalling her interactions with Simon, couldn't help but retort, "Simon is a gentleman, not without a temper. And isn't that a good thing? Do you really want a boyfriend who hits you?"

"Of course," Janet nodded earnestly, with a hopelessly expectant look, "As long as he truly loves me, it's okay if he's a bit violent once or twice a month."

Katherine felt flustered, countering weakly, "People who really love each other don't hurt one another."

Janet quickly responded, "That's not true. Only two people who have completely lost all feelings for each other would disdain to hurt one another."

"Alright," Katherine conceded defeat, shaking her head, "I should stop talking to you. If we keep this up, you might warp my worldview."

Janet giggled triumphantly, then suddenly grabbed Katherine's hand with a serious expression, "Kate, I'm serious. Being single is one thing, but if you get married, it's not good for a woman to be too strong; otherwise, the outcome can be terrible. Often, you're just too strong."

Katherine listened earnestly, then jokingly pushed Janet, who was still reclining on her lap, "Get up. I don't need relationship advice from someone who's never even been in love."

"That's prejudice," Janet retorted, dissatisfied, "Who says you can't empathize without having been in love? I have deep emotional scars about these things."

Katherine, realizing something, exclaimed, "I suddenly understand why you resist finding a boyfriend. You have traumas, don't you?"

Though she said this, Katherine conscientiously didn't probe further.

Janet suddenly fell silent, her gaze fixed on the expensive crystal chandelier in the living room, its myriad points of light like fragments of memories from the past.

The room quieted for a moment until the telephone suddenly rang.

Janet twisted her body, complaining, "Ugh, how annoying. It's so late. Kate, shall we not answer it?"

Katherine hesitated, then nodded, "Sure, it's probably for you anyway."

Persisting for a moment, Janet finally said, "Alright, alright, hand it to me."

Katherine smiled, picked up the telephone from the coffee table, and handed the receiver to Janet.

However, after just hearing the other side speak, Janet passed the receiver back in frustration, "See, it's for you after all."

Katherine, puzzled about who would be calling her at this time, placed the phone to her ear and responded. As she listened, Janet, initially distracted, noticed Katherine tensing up and immediately sat up, pressing her ear closer.

Before she could hear anything, Katherine already said, "Okay, I'll come right away. UCLA Medical Center, the one on 15th Street, right... Yes, goodbye."

Hanging up the phone, Katherine looked at Janet, whose eyes were filled with concern and curiosity, her expression somewhat cryptic as she said, "Simon got into a fight and was arrested by the police. He's now in the hospital."

Janet blinked, then disdainfully pursed her lips, saying, "Utterly useless."

Despite her words, seeing Katherine getting ready, Janet quickly changed her clothes, and the two women drove together to the UCLA Medical Center in downtown Santa Monica.