
Hunting in Hollywood

A continental director from many years in the future unexpectedly returns to Hollywood in 1986, and so begins his legendary journey to take step-by-step control of the center of the world's largest film industry. ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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Chapter 199: Do You Not Feel Ashamed?

Perhaps due to jet lag, Sophia Fessy had a restless night but felt surprisingly little fatigue come morning.

The anticipated night attack never occurred.

She couldn't tell if she was relieved or disappointed, suspecting it might have been just a prank by Janet.

As dawn broke, the housekeeper got out of bed. After picking out her clothes, she dressed in a slightly professional outfit consisting of a white blouse and black slim-fit trousers. Satisfied with her appearance in the mirror, she left her room.

It was just past six in the morning.

She unexpectedly ran into Simon in the hallway, who was dressed in a black tank top, shorts, and sneakers, apparently heading for a workout. Catching a glimpse of his athletic physique, Sophia couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious, yet she managed to greet him with composed cheerfulness, "Good morning, Simon."

"Morning," Simon replied, somewhat surprised. He eyed her formal attire and joked, "Heading to work?"

Usually talkative, the housekeeper found herself at a loss for words under Simon's gaze.

Noticing her discomfort, Simon quickly added, "You look nice. I actually like the professional look on women."

Sophia finally responded, "Oh, thank you."

Simon smiled and said, "Since you're up, could you help with breakfast? I was planning on being lazy for once."

"Sure," Sophia agreed, following Simon toward the living room, asking, "What do you and Janet like for breakfast?"

"Whatever you find in the kitchen will do. Janet and I aren't picky," Simon said, then playfully added, "Of course, if it's terrible, as your boss, I might have to dock your pay."

After completing a half-hour workout, Simon, having showered and changed, didn't need to prepare breakfast and started reading the newspaper in the living room.

It was August 30th, Tuesday.

The discussion sparked by last week's Forbes list continued. Simon had dinner with Peter Butler last night, and today, the Los Angeles Times published an extensive interview about it.

Additionally, Warner Bros. eagerly announced in today's Hollywood Reporter that they would collaborate with Daenerys Entertainment on projects beyond Batman.

Warner Bros. had begun merger talks with Time Inc. months ago. As a public company, releasing such positive news obviously aimed to boost Warner's stock price.

Seeing today's news, Simon received several exploratory calls from companies like Disney, Fox, and Orion. Having produced six blockbuster films that could enter the annual top ten, Daenerys Entertainment was now a coveted partner for all major studios.

Simon planned to maintain, but not significantly expand, collaborations with the major studios, thus giving noncommittal responses over the phone.

By seven, Sophia had prepared breakfast, and Janet had woken up. They all gathered in the dining room.

Janet, still radiant from a good night's sleep after being 'dealt with' by Simon over Sophia's matter, praised Sophia's carefully prepared cream pancakes, corn sweet soup, and fruit salad, saying, "This is really good, Sophia. I'm tempted to keep you as our personal chef. Simon's breakfasts are nowhere near as good."

Simon glanced at Janet, "As a girlfriend, don't you feel ashamed saying that?"

"Why should I feel ashamed?" Janet responded innocently, blinking.

Simon just rolled his eyes, while Sophia smiled without joining the conversation.

After a few sips of corn sweet soup, Simon discussed business, "There are five of us going to Australia. How are the preparations for the trip?"

Janet nodded, "All set. I've chartered a Boeing 767. If you're not delaying anymore, we can leave tomorrow morning at 7, arriving in Melbourne by 5 pm on September 1st, non-stop."

Simon recalled some data, "A Boeing 767? Are you sure it can make the direct flight to Melbourne?"

"Absolutely. It's a long-range Boeing 767-200ER. With a full load, it has a range of over 12,000 kilometers. For a private flight, it can easily reach 16,000 kilometers, and LA to Melbourne is less than 13,000 kilometers."

Sophia mentioned, "The Boeing 767 is a twin-engine jet, right? Doesn't it have restrictions for extended twin-engine operations?"

Extended twin-engine operation regulations by international civil aviation organizations ensure the safety of twin-engine jets, requiring them to be within 120 minutes of an alternate airport in case one engine fails. This can be challenging for trans-Pacific flights covering thousands of kilometers.

Janet clarified, "Private flights aren't subject to those restrictions."

Simon, somewhat familiar with the topic, didn't dwell on it, instead asking Sophia, "When are you planning to return to Europe?"

Sophia looked at Janet.

Janet explained, "I intercepted a news draft from a nurse at a hospital in Waterville to prevent further gossip. I'm thinking of sending George and Sophia to have some people sign confidentiality agreements."

Simon decided to call Dr. Chapman, who had been supportive during his stay at the Waterville psychiatric hospital, to assist with this task.

If George and Sophia approached Dr. Chapman to sign a confidentiality agreement directly, it could be offensive. However, involving Dr. Chapman in the process meant bringing him onto their side while maintaining goodwill.

Since Janet had already considered this, Simon didn't object.

Despite Janet's usual laid-back demeanor, Simon knew she was smarter and more attentive than most. She had likely already managed this matter efficiently behind the scenes.

Their trip to Australia wasn't just for work. Simon returned to Malibu early in the afternoon to prepare with Janet.

The next morning, they arrived at Los Angeles International Airport at 6 am. By 7, everyone was on board the Boeing 767-200ER, which took off on schedule.

Compared to Simon's Gulfstream IV, which seated only 20, Janet's chartered Boeing 767-200ER had a standard capacity of over 200. However, the leasing company had converted it into a combi aircraft, with a luxurious cabin seating about 30 people at the front and the rest of the space cleared out, significantly reducing the plane's basic weight and maximizing fuel efficiency.

The cabin crew consisted of four pilots and four flight attendants, with Simon's party totaling nine people, including Neil Bennett and Ken Dixon, and five employees from Daenerys Entertainment, including Simon's personal assistant, Jennifer.

In the 1980s, there were no direct commercial flights from Los Angeles to Melbourne. Typically, travelers had to transit through Hawaii and Sydney, a journey that could take over twenty hours.

Since they didn't need to stop, Simon's group expected the trip to take about 16 hours.

Due to the 18-hour time difference between Los Angeles and Melbourne, they departed at 7 am on August 31st, planning to arrive at 5 pm on September 1st local time.

During the 16-hour flight, Simon didn't waste any time.

In the plane's office, Simon was about to review documents for the trip when Jennifer handed him a package that had arrived from San Francisco the previous afternoon.

The package, not a commercial courier but simply labeled with a pen signature "Steve Jobs," contained a videotape and a note.

Simon handed the tape to Jennifer and read the note, which was an invitation from Jobs to discuss Pixar if Simon was interested, followed by a phone number.

Jennifer played the tape, revealing a 3D animation titled "Tin Toy," which had premiered last month before Fox's "Die Hard" and received positive feedback. Jobs' company, NEXT, was struggling, and Pixar was in dire need of shedding its burden. Jobs had acquired Pixar for $10 million, holding a 70% stake, with the rest owned by Pixar employees. Given Pixar's recent software developments like the Randerman rendering tool, its value was estimated at around $20 million.

Simon, aware of Pixar's potential despite its financial struggles, called Jobs without delay. After a brief negotiation, they agreed on a purchase price of $20 million for the entire company, including persuading Pixar employees to relinquish their shares.

Simon's acquisition of Pixar was pragmatic rather than triumphant. Had he not secured the company, he was prepared to undermine it, knowing full well his influence in the industry could easily achieve that.

Acquiring Pixar meant Daenerys Special Effects wouldn't need to develop its rendering system, and Pixar's 3D animation capabilities would complement Daenerys' technology. Most importantly, it included John Lasseter's team, which Simon had considered recruiting.

Historically, Lasseter's loyalty to Jobs after "Tin Toy" won an Oscar and Disney's interest in him was well-documented. However, the reality was less dramatic, with significant delays and challenges in Pixar's projects. Simon believed he could easily attract Lasseter to Daenerys Entertainment, especially now that he owned Pixar, making further recruitment efforts unnecessary.


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